Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3054: Death Star Slash

The two young geniuses died down.

The third prince has announced the result of the treatment, and they can no longer bother and make trouble.

The two had to fly onto the ring and take away the scattered pieces of flesh and blood and Zi Manluo's godhead.

Even the prince told them and the changes in their eyes fell in Ji Tianxing's eyes.

Although, this is just a tiny detail.

But Ji Tianxing keenly noticed that the eyes of the two young geniuses changed.

Even the prince must have told something!

In this arena competition, even the prince is not willing to be lonely, he must be playing some tricks and conspiracy!

Soon, the square and the stands became quiet.

The challenge continues.

Ji Tianxing looked at the two young geniuses with cold eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Shi Yunxiao, Zuo Tianqi, who of you will come first?"

The two were named, but they were not eager to challenge the stage.

Looking at each other, their expressions are very solemn and their eyes are very complicated.

"Yunxiao, you go up first!"

"No! Brother Tianqi, let's go on stage first!

As long as you can complete the task, I can deal with the aftermath! "

"Yunxiao! You...are you really thinking about it?" Zuo Tianqi looked at Shi Yunxiao very moved, his heart and hands trembling.

Shi Yunxiao nodded solemnly, saying, "Brother Tianqi, you and I must sacrifice one person to complete the Lord's orders.

You have a family and clan, but I am alone.

Therefore, it is most suitable for me to go to the queen! "

Zuo Tianqi's eye sockets were a little red, and his heart was heavy, and his voice choked, "Yunxiao, your friendship, I will remember it in my life!"

"That's enough." Shi Yunxiao nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder, "Brother Tian Qi, go!"

Zuo Tianqi didn't say anything any more, and nodded heavily.

Then, he turned around and flew across the sky and landed on the ring.


Zuo Tianqi stood still on the ring, separated from Ji Tianxing by a thousand feet, and confronted him murderously.

He was full of purple light flashing, put on a set of dark purple armor, holding a purple black epee, and staring at Ji Tianxing.

"Boy! You are cruel, cruel, arrogant, and despicable!"

Zuo Tianqi glared at Ji Tianxing, and said fiercely, "Now in this battle, you no longer challenge me, but I avenge you!

I want to avenge Zimanluo and kill you bastard! "

Zuo Tianqi cursed with righteous indignation, his whole body burst out with murderous aura, and the blood was lingering.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and a playful sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "So, you are going to duel with this monarch in public, regardless of life or death?"

"..." Zuo Tianqi frowned fiercely, and quickly shut up.

Ji Tianxing continued, "Okay, this gentleman gives you this opportunity!

Do you want to avenge Zimanluo?

Now you set up a state of life and death in public as evidence! "

"You..." Zuo Tianqi's eyebrows were irritated, his face was blue and white, and his eyes were extremely shameful and angry.

He was just talking about it, but he didn't think about standing up.

If you really want to fight Ji Tianxing with life and death, then he is looking for death.

His fate is definitely ten times worse than Purple Manluo!

But Ji Tianxing grabbed his words and looked at him contemptuously, making him unable to get off the stage.

What can he do?

Can't you swallow what you just said back in your stomach?

"Zuo Tianqi, what are you doing in a daze?"

Seeing him standing still, Ji Tianxing sneered and said, "Didn't he be filled with righteous indignation and blood boiled? Now he is going to be a turtle?"

"Roar! You're looking for death!" Zuo Tianqi could no longer hold back his murderous intent, and swung his sword towards Ji Tianxing with a roar.

"Tiansha Death Star Slash!"

Zuo Tianqi roared, holding the purple-black epee in both hands, dancing wildly at all costs, sprinkling the black and purple sword light that covered the sky.

At this moment, he burned his own blood, stimulated his potential with a secret method, and exploded three times the fighting power.

The entire arena space was filled with hundreds of millions of purple and black divine flames, filled with an extremely cold death breath.

Thousands of purple and black sword lights, like the death blade of the Netherworld, turned into a violent hurricane, covering Ji Tianxing's figure.

Such a gorgeous and gorgeous scene.

The countless people of the Protoss in the square were dazzled, showing a strong expression of surprise.

Many people expressed emotion and wonder.

"Oh my God! What a gorgeous magic, what a powerful and terrifying death spirit!"

"I always thought that gray and cold represent death. I didn't expect death to be so beautiful!"

"Zuo Tianqi's strength and background are stronger than Wangcheng Ten Jie, and his understanding of magical powers and secrets is even more profound!"

"If Tianxing can easily dissolve such a powerful magical power and secret skills, then he is the strongest person who deserves it!"

"Either Tian Xing was severely injured, or Zuo Tianqi's magical technique was defeated, wait and see!"

Under the gaze of millions of people.

Ji Tianxing was in the boundless realm of death, and he raised his palms unhurriedly and faced the overwhelming Death Blade.

"Breaking the sky!"

"Tianlong Palm!"

A scene that stunned countless people appeared.

Ji Tianxing has one mind and two purposes, using both hands to display different magical powers at the same time!

Holding the finger of the sword in his left hand, he pierced an incomparably bright golden light, like an open sky giant sword tore through the boundless darkness.

The right hand burst out with colorful divine light, fiercely splitting out a huge mountain-like palm shadow, and defeating the sky full of purple and black sword light head on.

Only the loud sounds of "click" and "rumbling" burst out, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

The entire arena shook violently, and the sky blue shield also waved crazily, with layers of ripples.

The light of death that enveloped the world was quickly dissipated by the sacred golden light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The purple and black sword light in the sky was also broken into pieces by the giant palm of the open sky, turning into billions of pieces of debris.

There is no doubt that Zuo Tianqi's magical abilities have been defeated.

He was also pointed by Ji Tianxing, and a huge hole of blood was pierced through his chest, splashing blackish purple blood.

Then, being hit by the edge of the giant open palm, the whole person spurted blood and flew out in embarrassment.

The man was still retreating in mid-air, and the divine body split into two halves with a blood line from the middle.


The body that was split in half ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fell from the air on the ring, sprinkled with purple blood, and finally rolled down on the edge of the ring.

The outcome is divided and the result is clear at a glance!

Ji Tianxing was safe and sound, but Zuo Tianqi was miserably defeated and his divine body was destroyed.

Fortunately, his **** body was destroyed, his godhead was severely damaged, and cracks appeared.

He was lucky enough to save his life.

The end of the game is similar to that of Zimanluo, all of whom need to retreat for more than a hundred years before they have a chance to recover.

Soon, clarity was restored on the ring, and the deafening noise disappeared.

Zuo Tianqi's godhead flew out of half of his body, panicking and shouting "I admit defeat!"

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