Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3094: Set sail

Although, only one month has passed since the outside world.

But Ji Tianxing has been in the twisted time and space of the **** tower for four years and two months.

For the first two years, he has been using exercises to heal his injuries.

It consumes tens of thousands of source stones, a **** pill and resources worth 200 million.

Coupled with his own strong recovery ability, he healed his injuries and returned to his peak state.

Next, he took out a large number of godhead fragments and began to devour and refine.

Among them are not only the monarchs, but also a dozen high-level gods, and many fragments of the gods of the great masters.

A total of more than forty people's godhead fragments, all of which are above the fifth level of the gods.

There are hundreds of laws of the gods in the fragments of the godhead of each strong man.

Ji Tianxing's harvest is amazing.

After refining more than forty pieces of the godhead, he actually deprived 36 kinds of the laws of the gods.

Basically they are the laws of the gods, and there are only a few laws of the gods.

Each law of the gods greatly increased Ji Tianxing's strength.

The number of Shinto laws he possessed has thus reached two hundred and fifty.

The strength is also very close to the sixth layer of the gods.

Next, he took out the sacred tree of blood flame from the sky-filling bead and transplanted it into the twisted time and space.

The huge blood flame tree, standing in the twisted time and space, exudes infinite red light and blood flame.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long, Wushuang and others have all benefited greatly from this, and their strength has been improved much faster.

The blood flame sacred tree was settled, and Ji Tianxing saw a large group of blood flame and divine power in the dzi bead.

That was the power of the sacred tree that he had swallowed with the Sky Bead before he moved away.

As a result, he quickly swallowed the power of those sacred trees and improved his own strength.

This practice took another year.

When he has refined all the power of those **** trees, he will be able to break through to the sixth level of the gods!

Today's combat effectiveness is several times stronger than before!

Ji Tianxing ended his practice contentedly and left the warped time and space.

He meditated in the secret room and adjusted his breath for a day, and then heard a really red sound, ringing outside the secret room.

"Master Qi, everyone has finished their retreat practice, let me invite you out..."

Ji Tianxing responded: "Okay."

Then he got up and left the secret room.

Zhen Hong led him into the hall, and everyone was already waiting in the hall.

The person who first looked at Ji Tianxing and said hello was of course Lin Xue.

Then there is the blood illusion god.

At this moment, he is no longer as **** as before.

He became a middle-aged man with a tall and thin body and a reddish skin.

He was dressed in a black robe, a scarf and cap, and a long beard on his lower jaw, dressed as a middle-aged scribe.

It looked like Ji Tianxing's entourage and butler.

After nearly ten days of recuperation, he has completely adapted to his new body and regained his former confidence.

The temperament of the whole person is no longer gloomy and indifferent, and a little more calm and capable.

As for the True Red, the Golden Left Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy, there was not much change.

Everyone looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and looked at him in surprise.

"Why haven't seen you for a month, you not only recovered from your injury, but also became more handsome and martial arts?"

Lin Xue looked at Ji Tianxing and muttered with doubts: "Could it be that your kid's cultivating supernatural powers are getting more and more handsome, specifically attracting women?"

Ji Tianxing couldn't help but glared at her, and everyone covered their faces and laughed.

Zhen Hong said solemnly: "Although the son does not seem to have changed, his aura is stronger.

Maybe it’s the divine power that has made progress again, breaking through the realm, right? "

Hearing what she said, the others nodded quickly and agreed.

Lin Xue frowned again, and asked in doubt: "A long time ago, weren't you a high-ranking god?

Why are you still breaking through the realm in the past few months?

It doesn't look like you have broken into the Divine King Realm.

At the highest level, we can only cultivate to the 9th level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Is it possible that you can cultivate to the 15th level? "

Ji Tianxing was speechless again, and couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Where do you have so many whimsical ideas? There are still some absurd words!"

After this period of contact, everyone saw that the two of them were fighting each other, and they didn't feel embarrassed anymore.

Everyone snickered.

Lin Xue stared at him with a displeased face, and asked angrily: "Then you should explain to us, what's the matter with you?"

Ji Tianxing said very candidly: "It is true that when I helped you eradicate the Blood Sword Sect, I was still the next god.

Even to this day, I am only the pinnacle of the middle prince, and I am still far from the upper prince. "

Hearing these words, everyone was instantly dumbfounded.



Everyone was dumbfounded, like a petrified statue, staring straight at Ji Tianxing, unable to speak a word.

This news is even more terrifying than the sudden collapse of the Great Yan Empire!

After a long time, everyone gradually recovered.

Lin Xue cursed her lips angered, and said, "You don't want to tell your secrets, so why bother to lie to us."

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign, Jin Zuo Envoy and Blood Dragon Right Envoy also had the same thoughts, and they were silent.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hands helplessly, and chuckled: "Look, I tell you the truth and don't believe it. Don't ask the roots anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only really red face nodded seriously, and said: "I believe what the son said. It is true, and only this explanation is reasonable. "

"Reasonable shit!" Lin Xue couldn't help retorting: "He is still a lower god, can destroy the Blood Sword Sect and kill the forest mountain in the seventh realm? Is this also called reasonable?"

"Uh..." Zhen Hong was choked and said weakly and weakly: "The son is very talented and outstanding, which is understandable."

Lin Xue was very helpless, hating iron but not steel and reprimanded: "You girl, what kind of fascination is he...soul...soup? Why are you so fascinated?"

"I..." Zhenhong frowned and instinctively wanted to refute, but didn't know where to start.

Ji Tianxing glared at Lin Xue displeasedly, and said, "You demon girl, why do you want to bully anyone? Are you not talking about business?"

Xue Lin gave up now.

Ji Tianxing looked at everyone and said solemnly: "The previous storm, after this month's precipitation, should have disappeared.

It's also time for us to leave the Kingdom of Blood Flame and continue to the south.

I want to remind everyone that we are a group.

No matter what dangers and opportunities are encountered, we must unite as one.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to go too far and we will fall apart. "

Originally, he wanted to tell everyone.

He took his wife, children and disciples with him, and he also carried the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

With such a heavy responsibility, he will act cautiously and will not act rashly.

But he thought for a moment, but still didn't say these words.

These secrets should not be known to too many people.

Only after many tests can everyone become his true friends.

For example, Zhenhong is the first person to pass the test.

Lin Xue, currently half of it.


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