Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3102: Normal operation

Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others.

A total of eight gods and powerhouses joined forces to besiege Long Fen, the mother-in-law of the beast control, and the right guardian.

Coupled with the suppression of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Array, the combat effectiveness of the Long Fen trio was weakened.

Therefore, this battle lasted only half an hour before it was over.

The first to be beheaded by the crowd was the mother-in-law of the beast.

The magical powers and abilities she is best at is to control various sacred beasts and assist her in combat.

But those more than three hundred divine beasts had been wiped out by Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others.

This is equivalent to cutting off her fangs.

Her combat effectiveness is naturally greatly reduced.

After the mother-in-law Yu Yu was beheaded, the situation of Long Fen and You Guardian became more dangerous.

Their injuries are even more miserable, unkempt, covered in blood and wounds, where is the slightest demeanor of the strong?

Within a quarter of an hour, the right guardian also followed in the footsteps of the mother-in-law Yuyu and was beheaded by everyone.

Not only the divine body collapsed and returned to the world.

Even his godhead was chopped into a dozen pieces and collected by Ji Tianxing.

Only Long Fen fought alone, resisting the siege of Ji Tianxing and others alone.

He deserves to be the Sect Master of Hetian Sect, the powerhouse of the Ninth Level of God Sovereign Realm.

Not only is the divine power strong, the strength is long, and the number of the laws of the gods mastered is as many as 140.

Moreover, he is also proficient in thousands of magical secret arts, and various ultimate moves emerge in endlessly.

Therefore, beheading him is the most troublesome and the most difficult.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Zhen Hong, Jin Zuo Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy were far lower in strength than Long Fen.

The magical skills they played together could hardly cause much trauma to Long Fen.

Most of the attacks were all resolved by dragons.

A small number of magical powers and secret skills, even if they hit Long Fen, they can only allow him to take minor injuries.

However, Long Fen's desperate counterattack caused Zhen Hong, Ji Ke and others to suffer varying degrees of injuries.

In desperation, they can only retreat to the distance to heal their injuries.

The main force who really dealt with Long Fen was still Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, and Blood Fantasy God Lord.

Therefore, the time has been extremely long.

After fighting for half an hour, Long Fen's divine power consumed more than half, and his injuries were extremely serious.

Only then did Ji Tianxing detonate, the poison that was planted a long time ago.

With a muffled sound of "bang", Long Fen's divine body trembled violently, and all the seven orifices spewed blood.

The poison of the three attributes lurked in his body for half an hour.

It had already eroded his internal organs, meridians, blood and godhead.

As a result, once triggered, it was irresistible and directly destroyed his divine body.

Under the gaze of everyone, his divine body quickly withered and corroded into black ash, scattered in the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was only one divine bead, which was also stained with dark green and deep blue poison, shining dim divine light.

Obviously, Long Fen's godhead was also eroded by poisonous poison, and he was seriously injured.

His spirit is very weak, and his divine power has become extremely scarce.

Ji Tianxing stared at the godhead intently, and saw that the walnut-sized diamond godhead was covered with fine patterns of the law, showing a thick color of surprise.

"This dragon burn is really amazing!

In his godhead, there are more than one hundred and fifty kinds of the laws of the gods? !

No wonder his combat effectiveness is so sturdy!

He was sealed by the Heavenly Jade Sword Array, and he could still withstand our siege and last for so long! "

Ji Tianxing was sure that Long Fen was the strongest person he had encountered so far since he arrived in the God Realm.

Even the prince is not as profound as Long Fen's background.

"His godhead, I'm going to decide!"

A cold light flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he made up his mind.

Afterwards, he, Xue Lin, and the **** of blood illusion made an all-out effort to besiege Long Burn's godhead.

Long Fen was really strong, even if there was only one godhead left, he could still use all sorts of magical powers and secret skills, resisting stubbornly.

The two sides fought dozens of moves, the sky was dim and the divine light fragments splashed everywhere.

However, no matter how stubbornly Long Fen resists, it is also a battle of trapped beasts.

In the end, he still failed to block the supernatural power of the Heaven Burying Sword, and was chopped into pieces by a sword.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and twelve pieces of Godhead flew out and fell into the sky.

This scene put an end to this fierce and magnificent battle of the gods.

The war finally ended.

Everyone was relieved with a sigh of relief.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing grabbed a dozen pieces of Godhead fragments in his palm and put them into the space ring.

Then, he waved his palm again to imprint the **** seal, and removed the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.


The golden light sword array covering thousands of miles disappeared instantly without a trace.

The crowd reappeared under the night.

Thousands of miles around have become a desert covered with yellow sand, and the dark shadows of the undulating mountains can be faintly visible under the dark night farther away.

The bitter night breeze hit, did not make everyone feel cold.

Instead, he became more sober and refreshed.

Regardless of the injury, everyone gathered around Ji Tianxing, looking at him excitedly, telling the shock in their hearts.

"Gosh! We actually won!"

"More than three hundred divine beasts, thirteen divine monarchs and powerful men, ambush us here, we won!"

"More than just winning? We killed the beasts and all the enemies, but none of us died. This is a complete victory!"

"That's the strongest of Hetianzong! We killed all the sect master and the two protectors, and the ten elders~www.wuxiaspot.com~!"

"Now the Hetian Sect of the Blood Flame God Kingdom has only one deputy sect leader, and the other powerhouses are all handled by us. Now Hetian Sect is over!"

"Hahaha... Tonight's battle is simply shocking, extremely brilliant, enough to be recorded in history!"

"I have never been able to believe that we did it! Young Master Tianxing is simply a **** king alive!"

Only Yunyao and Ji Ke can still keep calm, just looking at him with a smile.

After all, they are the wives of Ji Tianxing. They have seen him perform too many miracles and they have long been used to it.

However, after Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and others followed Ji Tianxing, this was the first time to fight each other.

Tonight, they have not only gained knowledge, but also have a deeper understanding of Ji Tianxing.

Most importantly, they have even more recognized Ji Tianxing's strength and core position!

This newly formed team has become more and more united after this battle!

Ji Tianxing was relatively indifferent, waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "This is just a normal operation, you don't have to make a fuss.

In the future, when we venture into the Haotian Continent, we will often encounter such things, just wait for you to get used to it.

Don't be too busy praising and admiring each other. Everyone has suffered serious injuries. It is important to heal the injuries quickly. "

Everyone listened to him and nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Lin Xue offered his ship.

Everyone boarded the godship and left the deserted battlefield.

An hour later, everyone found a secluded place with no one in the depths of the God Burying Mountain Range, hiding and healing their wounds.

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