Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3066: The truth and the final choice

Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared.

At the beginning, he robbed Xuanguang Cave in Qingshan City, destroyed the City Lord's Mansion, and helped Qi Tianlong become the City Lord.

It is estimated that the monarch has noticed him since then.

Later, he killed the Tianfeng Princess and destroyed the Blood Sword Sect.

The monarch must be aware of this series of amazing events.

When he came to the royal city, he walked very close to the second and third princes, and continued to fight with the fifth prince, and he was still fighting in Westwind Town.

Such news and inside information must not be hidden from the monarch.

Ji Tianxing guessed that with the wisdom of the monarch and the city, he would definitely be able to guess his motives.

as predicted.

At the critical moment when he snatched the sacred tree, the monarch personally took action.

"Since you have told me frankly, then I have nothing to say."

Ji Tianxing looked at the monarch indifferently, and said with a sneer: "Which prince you are willing to pass on, that is your business, I don't care, and I don't want to care.

I also don't care about the wealth and status of the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

Only this sacred tree of blood flame can arouse my interest, I am going to make it! "

"Haha..." The monarch looked down at him and sneered proudly: "This monarch believes that with your talent and aptitude, you really look down on other things, just want to **** the sacred tree.

But over the past ten thousand years, I don't know how many high-ranking gods have deliberately wanted to take away the tree.

In the end, they all fell short, and even died on the spot.

You are no exception, today is your death date! "

Ji Tianxing ignored the sacred tree for the time being, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his hand, pointing at the monarch, and coldly shouted: "What nonsense is that? Come here!"

"Oh? Are you so anxious to die?" The monarch raised his brows, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"My Lord is a person who cherishes his talents and loves his talents. Otherwise, if you committed a heinous crime in the first place, this gentleman will not turn a deaf ear to it.

Your talent is outstanding and your aptitude is superb, and the Kingdom of God is now again when it comes to employing people.

As long as you are willing to surrender and be loyal to you.

Then I will consider letting you live, how about? "

"Haha... do you think it's possible?" Ji Tianxing sneered similarly.

The monarch frowned and said, "Although I am mentally prepared, I am disappointed to hear you answer this way!"

Ji Tianxing still sneered, and asked: "Aren't you going to abdicate and let the wise men rise to the throne?

From what you mean, it seems that you still have ambitions and want to do something big? "

The monarch made him loyal, and said that the kingdom of God was just in time for employment.

This made Ji Tianxing realize that things are not as simple as the surface.

as predicted.

The monarch pondered for a while before he said in a deep voice: "There are only you and me in the secret realm. It doesn't matter if the monarch tells you the truth.

This monarch has always been a talented man with a broad mind.

It's just that you just arrived here and don't understand it.

Moreover, this monarch is now at the peak of spring and autumn, and it is the best time to open up the frontiers.

The three princes are still too young and too immature to take on the great responsibilities. How can this lord feel relieved to hand over the kingdom of God to them? "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Now the Great Yan Empire is peaceful, and there are no wars among the great kingdoms. How can you have a chance to expand?

Unless... even the Prince has any conspiracy and motives, he will deliberately create disputes between the kingdoms of God.

If I guessed correctly, he must have promised you some benefits, and you will be moved by it.

Only when you cooperate with him can you have the opportunity to make contributions and expand your territory.

But even the prince has conditions, that is, let you make the fifth prince a prince.

Thinking of not abdicating for the time being, you agreed to his terms, right? "

After listening to Ji Tianxing's speculation, the monarch frowned, his eyes slightly narrowed, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

"Boy, what exactly did you use to investigate my secret?"

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing's speculation is correct.

The monarch thought he kept it secret, and almost no one knew such secrets.

But Ji Tian's actions were conclusive, and he said as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

He really couldn't understand, how did the news leak out?

What method did Ji Tianxing use to find out his secrets?

"Ha ha ha... I guess I was right!" Ji Tianxing smiled more playfully and explained: "You don't have to worry, I haven't investigated this matter.

After all, I have no foundation in the Kingdom of Blood Flame, how can I have the power to investigate your secrets?

I just rely on wisdom and instinct to make bold speculations. "

After a pause, he asked again: "By the way, if I am not loyal to you anyway, I will be killed by you.

Why don't you just be generous and tell me the truth and answer!

You and Prince Lien secretly cooperate, I think I can understand, all for their own benefit.

But even the prince and the five princes are very different in status, how did they achieve cooperation? "

The monarch frowned, and said in a cold tone: "Although I like smart people, I really hate a smart and unruly person like you!"

"Hahaha..." Ji Tianxing raised his head and laughed: "You think I hate it, but you don't know what to do, you are not sure to surrender me!

As a monarch, can't you be domineering and generous?

Without the self-confidence and domineering of the king~www.wuxiaspot.com~, how can a great event be achieved?

Tell me the answer, at least we can fight clearly, how about? "

The monarch hesitated for a moment before he said in a deep voice, "Okay! This monarch will be kind to you once, let you know clearly!

The mother and concubine of the five princes has a twin sister who is called the Goddess of Red Ling.

She is as beautiful as an immortal, with superb talents, she is a rare daughter of the heavens in thousands of years.

The goddess Chi Ling is the aunt of the five princes, who worshipped Hetian sect many years ago and became the chief disciple with superb qualifications.

Even the prince also practiced in Hetianzong for many years, and fell in love with the goddess Chi Ling, and became a royal couple.

Now, do you understand? "

Only then did Ji Tianxing suddenly realize that he nodded quickly and said: "Between the two of them, it is not an interest transaction, but a family bond. That's why!

Even the prince supported the five princes, on the one hand, he focused on cultivating the nephew.

But on the other hand, I also wanted to push the five princes to the throne and inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame.

At that time, the five princes will be the puppets of the Prince Lien, and the Kingdom of Blood and Flame will be the henchmen of the Prince Lien! "

"Haha..." The monarch looked cold and sneered, "Don't say anything so bad. Although Xiaowu is not a climate, but the monarch is still in power, how can the Kingdom of Blood and Flame be reduced to a puppet?"

Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "This is not true! The relationship between you and Prince Lien is not only a cooperative relationship, but also a game.

Who can have the last laugh, not necessarily.

At least for now, I am more optimistic about Prince Lien! "

The monarch's face was even darker, and the icy light in his eyes yelled angrily: "Enough! My patience is limited to this, and the top secrets are revealed to you.

Now you have to make the final choice, whether to resist, or to be loyal to the monarch? "


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