Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3105: Burial place

Outside the secret room is a dark passage.

Lian Er sat cross-legged on the ground, working silently to heal his injuries.

At this moment, a slight footstep sounded, from far to near.

Lian Er immediately ended his movement, opened his eyes and turned his head to look.

I saw a tall and burly figure in purple robe, coming from not far away.

It was a middle-aged protoss that was as strong as a bear and was two feet tall.

The exquisite purple robe is embroidered with gold patterns and dragon elephant patterns, and there is a special emblem on the chest.

The person's skin was purple-black, his head was huge, and he had no hair.

Bright scalp shone with purple light in the gloom, and a pair of copper bells and big eyes shone with cold light.

He has a big face and bridge of nose, and a big flat and wide mouth.

Although his aura is very strong, his whole body exudes a breath of majesty.

But at the moment he was angry, his cheeks were also twisted in anger, and he was carrying murderous intent.

Seeing this purple robe bald head coming, Lian Er immediately got up to salute, and said respectfully: "Lian Er see Sect Master Zi Ji!"

Although, Lian Er was one of the confidant guards of Prince Lian.

It is a great honor to be abolished by the original surname, and was given the surname by the Prince Lien, and ranked second in terms of strength.

This is a great honor.

However, compared with the purple robe bald head in front of him, Lian Er's identity was still too low.

Because the big bald head in front of him is the Hetian Sect Master of the Kingdom of Fury!

In the Kingdom of Fury, there are also seven top sect forces.

Hetianzong is also the number one power that deserves it, and its status is very detached.

Sect Master Ziji glanced at Lian Er, walked to the door of the secret room and stood still, and said in a deep voice, "I want to see the lord!"

Lian Er nodded his head to express his understanding, and said respectfully: "Please wait a moment, the prince is angry, please wait a moment..."

He had just been punched and flew out by Prince Lian, for fear that Prince Lian's anger would not disappear.

At this time, I feel bad. If I get another punch, I'm afraid my life will be lost.

However, Sect Master Zi Ji was very impatient, and said with a dark face, in a deep voice: "Don't waste time, this seat has extremely important things!"

Lian Er was very helpless, so he could only bite the bullet and stepped forward and reported: "Lord Enlightenment, Sect Master Ziji, please!"

The voice of Prince Lien came from the secret room: "Let him in."

Then, the door of the secret room slowly opened.

Lian Er glanced and saw Prince Lian sitting in the sacred pond, his expression restored to peace, which made him feel more relieved.

Sect Master Ziji strode into the secret room, walked straight to the sacred pond, and bowed to Prince Lian.

"See the prince!"

Even the prince waved his hand with a divine light and closed the door of the secret room.

He stared at Sect Master Zi Ji with majestic gaze, and asked in a low tone: "Have you heard the news?"

Sect Master Ziji nodded, and said with an expression of grief: "Long Fen is my junior, and even my only friend.

No matter what methods the beast named Tian Xing uses, how powerful his strength is.

He killed Long Fen, and he was my enemy of life and death!

I will personally bring the strong man in my own sect, rush into the Burying God Mountain Range, and smash that animal into ten thousand pieces! "

Sect Master Ziji was very emotional, his tone was very angry, and his body was filled with killing intent.

Even the prince frowned, and said in a calm tone: "Zi Ji, of course this king knows that you and Long Fen are like brothers, and you are in love with brothers. It is normal for you to want revenge for Long Fen.

But Long Fen and the twelve gods under his command were all killed by Tianxing.

It can be seen that the strength of that kid is far beyond our estimation, and there must be unknown methods and secrets.

Even if you take the law protector and elders to intercept him, you may not be able to defeat him, let alone kill him..."

Sect Master Ziji said firmly: "The subordinate believes that although the kid killed Long Fen, he won't be easy to win, and he must have been seriously injured.

The God Burying Mountain Range is very dangerous, and that kid will never continue to shuttle, and he will probably hide in the God Burying Mountain Range for healing.

At this time, if I find him with a strong man, he will definitely die! "

Even the prince nodded slightly and said, "Yes, your analysis is very reasonable.

However, the God Burying Mountain is vast and vast, and that kid is extremely cautious and cunning. Where do you go to find him?

If you search separately and get caught by him, you may be destroyed one by one.

Have you considered these issues? "

"This..." Sect Master Ziji was suddenly speechless, revealing an awkward look.

He had just received the news of Long Fen's death. He was angry and sad, and hurried to see Prince Lian. How could he have time to think too much?

Even the prince continued: "Zi Ji, this king can understand your feelings, why doesn't this king want to bring him down?

But we have failed twice, we should learn from experience and must not act recklessly!

Otherwise, not only will we fail to achieve our wishes, we will become more and more passive. "

Sect Master Ziji pursed his lips, nodded and said: "The lord's lesson is that the subordinates do not think about it.

Presumably the prince has a countermeasure, and his subordinates would like to hear about it. "

Prince Lian looked solemn, and said solemnly: "The God Burial Mountains are vast and dangerous and complex, and they are not suitable for battlefields.

Only the Kingdom of Rage Flame, under our control and surveillance, is both an excellent battlefield and his burial place.

This time this king will gather all his strengths, weave a net of heaven and earth, and gather a sword of the **** of death to give him a fatal blow!

Once you shoot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you can only succeed, not fail! "

Sect Master Ziji was infected by his powerful aura, his eyes lit up with scorching brilliance, and he nodded and said: "The prince is foresight, and he will surely succeed in one blow!"

Even the prince waved his hand and said, "You go back and wait for the king's order with peace of mind."

Sect Master Ziji obeyed, and then asked: "Master, you really don't plan to send someone to the outskirts of the Burial Mountain Range, waiting to intercept that kid?

What if we just waited and met him, and he was seriously injured? "

Even the prince sneered: "This opportunity is very slim, and he is not such a stupid man.

However, this king will arrange for the people from the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace to lie in wait on the edge of the Burying Mountain Mountain Range.

If there is a chance to kill it, it is best.

Even if there is no chance to kill him, he can still monitor his movements and traces. "

Sect Master Ziji breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "The prince is really wise, he has mastered the overall situation a long time ago, and he has considered foresight..."

After praising a few words, Sect Master Ziji bowed and left the secret room.

In the secret room, only Prince Lien remained, and he was quiet again.

He sacrificed several jade slips for communication, entered several orders in the jade slips, and sent them to different people.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

The pieces of jade were reduced to a few auras and quickly disappeared.

Even the prince murmured expressionlessly: "If you don't make a move, you can only do your best.

I hope that this raging kingdom is his burial place!

He must not be allowed to cross the Kingdom of Fury and enter the territory of the Great Flame Empire! "

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