Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3059: Great opportunity

The final ranking does not mean the end of the Divine Blood Ceremony.

Not only that, but the most sacred and most exciting moment has arrived!

Holding the oracle issued by the monarch, the third prince announced with a majestic expression: "The Kingdom of God has never hesitated to reward and cultivate outstanding geniuses.

Young geniuses who have entered the top ten are not only qualified to enter the blood flame secret realm and receive the baptism of the blood flame tree.

The royal family also took out resources and treasures worth nearly 100 billion yuan from the treasure house, and rewarded ten young geniuses for commendation and encouragement. "

Then, he read out the top ten award list in public.

The tenth place has the least reward, and the first place has the most amazing reward.

The tenth-ranked Yanlang youth only got the resources of 2 billion sacred stones.

Gu Chunfeng, ranked fifth, received tens of billions of resources and two sets of artifact armor.

The third place, True Red, not only got the training resources of 20 billion sacred stones, but also a set of armor and a magic sword.

As for Ji Tianxing, he received 30 billion resources, plus six artifacts of the highest grade of Jun-level!

Such a generous reward caused the audience to cheer and scream, and countless people were jealous with envy.

Soon, the two commanders of the Forbidden Army boarded the ceremony stage holding the golden treasure chest.

The two princes opened the treasure chest, took out ten rings in turn, and rewarded them to Ji Tianxing and others.

The atmosphere in the square immediately reached its peak.

Millions of gods are caring enthusiastically, discussing and marveling emotionally.

Zhen Hong was also excited and couldn't restrain herself, and was extremely grateful to Ji Tianxing.

She confessed that she had never seen so many sacred stones, pills and resources when she grew up.

If it hadn't been for Ji Tianxing to reinvent her, she might not have had the opportunity in her life to have such a huge amount of wealth.

She held the ring in both hands and kissed excitedly.

Then, he gave the ring to Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and Ning Siyuan both froze for a while, not knowing what they meant.

Zhen Hong quickly explained: "My son, regardless of honor or reward, you give everything to me.

Please accept this reward, otherwise I will feel uneasy. "

She had a simple mind, was able to awaken the Dragon God bloodline, obtained such a privilege, and was qualified to receive the baptism of the sacred tree.

She would never dare to monopolize such a generous reward.

Knowing her intentions, Ji Tianxing smiled and calmed down: "For me, the resources and artifacts of more than 20 billion won't have much effect.

But as far as you are concerned, you have only recently awakened your blood, and you are in urgent need of long-term retreat for cultivation, most of which is when you need cultivation resources.

Therefore, these rewards are most suitable for you to keep. "

Ji Tianxing has always had no shortage of cultivation resources, and there are 30 billion divine stones and various resources stored in the space ring.

Moreover, there are five elements in the Budzi Bead, which can continuously produce source stones.

Coupled with the 30-billion-plus rewards he just received, he will not be short of training resources for many years.

What he really lacks is a **** of the level like the blood flame tree!

Zhenhong still insisted on giving Ji Tianxing the reward.

Ning Siyuan also began to persuade her, and she gradually dispelled her thoughts, and took the divine vow in a nervous state.


The rewards have been distributed.

Only the first few geniuses stayed, and later entered the blood flame secret realm to receive the baptism of the sacred tree.

It's time for everyone else to leave.

Not only the millions of Protoss on the square, but also the countless dignitaries and powerful men on the four viewing platforms, all got up and left.

After all, the Blood Flame Secret Realm is a forbidden place and cannot be entered without the permission of the monarch.

No one knew what happened to these geniuses in the secret realm!

On the way out of the square, countless people of the Protoss still whispered to each other, reminiscing about the wonderful battle before.

An hour later, the huge and crowded crowd gradually left the square and merged into the entire royal city.

At this time, the two princes took Ji Tianxing and others and flew towards the northern palace.

The crowd flew across the sky mightily, and soon entered the palace, landing outside the hall of prayer.

The hall of prayer of the soul of black brick and red tiles, covering an area of ​​over a thousand meters, is very tall and majestic.

But its aura is too solemn, which makes people feel heavy and depressed.

Compared with the surrounding magnificent palaces, it is quite out of place.

On weekdays, the Hall of Prayer for Souls is closed for a long time.

It will only be opened when major priests are held and the ceremony of the blood of the gods is held.

Because, the entrance of the blood flame secret realm is in the depths of the hall of prayer.

The main hall was guarded by heavy soldiers, and there were secret guards hidden in the ground and in the palace.

More than that, the Hall of Prayer for Souls has also arranged many top **** formations with very strong defenses.

After everyone arrived, they stood on the square outside the main hall.

Ji Tianxing, Zhen Hong and others waited patiently. The two princes entered the hall and handed over with the guards guarding the hall.

No way, the eight hundred guards guarding the Hall of Praying for Souls, and the great leader Dark Moon at the head, are all under the direct control of the monarch.

Even the two princes have no right to order these guards and Darkmoon leaders.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, Ji Tianxing secretly observed the deployment of the Hall of Prayer for Souls, and firmly remembered the location of the secret whistle and the distribution of the defense formation.

Because his long-planned plan will soon be realized!

Since he was in Tianxue County City and learned of the Blood Flame God Tree ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he has made up his mind.

He wants to do a big thing!

A shocking event that shocked the blood flame **** kingdom!

In the previous month, everything he did was to pave the way for today!

The closer he is to success, the more he anticipates and desires in his heart.

But he is not anxious, but more calm and calm, step by step.

Shang Qi, Zhen Hong and others did not know that Ji Tianxing had any thoughts.

Everyone was full of joy and expectation, and looked at the Hall of Prayer for Souls with curiosity.

Feeling the solemn atmosphere in the palace, everyone stood honestly, afraid to walk around and make noise at will.

Occasionally communicate by voice transmission to share inner joy and longing.

Their concerns are focused on issues such as ‘what does the blood flame tree look like’, ‘is it dangerous in the secret realm,’ and ‘how do we receive the baptism of the sacred tree’.

They simply cannot imagine that the indifferent and low-key strongest person around him will soon explode the royal city and become the public enemy of the Kingdom of Blood Flame!

After a while.

After the two princes negotiated with the leader of Dark Moon, they returned to the square.

"Everyone, please keep quiet, arrange the team according to the ranking, and follow this king into the hall."

The third prince waved for everyone to be quiet, and said with a solemn expression: "After entering the Hall of Praying for Souls, you must not look around, let alone walk around at will.

Don't ask what shouldn't be asked, and never touch what shouldn't be touched.

This king will take you into the secret realm, arrange a position for you, and wait for the baptism of the sacred tree.

This is a great opportunity, but you only have three days. You must take advantage of it. If you miss it, you will regret it for life! "

After listening, several young geniuses nodded to express their understanding.

The third prince smiled satisfied and led everyone into the hall.


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