Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3104: Furious

The divine light bursts in the secret room, and the divine power is full of rain.

Only the prince was healed, and the secret room was very quiet.

But at this moment.

The door of the dark secret room lit up with a dazzling golden light, and there was a beep.

Prince Lien, who was healing his injuries, was immediately awakened.

He knew that something big must happen.

The confidant guard guarding the door of the secret room will activate the formation to notify him.

Otherwise, no one dared to disturb him rashly, and he would be sentenced to death.

Even the prince finished his luck and waved his hand to cast a dark blue light, covering the stone gate of the secret room.


The blue light flashed, the formation was activated, and the door of the secret room slowly opened.

A tall protoss wearing a golden armor and covering his face with a helmet quickly walked into the secret room.

This is an upper god, one of the confidant guards of even the prince.

He walked to the edge of the sacred pond, stood respectfully, and reported: "Subordinate Lian Er, see the prince!"

"Lian Er, what disturbs this king?"

Even the prince looked at the Golden Armor God Sovereign with majestic gaze, his eyes showed deep anticipation, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Is there any new news on the God Burying Mountain Range?"

Lian Er nodded quickly, and replied in a sonorous voice: "The prince's expectation is not bad, and his subordinates are going to report this!"

Hearing this, even the prince breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the edge of the sacred pond in a soothing posture, and sneered proudly: "Ha ha ha... I didn't disappoint this king!

This king has used the power of the blood and flames to divide the rudder, and there are more than a dozen gods and powers, even Long Fen personally shot...

That little beast Tianxing, even if he has the patience, how can he not die?

No matter how cunning and treacherous he is, how can he escape this king's calculations? "

The prince Lian was proud and confident.

After a few sneers, he sighed with depression and regret: "Oh...it's a pity that the king was not present, and he didn't see him being bombarded and killed.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t personally give him the last cut and send him to Huangquan..."

Standing respectfully, Lian Er's face changed immediately when he heard Prince Lian's words.

His face was embarrassing, and his eyes were full of anxiety and fear.

Even the body couldn't help shaking.

But he could only stand, not daring to speak to interrupt Prince Lien.

He could guess that even the prince was proud of the spring breeze.

After knowing the truth, how furious it should be!

At that time, he saw the embarrassing and embarrassing side of Prince Lien, and he was bound to become a scapegoat for venting his anger.

Even if you don't lose your life, you will lose a layer of skin, right?

At this moment, Prince Lian's gaze fell on him, frowning questioningly and asked: "Lian Er, what are you shaking?"

"Lord..." Lian Er responded hoarsely, and the tremors became more severe.

Even the prince vaguely felt that something was wrong, and his face was gloomy and he asked, "Is there something wrong? Say!"

"Master..." Lian Er swallowed, mustering great courage, and said with a trembling voice: "Just now, his subordinates received a message from Master Long Fen.

Master Long Fen said, the plan this time..."

Even the prince changed his face immediately, his entire face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes were severely squinted, flashing with a deep cold light.

Although he had guessed the answer, he still shouted in a deep voice, "Go on! What's the plan?"

Lien Er was so frightened by the anger of the Prince Li that his face turned pale, and his forehead was sweating.

But he still held on, with a feeling of death, and continued: "Master Long Fen said that they successfully ambush Tian Xing and his companions.

However, they fought for half an hour and finally failed!

Not only all the elders and law protectors were beheaded by the opponent.

Even he himself, I am afraid... it is hard to survive! "

Lian Er exhausted all his energy before he finished speaking.

Then he lowered his head in relief, closing his eyes and waiting for death.

There was dead silence in the secret room, and there was no sound.

The expected anger and roar did not sound.

Lian Er raised his head quietly, and saw Prince Lian stunned, sitting stiffly in the sacred pond.

His face was like the bottom of a pot, his anger was a little distorted, and his forehead burst into blue veins.

He fixed his eyes on the water, and didn't move for a long time.

"It's over." Lian Er was desperate and silent in his heart.

He knew very well that the news hit the Prince Lien too much!


After a long time, even the prince came back to his senses, his angry eyes were bloodshot, and his voice screamed, "Why? Why did he fail?

How could this fail?

What do the dozen or so gods do?

Is it true that Long Fen's strength in the Nine Stages is fake?

So many gods and powerhouses, who even arranged and ambush in advance, can't kill an alien animal?

Is he really so strong?

Is he assigned by Haotian, the king's old enemy? "

Even the prince was really furious, erupting like a volcano.


He crunched his fists and roared hoarsely.

Suddenly, the entire secret room was shaken violently.

The sacred pond with a radius of ten meters also spattered with colorful waves, and countless sacred liquids volatilized into thick fog.

Even the prince's anger caused the entire **** pool to boil.

Lian Er was so scared that he was so scared that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed his head, persuading his vocal cords crying: "The prince calms down, the prince calms down!

This is only a temporary loss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We can definitely get revenge!

You are still hurt, so you must calm down! "

Prince Lian turned his head abruptly, staring at Lian Er with scarlet eyes, and slammed a punch in anger.


You bastard, do you sincerely read my joke? "

With a muffled sound of "bang", Lian Er was blown away with a punch.

His seven orifices spurted blood and flew back several tens of meters, hitting the door of the secret room, and rolling far on the ground.

But after he stopped, he ignored the injuries, knelt on the ground, kowtow to Prince Lien in the secret room, and said, "Thank you for not killing, the subordinates are grateful!"

Even the prince remained silent, waved his palm with a divine light, and closed the door of the secret room.


Lian Er got up with lingering fears and sat cross-legged on the ground to heal his injuries.

Silence fell into the secret room.

Even the prince was sitting in the sacred pond like a stone sculpture, gradually calming down.

He frowned in contemplation, his eyes gleaming with coldness and murder.

It was not until half an hour later that he closed his eyes and ended his contemplation.

"Long Fen's action failed, and the rudder of the Blood Flame God Kingdom was ruined.

But that beast was able to escape the catastrophe, proving that his strength has increased again.

Moreover, the lackeys who followed him must be somewhat capable.

This king can no longer have the slightest contempt and carelessness, and must go all out!

Moreover, he must be completely wiped out before he enters the Great Flame Empire.

Otherwise, once he enters the Great Flame Empire, he will surely set off a shocking storm! "

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