Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3103: The trail of the prince

A mountain as high as a thousand feet stands alone in the night.

In the belly of the mountain, there is a cave dug by manpower.

In the gloomy cave, there is a ten-meter-long divine ship parked.

This is Lin Xue's ship.

However, the volume has shrunk a hundredfold.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others each occupied a secret room and began to use their exercises to heal their injuries.

When I was on my way, everyone gathered in the discussion hall.

Everyone's eyes focused on Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

Looking closely, everyone can see their looks clearly and feel their unique temperament.

Suddenly, everyone was even more shocked and envious, and they regarded them as flawless nine-day goddesses.

Lin Xue couldn't help but smiled and asked Ji Tianxing: "Sir Tianxing, don't you plan to introduce to everyone the identities of these two beautiful ladies?"

Ji Tianxing originally thought that everyone knows things well, so why bother to do so.

But Lin Xue raised it in public, and the Blood Illusory God Monarch and Jin Zuoshi and others also nodded their heads to express their expectations.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing officially introduced the identities of Yun Yao and Ji Ke to everyone.

After he finished the introduction, everyone really confirmed their identities.

And everyone knows that Yun Yao is Ji Tianxing's wife and gave birth to a son and a daughter for him.

The lovely elf-like girl who appeared in the King City of Blood Flame God is their daughter Ji Wushuang.

As for their son, Ji Tianxing did not mention it.

Everyone didn't think much about it, but thought that Ji Wuhen, like Wushuang, was practicing in a certain artifact.

After introducing the identities of Yunyao and Ji Ke, Ji Tianxing introduced them to them.

In this way, the two sides got to know each other.

Yun Yao's performance is very dignified and elegant, but also quite generous.

Everyone can trust Ji Tianxing, follow and help Ji Tianxing, she also expressed welcome and thanks.

From now on, everyone will be friends and partners, and we will be blessed and shared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shared in difficulties.

Ji Ke also simply said a few words and greeted everyone.

Through this brief end, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others could see the character of Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

Their personalities are very distinct, a dignified and elegant, like a spotless nine-day moon.

A cheerful and lively personality, noble but playful, like the blazing sun in the nine heavens.

All in all, everyone appreciates Yun Yao and Ji Ke's perfect looks and demeanor, and they are a little embarrassed.

In the next few days, the divine ship was hidden in the cave without revealing any breath.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others all performed their exercises to heal their injuries in the secret room of the divine ship.

And Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke returned to the twisted time and space of Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

The time here is fifty times faster, and it is more convenient for them to retreat and heal.

After only two days from the outside world, they have been healed for more than three months, their injuries have healed, and their state has returned to their peak.

After that, Yunyao and Ji Ke continued to practice exercises to further enhance their strength.

Ji Tianxing took out many godhead fragments of Hetianzong powerhouses and began to refine these fragments.


In the Buried God Mountain Range, it was as calm as ever.

More than a dozen powerful men of Hetianzong ambushed Ji Tianxing and others, and this incident did not cause any disturbance.

After all, this operation is top secret, and only a few people know it.

And when everyone was fighting fiercely in the God Burying Mountain Range, no one was passing by or watching.

Therefore, the hundreds of millions of protoss in the Kingdom of Blood Flame did not know that Ji Tianxing had left.

I don't know that he created a miracle again and destroyed the thirteen strong men of Hetianzong.

Only a few big sects of the Kingdom of Blood Flame, vaguely smelled the wind, and realized that something was wrong.

He Tianzong, who has always maintained a transcendent position, suddenly became extremely low-key and convergent.

Not only did many industries be suspended, but countless elites were also withdrawn.

The entire Hetian Sect, not as magnanimous and confident as before, appears very cautious.

The helms of the major sects sent out scouts and secret talks to investigate the news of Hetianzong.

However, the Hetianzong kept the news extremely tight, and it could be described as leaking.

Even the defense force has been strengthened several times than before.

It stands to reason that none of the major sects have inquired about intelligence, so they should be disappointed.

But the people at the helm of those forces are the deep powerhouses of the city.

They immediately realized that something must have happened to Hetianzong.

Moreover, it was an earth-shattering event!

The tighter Hetianzong guarded the news, the more serious it proved.

However, no one knew what Hetianzong encountered or what happened.

Gradually, two sects could not restrain their doubts and suspicions, and began to take action.

They sent some strong men and elites to deliberately create troubles to test the reality of Hetianzong.

As usual, Hetianzong would never put them in the eyes, and would directly counterattack strongly.

But this time it was weird, He Tianzong actually swallowed his breath.

The two sects were determined in their hearts and became more unscrupulous, increasing their harassment and provocation.

The result remains the same.

He Tianzong continued to be patient and even shrank his defenses.

After the incident spread, several major sects understood.

There is indeed something serious in Hetianzong, the power in the door is empty, and the strong are withered!

As a result, those big sects turned into coveted beasts and began to eat away at Hetianzong's industry and resources.

Everyone knows that Hetianzong is the largest sect and has the most abundant resource reserves and wealth.

If you can swallow this piece of fat, you can replace it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to rise up!

Therefore, the few big sects are not to be outdone, and do their best to **** and divide.

Of course, the second prince and the third prince's instruction are indispensable.

They already had sectarian support behind them, so how could they miss this excellent opportunity?


at the same time.

The royal city of the kingdom of anger flames, in a certain magnificent palace.

In a secret room with abundant divine power and dark light.

A young man dressed in a black dragon robe with a gold pattern was sitting in a colorful sacred pond filled with sacred liquid, his eyes closed and his injuries were healed.

He clasped his palms together, closed his eyes, and exuded a breath of dignity and majesty.

This is the Prince Lien!

After fighting with Ji Tianxing, he was also badly injured and unable to fight again.

He knew that he had failed, and the trend was over.

Next, the Kingdom of Blood Flame will usher in a change of strength and tremendous turmoil.

So, he quietly left the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, came to the King City of the Kingdom of Rage and Flame, and hid here to retreat and heal his injuries.

As early as many years ago, he deployed to the Kingdom of Fury and executed a series of conspiracies and plans.

Today's Rage Flame God Kingdom not only has a large number of henchmen, but also several powerful forces.

Compared to his hometown, the Great Yan Empire, only the rudder of the Kingdom of Fury and Hetian Sect can be called his lair.

After more than a month of recuperation, his injury recovered 50%.

The hideous wounds all over the divine body had healed and scarred long ago.

At this time, he was using some kind of magical power to heal internal organs and bone injuries.

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