Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3067: The monarch regrets it!

"Want to make my allegiance? You are not worthy!"

Ji Tianxing's answer is very concise and powerful.

The patience of the monarch is completely exhausted, and his anger has accumulated to its peak.

With blood and fire in his eyes, he shouted like Hong Zhong: "If this is the case, then you go to die!"

When the voice fell, he waved his palms to display his fascinating skills, creating a mysterious trajectory, forming an unparalleled palm print.


The flames of blood and divine power from all directions gathered in front of him crazily, condensing into a mountain-sized ball of blood.

"The Extreme Shadow Zhengtian!"

The monarch roared, his palms shot out with all his strength, and he blasted towards Ji Tianxing condescendingly.

The **** ball of light that was big in the mountains whistled down like a scorching sun.

The sphere of light is condensed, and the power contained in it is enough to destroy the world.

Seeing this trick, Ji Tianxing became more and more certain that the monarch is also the eightfold strength of the gods.

However, the monarch is at the peak of the eighth realm, and he can break through the nineth realm in just one step!

Faced with such a strong player, fighting in the blood flame secret realm again, the outcome is still unknown.

Ji Tianxing could only go all out and wield the Heaven Burial Sword to perform his kendo skills.

"Daylight sword!"

Holding the sword in both hands, he seemed to slowly stab it out, pouring all his ten successful powers into the divine sword.

Suddenly, a bright and dazzling golden ball of light burst out from the divine sword, blasting toward the group of blood.

When the golden ball of light first appeared, it only had a radius of one hundred feet.

Only not far away, it expanded to a radius of thousands of feet.

When it collided with the blood-colored ball of light, it had expanded to a radius of three thousand feet.

In the next moment, a **** sun and a golden sun blasted fiercely in the sky.


The loud noise that shook the sky and the earth exploded, spreading throughout the blood flame secret realm, echoing through the world for tens of thousands of miles.

The two scorching suns collapsed at the same time, shattered into billions of divine light fragments, splashing in all directions.

However, the golden fragments swirled and flew, and condensed into tens of thousands of sword lights, forming a sword formation with a radius of 2,000 miles.

But the **** light in the sky turned into a shadow of ten thousand gods and launched a siege to Ji Tianxing.

The phantom of each **** is as high as a hundred meters, but the appearance is different.

Some are sacred and majestic, some have evil spirits, some have three heads and six arms, and some are hideous and terrifying in appearance.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing manipulated the Array of Ten Thousand Swords in time, blocking the siege of the ghost ghost with thousands of sword lights.

"Boom bang bang!"

The sword light collided with the phantom of the gods, constantly breaking down and bursting, and there was a series of muffled noises.

Ji Tianxing and the monarch looked at each other, both showing a hint of surprise.

Neither of them expected that the other party's magical skills would have hidden tricks and changes.

On the whole, the two people have basically the same thinking, and the nature of their supernatural skills is very similar.

The only difference is the form of expression.

The muffled sound lasted for a long time before the ghost ghost and sword formation dissipated.

The two were evenly matched, and neither took advantage.

The monarch preemptively drew on the power of the sacred tree of blood flames, condensed nine thousand-meter-long fire dragons, and poured down towards Ji Tianxing.

"Dragon Blood Sky Wrath!"

The nine lifelike blood dragons all opened their teeth and danced their claws, slaughtering Ji Tianxing in a vicious manner, and their power was amazing.

Ji Tianxing didn't avoid it, and urged the Mending Dzi to release a whirlpool of white light, blocking him in front of him.


The nine blood flame dragons rushed down and were all swallowed by the whirlpool of white light and disappeared instantly.

The monarch was taken aback for a moment, his eyes flashed with shock.

"Bastard thing! What kind of skill is he? Can he swallow the monarch's supernatural power?

The power of that magical power just now was enough to destroy one hundred thousand miles of the earth, how could he easily swallow it?

wrong! With his strength, it would never be possible to swallow it easily, it must have been with the help of the power of the artifact! "

Taking advantage of the monarch's consternation, Ji Tianxing once again wielded his sword and performed his utmost knowledge.

"The galaxy is dead!"

For countless years, he has been cultivating the Galaxy Body Refining Art hard, tempering his physical body tens of millions of times before he has today's domineering strength.

The dryness of the galaxy was precisely the magical power he had created when he was cultivating in the galaxy.

With a wave of the Heaven Burial Sword, it cut out a sacred lightsaber that was hundreds of miles long.

In addition, the sacred giant sword drew the power of the stars outside the sky, turning into silver light and fierce.

This sword cut down, as if to cut through the night and cut the galaxy flow!

Feeling the horror of Jianguang's power, the monarch changed his face on the spot and quickly backed away.

While avoiding, he still did not forget to wave his palm to display his mastery, control the blood flame tree and ten **** blood platforms, and help him resist the sword light beheading.

However, one was destroyed by Ji Tianxing.

In the battle just now, two more divine blood platforms were destroyed, which greatly weakened the power of the divine formation.

When the Star Giant Sword slashed in front of him, the monarch was able to condense a blood barrier and stand in front of him.


Another loud thunder blast broke out, shaking a radius of 30,000 miles, making the entire secret realm tremble.

Amid the loud noise, a solid blood-light barrier was smashed to pieces on the spot.

The violent and unmatched power slashed the monarch upside down.

He drew an arc in the night sky and fell a hundred miles away in embarrassment.


The cold and hard black rock land was smashed into a pit of hundreds of feet by him, splashing earth and rocks in the sky.

When the monarch flew out of the pit, he looked even more embarrassed.

Jin Pao was dyed with purple blood, his head covered in unkempt hair, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, this move just cut the galaxy and hurt him.

Without waiting for the monarch's luck to suppress the injury, Ji Tianxing was unforgiving, and was extremely fierce to kill.

"Five-color thunder!"

His left palm shot out a colorful beam of thunder, like a thousand-foot-high light blade, smashing his head towards the monarch.

With his right hand swinging the Heaven Burial Sword, he used a move to punish the gods and pierced the head of the monarch.

Under the two treacherous tricks, the monarch was under tremendous pressure and even felt a crisis of death.

With a solemn expression, he supported his injury, and quickly sacrificed a square gold seal with a dragon and smashed it towards Ji Tianxing.

The golden seal is the king's dragon seal.

It not only represents the highest kingship of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, but also brings together the devout beliefs of hundreds of millions of gods.

This thing is really extraordinary, it instantly changed to the size of a mountain, and it shattered the colorful and brilliant divine thunder.


Amid the loud noise that shook the sky, the colorful **** thunder shattered, shed hundreds of millions of colorful lights.

Long Xi's power has also weakened a bit, and the golden light is much dim.

Then, the sword of the **** of death smashed into the dragon seal and burst into a loud noise.

Long Xi was smashed and flew out, rolling and smashing three hundred miles away.

The monarch was shocked by the terrifying force again, his face became paler, and a blood arrow spouted out of his mouth.

The injury was getting worse, but he felt no pain, only endless humiliation and shock.

"How could this son's strength be so strong? Even Ben Jun is not his opponent?

In just a few months, he has grown to this point?

It's my master's carelessness, it's time to cut the roots long ago!

How can you lead the wolf into the house, let him enter the royal city, and come to the blood flame secret realm? "

At this moment, the monarch really regretted it.


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