Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3058: Final ranking

After a long time, everyone's emotions gradually calmed down.

The noise and discussion in the field were much smaller than before.

The challenge continues.

Before True Red appeared on the stage, an aristocratic youth in brocade took the lead to fly into the ring.

Many people recognized him and shouted his name.

"Shang Qi!"

"It's Shang Qi on stage!"

"Sure enough, he is very courageous, he deserves to be a genius who has fought against Tian Xing, but was not injured!"

Yes, that noble young man is Shang Qi.

Before being challenged by Ji Tianxing, he forcibly added a drama to himself, blinding Wu Hundreds and not being condemned and despised.

At this time, Ji Tianxing's challenge was over.

As he preserved his strength and was at his peak, he took the stage with confidence.

He stood on the ring, and clicked the names of a few geniuses with a high spirit.

"My Lord wants to challenge Gu Chunfeng, She Yuanlong, Qin Yu, Zhenhong, Zimanluo, Shi Yunxiao and Zuo Tianqi!"

The top nine geniuses, except for Ji Tianxing, were all challenged by him.

The third prince announced loudly: "Because Shi Yunxiao blew himself to death, Zuo Tianqi and Zi Manluo were seriously injured and retired, so Shang Qi won without a fight and won three games in a row!"

This result sounds shocking, but it is in everyone's expectations.

Everyone knows that it is the credit of Ji Tianxing.

If he hadn't defeated the three, how could Shang Qi find this cheap?

After three consecutive victories, Shang Qi began to compete with Gu Chunfeng.

Gu Chunfeng has the same realm of strength as his, but the difference lies in his background and magical skills.

The two fought for a quarter of an hour in the ring, fighting more than 300 strokes, and both suffered some minor injuries before the winner was determined.

As a result, Gu Chunfeng was defeated and Shang Qi won four consecutive victories.

Next, She Yuanlong stepped onto the ring again and competed with Shang Qi on the spot.

Originally, She Yuanlong's strength foundation was slightly weaker than Shang Qi.

However, Shang Qi just had a fight, his divine power was consumed quite a lot, and he was still wounded.

The two fought for thousands of moves, and Shang Qicai could beat She Yuanlong and won five consecutive victories.

Before Shang Qi could heal and rest, Qin Yu boarded the ring again.

At this time, Shang Qi looked a little embarrassed, panting violently.

His strength is only about 70%, and his combat effectiveness has dropped drastically.

Although, Qin Yu's strength was slightly weaker than him.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Yu is not his opponent.

But now, Shang Qi's condition is not good, and he can't beat Qin Yu at all.

Knowing this result in his heart, Shang Qi no longer wasted his efforts, and directly announced that he had given up.

In this way, Qin Yubai picked up a victory.

Shang Qi also got half an hour's rest.

Taking this opportunity, he hurriedly took Shen Dan to suppress his injuries and restore his supernatural power.

After half an hour, his condition recovered a lot, and he continued to challenge Real Red.

This was Zhen Hong's first challenge, but it was Shang Qi's last battle.

Everyone expected that this must be a wonderful match.

as predicted.

In the arena, the two showed their great talents and used various gorgeous and powerful magical skills.

Although, they only played more than forty strokes, and then the winner was determined.

But every one of the moves is extremely gorgeous and gorgeous, making millions of protoss flickering and emotional.

In particular, the dragon clan's fascination performed by True Red is even more gorgeous, traversing the sky, and extremely powerful.

But it's a pity.

The final result was not satisfactory.

Even if she used her hole cards to enter a violent state and become a dragon **** with a height of hundreds of meters, she could not defeat Shang Qi.

After all, she was still the next **** a few days ago.

After breaking through the mid-level god, he only mastered the dragon clan's unique knowledge not long ago, and he was not as proficient and freely applicable.

However, Shang Qi reached the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm as early as twenty years ago.

Three hundred years ago, he broke through the four levels of the gods and became the middle gods.

In contrast, Shang Qi has a more solid foundation of strength and richer combat experience.

The use of all kinds of magical powers and secret skills is also more fascinating!

It's not injustice to truly lose.

Of course, in fact, she still kept the two trump cards and hesitated for a long time without using them.

If you use those two tricks, you can definitely defeat Shang Qi.

However, the cost of performing those two tricks is too great.

Even if she wins against Shang Qi, she herself will be hit hard.

Next, facing Gu Chunfeng, She Yuanlong, Qin Yu and others, they must be miserably defeated.

After weighing it repeatedly, Zhenhong chose to save his strength and surrender to Shang Qi.

At the end of the fight, the three princes announced Shang Qi's record.

Six wins and one loss!

In addition, he was challenged by Ji Tianxing and conceded in public, which was six wins and two losses.

This record is already very proud, second only to Ji Tianxing's seven consecutive victories.

Subsequently, Zhenhong took the stage to challenge.

There are six targets she challenged, Gu Chunfeng, She Yuanlong, Qin Yu and Zi Manluo.

Ji Tianxing, she will definitely not challenge.

Shang Qi, she has been defeated, and there is no need to challenge.

The three princes announced that True Red will automatically win three straight.

Her challenge goal is only Gu Chunfeng three people left.

Opponents stepped onto the stage and fought her in the ring.

In the first game, she defeated Gu Chunfeng with nine tricks of the dragon clan.

In the second game, she defeated She Yuanlong with eight skills.

The third...

Qin Yu's strength is well preserved, and his condition is quite good.

It took a hundred breaths of time for True Red ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to use twelve tricks of the dragon clan's stunts to narrowly defeat Qin Yu.

The challenge that belongs to her is over.

The third prince announced her record, also six wins and two losses!

Upon hearing this result, the audience cheered and exclaimed again and again.

Countless people are shocked, incredible.

Before this ceremony of the blood of God, she was the captain of the unknown maid.

But now, she is the most highly anticipated top genius, almost on par with Shang Qi!

After today, her fame and deeds will surely spread out of the royal city and circulate in the blood flame god!

Although, the challenge will continue.

But the limelight has been robbed by Ji Tianxing, Shang Qi and Zhenhong.

Even if the three of Gu Chunfeng and She Yuanlong took the stage to compete, it did not cause much disturbance.

After an hour, the challenge was all over.

The third prince and the second prince announced the final ranking in public.

"This ceremony of the Divine Blood Ceremony has come to a successful conclusion.

In this arena competition, everyone witnessed the wonderful competition and witnessed the birth of miracles.

Our Blood Flame God Country, being able to emerge so many talented geniuses, is really the blessing of the God Country, the blessing of all people! "

"This king now announces the final ranking of the Arena!

The first place is the strongest who won seven consecutive victories, Tianxing!

Second place, Shang Qi, who won six wins and two losses!

The third place, turned out to be the proud girl of heaven, is also a red with six wins and two losses!

Fourth place, Qin Yu

Fifth place, Gu Chunfeng

Sixth place, She Yuanlong

Seventh place..."

The last three places are of course Zi Manluo, Shi Yunxiao and Zuo Tianqi.

After all, their fate was the most miserable, with two serious injuries and one death.


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