Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3093: The situation is set

Ji Tianxing stepped back two steps quickly, avoiding Lin Xue.

Staring at her with a serious face, he said solemnly: "You'd better put away this dangerous thought, otherwise my wives will definitely not spare you."

Lin Xue still smiled and said teasingly: "I guessed that you have a wife, but I didn't expect you to confess so soon.

However, if your wives are unhappy, it doesn't mean you will refuse. "

While talking, she slapped up again and stretched out her arms to pull Ji Tianxing's neck.

Ji Tianxing stepped back again, frowning helplessly: "Okay, then I'll make it clear!

I take you as my friend, don't make my mind, otherwise it will be difficult for friends.

Besides, don't you feel bad about eating tender grass like an old cow like you? "

"Huh!" Lin Xue pretended to be angry and coldly snorted, and said angrily: "Speaking of which, it's because I think my mother is too old?

My mother is only over a thousand years old. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of years old, she is still a young child, understand?

Your kid always looks at the gods with the eyes of a layman, why can't you let go? "

Ji Tianxing has no choice but to change the subject: "I think the blood illusion **** is very infatuated with you, why don't you think about him."

"Cut!" Lin Xue rolled her eyes suddenly and said disdainfully: "Even if my old lady gives him a chance, will he dare?

Don't want to break the topic, he and my mother are only friends, and my mother is not interested in him at all.

I just want to eat your tender grass, don't want to escape! "

"..." Ji Tianxing was completely gone.

He felt that if he entangled with Lin Xue, he would definitely be vomiting blood.

Fortunately, Zhen Hong rushed to the Flower Hall in time.

She pretended not to hear Lin Xue's words, saluted the two of them and said respectfully: "My son, everyone is going to rest.

Your injury has not healed, so you should go to retreat as soon as possible.

Zhenhong has cleaned up a secret room, now please go there. "

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing nodded, satisfied with Zhen Hong's timely relief, and led her out of the flower hall.

Lin Xue watched them leave, with a playful smile on her mouth.

However, after Ji Tianxing and Zhen Hong left, she put away her frivolous attitude and her expression returned to normal.

"Maybe the old lady really wronged him? After contacting him for a few days, I really didn't see him overstepping.

But why are those little girls so obsessed with him? "

After murmured a few words to herself, Lin Xue condensed her thoughts and secretly said: "The so-called so-called long time to see people's hearts, it's only a few days, but only a glimpse.

When the old lady observes him for a few years, she will be able to see through the truth! "

After that, Xue Lin proudly raised her chin, turned and disappeared into the darkness.


The next month.

For the Kingdom of Blood Flame, it was a month of intense turbulence and a turning point.

The monarch died and the royal family held a solemn funeral.

The whole kingdom of God was in grief and mourned for several days.

Immediately afterwards, countless court officials and officials in Xinjiang jointly requested the royal family to establish a new monarch as soon as possible.

After all, a country cannot be ruleless for a day.

After weighing it over and over, the royal family agreed to this request and let everyone discuss which one is more appropriate.

Most important officials and officials in Xinjiang expressed their support for the three princes.

Although, there are also a small number of public support for the second prince.

But in the end the minority obeyed the majority, and the royal clan announced that the third prince would succeed the monarch.

In this way, the third prince was saved even as a prince, and became the new monarch.

The new monarch has to choose auspicious days and hold a tedious and solemn ceremony.

After the new king succeeded to the throne, the whole country celebrated for another seven days.

Even His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire also sent a handwritten congratulatory letter and a generous gift.

After the succession of the king was over, the new king issued many edicts.

Most of them are about the dismissal and appointment orders of various counties and cities, replacing many corpse position vegetarian generations, and promoting many capable people and cadres.

This has brought no small impact to the major counties and cities.

However, the overall situation in the Kingdom of God is stable, and even if there are some turmoil and turbulence, it can quickly calm down.

These are all things on the surface.

Secretly, the second prince lost to the third prince, it can be described as depressed to vomit blood.

After all, it was not the third prince who won him, but Ji Tianxing!

He always believed that if it were not for Ji Tianxing's help, the third prince would never be his opponent.

Even if he was eroded by poison and threatened his life, he had to give up his position as a monarch.

But he was still unwilling, and he was very unconvinced with the third prince.

After he recovered his injury, he secretly gathered the forces to fight against the suppression and cleaning of the three princes.

In addition, he also planned to stay away from the royal city and hide to the border of the kingdom of God.

As long as he controls a few counties on the border, he has the power to protect himself and he is also qualified to negotiate with the third prince.

Even when the third prince wants to kill him in the future, he can still become a king by himself.

But it's a pity.

As soon as the second prince’s plan was implemented, it was extinguished by the third prince.

After Ji Tianxing's reminder, the third prince had already deployed secretly.

Some late night.

The key figures under the second prince's command were all swept away.

The third prince took a few confidantes and went to meet the second prince in person.

I don't know what the two brothers talked about in the secret room.

After two hours, the third prince left.

In the court hall the next day, the third prince publicly announced an edict ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to make the third prince the king of peace, and the four cities in the blood-appreciating county as fiefdoms, and exempted one from the death rune, so as to protect life and prosperity.

However, he robbed him of the post of General Hussar, deprived him of all his power, and no longer appointed officials...

When this edict spread throughout the kingdom of God, everyone understood that the expected civil strife would not happen.

The second prince has been defeated.

He was deprived of the right to resist by the third prince, and could only stay in Blood Flame County for the rest of his life, as a carefree and carefree lord.

This is of course the best result for the people of the Kingdom of God.

At this point, the turmoil that lasted for a month finally ended.

Everyone's attention was focused on the dispute between the two princes and the court.

Everyone ignored one person.

The prince who was ordered to guard the kingdom of blood and flames and acted as the mouthpiece of the empire never appeared.

He just disappeared out of thin air, without any sense of existence.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others also recuperated for a month in the courtyard of Xiefeng City.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Jin Zuoshi and others all cured their injuries and reached their peak strength.

The Blood Illusory God Monarch has gained a great deal and is extremely pleasantly surprised.

After Ji Tianxing recovered from his injury, he really fulfilled his promise.

He intercepted a branch of the sacred tree, and used the method of Li Daitao Zheng to help the blood illusion gods reshape the sacred body.

In this way, the blood illusion **** monarch directly reached the eighth level of the **** monarch realm.

He also possesses a body of the best king class, with very powerful strength and defense, and more special effects.

He was very satisfied with this, and he was also grateful to Ji Tianxing, and vowed to follow with all his heart.

As for Ji Tianxing...

His harvest this month is beyond everyone's imagination!


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