Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3091: One more?

What the third prince said just now was the cause and course, and there were still unknown inside stories.

But what Ji Tianxing asked about was the current situation and situation.

This is what everyone is most concerned about, and they all listened with sincerity.

The third prince introduced: "The prince Lian was seriously injured by you, and has not been seen so far.

Even the forces under his command lurked in the royal city and did not take the opportunity to cause chaos.

According to the king’s guess, he may be seriously injured, and he is currently eager to retreat and heal his injuries.

In addition, the Great Yan Empire also received an obituary of the death of the monarch, and the emperor sent a letter to express his condolences.

This shows that Emperor Dayan is also paying attention to this, and even the prince dare not make trouble. "

After a pause, the third prince looked relieved and said: "Two days after the second king returned to the king's city, he can still support his injuries and calm the situation with this king.

After the situation in King City calmed down, it should have come to the time for a contest between us.

However, his injuries suddenly worsened and almost endangered his life.

Since then, he has stayed in the mansion to recuperate and has not appeared so far.

Even the forces under his command did not prevent this king from seizing power, and everything went smoothly.

If nothing unexpected happens, this king will be able to control the royal city and court in at most half a month.

After the funeral of the monarch is finished, the king will be able to ascend the throne. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Well, then I'm relieved."

The third prince said with emotion: "Before this, this king had imagined countless times that he could take over the power and succeed the monarch.

But every deduction of this king is extremely thrilling, and it needs to be killed by a sea of ​​blood.

This king never thought that things would go so smoothly and that the position of the king would come so easily.

Even this king feels very dreamy now. "

After speaking, he looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said sincerely: "Tianxing, thank you for all this!

Without your help, this king would never have today.

Even without your help, Brother Second King would never give up..."

Although he didn't say it clearly, he was very clear in his heart.

The second prince's injury suddenly deteriorated, which is the masterpiece of Ji Tianxing.

When fighting a battle, Ji Tianxing quietly released a deadly poison.

The monarch and many powerful people are poisoned, and they are no exception.

Ji Tianxing detonated other people's poison, and then killed the monarch and many powerful men.

And the poison in his body has not attacked so far, also because of Ji Tianxing.

If Ji Tianxing wanted to kill him, it was just a matter of thought.

The second prince was endangered by the poison, of course he understood that this was Ji Tianxing's will.

Ji Tianxing made it clear that he wants to support the third prince as a monarch. If the second prince does not want to die by poison, he can only choose to give in.

Is life important or the position of the monarch important?

The second prince has made a choice, but everyone is tacitly tacitly aware.


Everything that should be discussed is over.

Next, Ji Tianxing began to tell the three princes.

He first performed magical secrets to help the third prince remove the poison from his body and completely solve the hidden danger.

Then, he took out a crystal clear blood-red branch and handed it to the third prince.

"The Blood Flame Secret Realm has been destroyed, and I can't return the sacred tree to you.

There is only this **** Buddha, which is the most precious treasure carried by the monarch, and I will return it to you now. "

The third prince hurriedly took over the Sea of ​​Blood Buddha, rubbing and looking at it in his hands.

"It turns out that this is the legendary Blood Sea Buddha? A top-notch artifact made by the founding king using the first branch of the sacred tree?"

Although he is a prince, he has only heard of the existence of the Blood Sea Buddha, and has never really seen it.

Now that he had obtained this god, he couldn't help but observe it for a long time.

After he put away the sea of ​​blood, Ji Tianxing warned again: "After this incident, the Blood Flame God Congress has been sluggish for many years, and you still need your hard work to govern, diligent and loving the people to recover.

Fortunately, the kingdom of God has accumulated thousands of years of heritage, and it has long been deep enough, even if the **** tree is lost, it will not have much impact.

In addition, you have to consider carefully how to deal with the second prince.

After this failure, he may be completely helpless and will be discouraged in the future.

But with his temperament, he is more likely to be unconvinced and resent you and me.

You must suppress his power, put it under your nose, and never let it develop.

Otherwise, it is asking for trouble, and it will harm him. "

The third prince nodded hurriedly and said, "Thank you for his teaching, this king will remember it in his heart.

The grievances between Emperor Dayan and Prince Lien are the best examples. This king will not repeat the same mistakes. "

The two talked a few more words before they got up to salute and said goodbyes to each other.

The third prince bowed his hands and said: "My son, it is absolutely safe here. You can rest assured that you can recuperate here until you have recovered.

Next, this king has too much work to do, I am afraid there is no time to see you again.

If there are any troubles or inconveniences, you can just tell them through the call, and this king will definitely help. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "That's a lot of work! If you don't know when you can see each other today, I hope you can stick to your original aspirations, so you can continue."

The third prince gave a deep salute, no longer said anything, and turned away.

But when he walked to the door of the secret room, he suddenly remembered something and stopped.

Turning his head and looking back, he showed an inexplicable smile and said to Ji Tianxing: "By the way, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost forgot one thing.

Someone has to come with this king, she is waiting for you in the backyard flower hall.

Of course, you can also choose not to see.

After tonight, she will leave by herself. "

Having said this, the third prince left without looking back.

Only an inexplicable smile and a complex look in his eyes were left.

Silence fell into the secret room.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ji Tianxing.

"Ahem... What are you looking at me doing?" Ji Tianxing pretended to cough, pretending to be dignified: "It's safe here. You should rest here for a while..."

Lin Xue looked at him playfully and waved to interrupt him.

"Boy, don't change the subject in a hurry!

Which woman did you provoke, so that everyone is chasing here? "

Zhen Hong guessed the answer, almost blurted out, but forcibly held back.

Envoy Jin Zuo saw the atmosphere a little embarrassing, and hurriedly rounded it off, saying: "Sect Master, you can't say that about Young Master Tianxing.

With the appearance, talent, talent and temperament of Young Master Tianxing, wherever he goes, he is full of dragons and phoenixes, and of course he will be loved by thousands of women.

Even if there are many women who are infatuated for him, it is human nature.

Besides, maybe that one is just his friend? "

Ji Tianxing glanced at Jin Zuoshi deeply, nodded and said: "Well, Xiao Jin can understand, think thoroughly, and make sense!

In short, each of you pick a secret room to rest. "

After speaking, he ignored Lin Xue's bitter eyes and got up and left the secret room.

Not long after, he walked through the courtyard and came down to the Flower Hall in the dark night.

I saw a slender figure, standing alone in the night, looking at the garden outside the window in a daze.


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