Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3053: Offend to death


The purple Manluo shrank into a ball and hit the edge of the ring.

Rolled a dozen times on the ground and hit the sky blue shield before stopping.


She convulsed in pain, black blood spurted out of her mouth and nose, and her spirit was very withered.

She was hit by the dragon elephant fist head-on, and she almost fell to pieces and died on the spot.

It's like an ant being crushed by a boulder!

The strength of Ji Tianxing and the violent power of Longxiang Shenquan are far beyond her imagination!

Fortunately, she had long been mentally prepared, knowing that she was not Ji Tianxing's opponent, so she had no desire to win.

She wore two divine armors and protected herself extremely well. She only asked for the secret of the magical power of the word ‘flam’ to complete the task.

Now, she got her wish.

It not only displayed the secret of Yanzi magical powers, but also saved his life and the foundation of God's way.

No loss for this wave!

While lying on the ground twitching, she secretly felt lucky.

"Fortunately, I was witty and wore two sets of divine armor in advance, otherwise the divine body would have collapsed and the divine personality would be severely damaged.

This thought flashed in her mind, and she suddenly realized that Ji Tianxing was about to raise his hand to cast a spell again.

If she were to be punched again, even if she had two armors, she would not escape death.

She suddenly panicked and hurriedly shouted "I admit defeat!"

At the moment when these three words sounded, a phantom dragon like a large mountain was lifting its four hooves and stepping on it.

The huge hoof, which was solid and solid, just hit the top of her head.

A little bit later, she will be trampled into meat sauce by the shadow of the dragon elephant!

Fortunately, the dragon elephant phantom stopped in mid-air, only three feet away from her.

"Hoo... so risky!"

Zi Manluo let out a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart finally fell.


An invisible mighty power suddenly descended and hit her severely.


Zi Manluo suddenly collapsed, shattered into a dozen pieces of dregs, and blood was spilled on the ground.

Even her godhead was severely damaged and passed out on the spot.

Seeing this scene, nearly a million protoss people on the square exclaimed.

Countless people were full of amazement, whispering to talk.

Of course, ordinary people can't see the clues, but feel sorry for Zi Manluo's defeat.

But on the east side viewing platform, even the prince frowned fiercely, his face darkened on the spot.

The other two young geniuses also changed drastically, and their eyes filled with anger.

"Asshole! You despicable, cruel and vicious!"

"Bastard thing! Zi Manluo has already given up, why do you want to kill them all?"

Ordinary people can't see it, but they can see it clearly.

The Dragon Elephant phantom did not touch Zi Manluo, but there was an invisible power that crushed Zi Manluo's body!

Even the prince was hindered by his identity, so it was difficult to expose it on the spot.

The two young geniuses are inextricably good friends with Zi Manluo, and of course they have to avenge her.

Hearing their shouts, many dignitaries and strong men realized this.

When everyone recalled the previous scenes, they all understood the whole story.

Countless people looked at the ceremony table to see how the two princes dealt with it.

The second prince frowned, and thought to himself, "Tian Xing is also cruel enough to destroy Zi Manluo's divine body. This is to offend Prince Lian to death!

However, this kid really appreciates his behavior.

Anyway, he had forged a death feud with the Prince Lien, and of course he did his best to revenge. "

The third prince was also very worried, and sighed silently, "Oh, this king has always advised him not to be an enemy of Prince Lien.

Now it seems that he didn't listen at all, and instead retaliated even more severely. "

However, it had already happened, and he still had to find a way to deal with it.

So, he looked at Ji Tianxing majesticly, and asked, "Tianxing, someone accused you of violating the rules of the ring. After Zi Manluo gave up, he severely injured her.

How do you explain this matter? "

Ji Tianxing has already retracted the phantom of the dragon elephant, with his hands behind him, and replied indifferently, "This is not accusation, but slander!

This gentleman strictly abides by the rules of the ring. How can there be any fouls? "

The third prince said blankly, "The rules of the Grand Competition are that no external force is allowed and no one is allowed to die.

Zi Manluo was severely injured by you, his body was destroyed, but he was not killed.

With that said, you really did not foul.

But the problem is that after Zimanluo gave up, he was still injured by you. "

Ji Tianxing once again explained, "Everyone can see that when Zi Manluo shouted to admit defeat, the monarch had already stopped.

As for the invisible divine power that destroys her divine body, it is the stamina of this magical power, an inevitable explosion.

My master's cultivation base is not enough, and he can't move freely at present, which makes everyone laugh. "

As soon as this statement came out, many people, dignitaries, and powerful people died down and stopped being held accountable.

But how can even the two young geniuses around the prince believe his remarks?

"You fart! It is clear that you secretly used a trick to injure Zi Manluo on purpose!"

"Tian Xing! You have to turn black and white, don't try to get through!"

The two men were filled with righteous indignation and sternly accused Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing looked at them with an indifferent expression, and said, "The arena competition, the sword has no eyes, the monarch did not kill her, he is already merciful.

Since she dared to take the stage, she must be prepared to be hit hard.

Blame her for being too self-reliant and failing to admit defeat in time.

How could she end up like this if she conceded directly like the previous ones? "

After speaking, he added with a sneer.

"By the way, I will challenge you both next.

If you don't want to end up like Zimanluo, give up now! "

Hearing these words, the two young geniuses suddenly became angry and furious.

But in the eyes of others, what Ji Tianxing said is not unreasonable.

Especially the four young geniuses who gave up their defeat, all nodded in agreement, feeling deeply grateful.

"Fortunately, I was smart and gave in."

"Face is important, but life is more important!"

"Purple Manluo is a living example. Whoever dares to laugh at us and surrender will be an idiot!"

Seeing that, the two young geniuses jumped with anger and insisted that Ji Tianxing avenge his personal revenge.

The third prince had to come forward and announced the result with a majestic expression.

"Please be quiet! This king, as the host and supervisor of this ceremony~www.wuxiaspot.com~, hereby announces the results of the processing.

Tian Xing did not violate the rules of the Arena, and his words and deeds did not go beyond the distance.

The challenge continues, and those who participate in the next battle must be careful. "

On the surface, the three princes dealt with problems impartially and impartially.

But in fact, he was helping Ji Tianxing to excuse him.

The two young geniuses were dissatisfied, but they couldn't help the third prince, so they turned to Prince Lien for help.

Even the prince had a dark face and gloomy eyes.

After listening carefully, the two young geniuses nodded and obeyed.

When I looked at Ji Tianxing again, his eyes had become spiteful and fierce, full of murderous aura.

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