Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3092: Indefinitely

That slender figure in silver armor was not someone else, but Ning Siyuan!

At the beginning, after the competition was over.

When Ji Tianxing, Zhen Hong and others entered the blood flame secret realm, she returned to the Changfeng Academy and waited patiently for news.

But two days later, she did not wait for Ji Tianxing to return.

However, he saw the royal palace activate its defensive formation, and Ji Tianxing confronted the monarch, and was besieged by countless imperial troops and Ouchi masters.

Later, Ji Tianxing broke through the palace formation, slashed through the palace, escaped outside the city and disappeared without a trace.

Since then, Ning Siyuan has been living in worry and anxiety.

She also escaped from the chaotic city, chasing tens of thousands of miles all the way.

However, her strength was low and she was dumped without a trace, and there was no trace of Ji Tianxing and others.

In desperation, she could only return to Wangcheng to wait for news.

Fortunately, the third prince returned to the royal city after half a day.

She dragged her aunt to find the third prince, tirelessly entangled, asking what happened and the whereabouts of Ji Tianxing.

In the end, the third prince could not hold back her persistence.

I can only promise to bring her to Xiefeng City and see Ji Tianxing bye.

At this time, she was already waiting in the flower hall for midnight.

There was some excitement and excitement before, and he had already calmed down.

She was in a daze, and her mind kept flashing through the scenes in Qingshan City and Tianxue County City.

It has only been a few months, and it has changed too much.

Compared with today's surging waves and changing circumstances, she missed the original plain and quiet even more...

Just when she was full of thoughts, she was quite emotional.

Ji Tianxing walked into the Flower Hall, looked at her back, and said, "Sorry, Miss Ning has been waiting for a long time."

Ning Siyuan woke up immediately, suppressed the complex thoughts, and turned to look at Ji Tianxing.

Seeing Ji Tianxing three steps away, as always handsome and mysterious, with a mysterious and introverted temperament, her hanging heart finally fell.

At least, it is the greatest blessing that Ji Tianxing has experienced such a shocking storm and is still safe and sound.

Ning Siyuan bowed slightly and said, "It's great that you have seen Young Master Tianxing, and you are safe."

"Worries you." Ji Tianxing smiled.

Regardless of the distance between the two, or the tone of expression, remain polite and polite.

However, there is an invisible distance.

After a moment of silence, Ning Siyuan asked, "Dare to ask the son, what are your plans next?"

Ji Tianxing didn't conceal it, and answered truthfully: "First recuperate here, then leave the Kingdom of Blood and Flame and head south."

Ning Siyuan frowned slightly, and said with some worry: "Doesn't that mean you have to pass through the Great Yan Empire?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "That's where I am going. There are some things to investigate."

Ning Siyuan guessed something vaguely, and asked, "Did you ask us to help investigate?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly.

Ning Siyuan became more worried, and persuaded: "But you and Prince Lien forged a feud, and then go to the Great Yan Empire, I am afraid it will be very dangerous."

"It's okay." Ji Tianxing shook his head.

"Then... okay." Ning Siyuan stopped persuading, and exhorted: "The Great Yan Empire Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, unlike the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, is located in a corner.

By then, in the Great Yan Empire, you must be careful and not be reckless and impulsive.

No matter how far you go, someone will worry about you. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and thanked him, and then asked: "When do you plan to tell Qi Huizhi?"

Ning Siyuan froze for a moment, and said hesitatingly: "A little more time! When the turmoil of the Kingdom of God is over, and when the Third Highness is free, it will be better to ask him to deal with it."

By then, the third prince was already a monarch.

The monarch’s Jinkouyu said that helping Ning Siyuan and Qi Huanzhi dissolve their marriage contract will not hurt the face of Qi family too much.

Moreover, with the temperament and style of the third prince, he will definitely compensate Qi family heavily.

In this way, Qijia was also comforted and confessed.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Since you are so considerate, then I have nothing to worry about. Thank you for Qi's family here."

"You don't have to be so polite." Ning Siyuan shook his head quickly.

After hesitating for a while, she asked in a somewhat complicated tone: "Dare to ask my son, is it possible to come back in the future?"

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "Who can predict the future?

Maybe I will come back, but it must be thousands or tens of thousands of years away. "

Ning Siyuan's eyes dimmed suddenly, and his heart was inexplicably painful.

But she restrained her emotions and tried to stay calm, and there was no mist in her eyes.

She tried her best to squeeze a smile and said: "That's right! The Kingdom of Blood Flame is a land of bullets after all, and the young man will definitely spread his wings and fly high in the future.

Siyuan would like to wish the son a smooth journey, the nine days of the dragon and the wind and the clouds. "

Ji Tianxing glanced at her and asked, "Thank you Miss Ning, then let's...don't pass it?"

Ning Siyuan was silent for a while before he bowed deeply, and said in a choked voice: "The grace of the son, I will not forget this life, the mountains are high and the river is long, I look forward to seeing you again!"

After that, she resisted the mist in her eyes and walked away with her head down.

When she passed by Ji Tianxing, the sorrow and sorrow in her heart could no longer be restrained, and two crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Ji Tianxing stood there, watching her leave in a hurry.

After a long time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, when her figure disappeared into the night, Ji Tianxing sighed silently.

"Hey... If you were not emotional at the beginning, you won't be so sad now."

In this regard, he is also very helpless, there is no other way but to sigh.

As soon as his voice fell, a faint voice came in his ears.

"You kid is really hypocritical. Since you don't want to see others sad, why did you provoke them?

Besides, she is a girl who can't speak, why don't you take the initiative to take others away? "

Following the voice, a crimson figure carrying a fragrant wind fell beside Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing didn't need to look back, he knew it was Lin Xue.

He gently shook his head and said: "You are biased by what you said. I have never approached her on the initiative, let alone pursued her. How can I provoke it?"

Lin Xue curled her lips and said, "Even if you didn't pursue her, you are too good and too dazzling.

You appeared in front of her, and you helped her, this is slap! "

Ji Tianxing was helpless, "Well, you won."

Lin Xue showed a teasing smile and asked: "You know she is interested in you, why don't you invite her and take her out of the Kingdom of Blood Flame?

Are you afraid that the old lady and the real red girl will be jealous?

Don't worry, my old lady is not such a stingy person.

For a suave kid like you, three wives and four concubines are normal..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Tianxing frowned and gave her an angry look.

"How jealous are you and Zhen Hong? We are just friends! Friends understand?

Don't always talk nonsense, to make people think that we have some unclear relationship. "

Not only was Lin Xue not angry, she took advantage of the trend to stick to him, and she whispered with a charming look: "I don't know what I'm thinking...are you willing?"


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