Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3106: Rhetoric

Unconsciously, half a month passed.

After fifteen days of Yungong treatment, the injuries of Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others were basically not serious.

Everyone ended the healing and went to the meeting hall of the Shenjian.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke were still in the twisted time and space of the **** tower, silently practicing in retreat.

With extremely rich resources and supplemented by the power of the Blood Flame God Tree, their strength improved rapidly.

Outside the past half a month, they have been cultivating for two years in warping time and space.

Ji Tianxing is the same.

In the past two years, he has refined the godhead fragments of a dozen powerful men in Hetianzong.

Not only has he absorbed a huge amount of divine power, but also refined twenty-nine divine laws!

These twenty-nine laws are basically the laws of the gods that can only be practiced by gods.

Most of them come from Dragon Burn!

The other twelve gods master the laws of the Shinto, most of them are of lower grade, and their efficacy and power are not very prominent.

Only Long Fen mastered the laws of the gods, there are many high-level, powerful and effective.

This has greatly benefited Ji Tianxing.

At present, the number of Shinto laws he mastered has reached two hundred and eighty!

This is an extremely terrifying number.

Throughout the entire Great Yan Empire, there is no strong person who can master so many laws of God.

Even more than two hundred laws are rare.

In the memory of Ji Tianxing, the **** realm thousands of years ago.

Generally, only those with strong **** kings, master the laws of the gods, will exceed two hundred.

In this era, even if the overall level is higher than that of the past, there will not be much difference.

"The two hundred and eighty rules are almost comparable to those of the first and second levels of the Divine King Realm.

My current combat effectiveness has increased by about three times compared to before.

It's a pity that he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to break through the seventh realm and become the upper god.

Otherwise, it should be invincible under the **** king. "

When Ji Tianxing finished his cultivation, he whispered to himself, slightly regretful.

But he also understood in his heart that his strength foundation was too terrifying, and it was more difficult to break through than other gods.

If there is not much chance, I am afraid it will be difficult to step into the seventh realm and become the upper god.

He calculated the time, everyone's injuries should have recovered, and he left the warped time and space.


With a flash of light and shadow, Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room.

He put away the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers, left the secret room, and went to the conference hall alone.

Yunyao and Ji Ke are still at a critical juncture in their cultivation, and it is not suitable to leave for the time being.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at the meeting hall, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Xue Huan and others were already waiting.

When he stepped into the hall, everyone's eyes gathered on him and looked carefully.

Ji Tianxing stood still in the hall and saw everyone staring at him straightforwardly. He couldn't help touching his cheeks and adjusting his clothes.

"Does my face have flowers? Or is my clothes wrong? Why are you staring at me like this?"

Hearing this ridicule, everyone chuckled.

Lin Xue stared at him with scorching eyes, and asked curiously: "Boy, how do I feel that your strength has increased a lot?"

Zhen Hong also nodded, and said in deep agreement: "The realm of the son's strength and aura is inherently unfathomable and unpredictable.

After this retreat and healing, it is as vast as the sky and sea, as vast as the starry sky. "

The envoy Jin Zuo smiled and joked: "My son, don't you break through another realm?

If you break through the first realm every month, when we enter the Great Flame Empire, you will become a **** king.

At that time, you will directly sweep the entire Great Yan Empire and firmly sit on the emperor's seat! "

On the outside, such words are taboos and even serious crimes that can be questioned.

On ordinary occasions, it is impossible for Jin Zuo to speak out.

But this is Lin Xue's divine ship, and everyone is friends who have experienced life and death together, so there are not so many scruples.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Break through the first realm in a month? How can it be so exaggerated?

If such evildoers really want to appear, they must become the public enemy of the whole world.

As for the emperor of the Great Yan Empire?

All have become the king of gods, who can still see the throne?

You should look at the entire Tianbei region and be the domain master over all gods.

Even dominate the entire Haotian Continent, and be the overlord who dominates the entire continent! "

The meeting hall was quiet for a moment.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at Ji Tianxing dumbfounded, as if petrified.

Obviously, this joke is just commonplace for Ji Tianxing.

But to everyone, it was beyond imagination and shocking rhetoric.

What is the domain master of the Northern Skyland? What is the overlord of the Vast Sky Continent?

This is a level that everyone can't reach and dare not even imagine.

The entire Great Flame Empire was already vast enough for everyone.

To become the emperor of the Great Yan Empire, that is already a great figure.

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses and took a breath, exclaiming and sighing.

"God! Your kid really dare to say, aren't you afraid of Haotian's punishment?" Lin Xue looked at him in amazement and couldn't help patting his shoulder.

"The son is really the most madman in the world, and we can't look up to it!" The Blood Fantasy God Monarch couldn't help applauding and admiring.

The left ambassador of Jin and the right ambassador of the blood dragon even raised their thumbs ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a strong expression of worship.

"When we can, like the son, have the courage to express such bold words, we will die without regret!"

Seeing everyone sighed with emotion, Ji Tianxing sighed silently: "Oh...I don't even have this bit of insight and courage, how far can he follow me in the future?"

Only True Red did not speak.

Although, her pretty face flushed with excitement, and her blood boiled with shock.

But she looked at Ji Tianxing with admiration, with a strong expectation in her heart, and said with a firm tone: "I believe that with the talent of the son, this bold statement will soon be realized!

If you can follow the son and see the scenery of the Northern Sky and Vast Sky Continent, it will be the luckiest thing in your life! "

Hearing these words and seeing her look like a fanatical and loyal fan, Lin Xue couldn't help but sighed: "Hey...this girl is really hopeless!"

Ji Tianxing raised his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet, and said: "Okay, everyone's injuries are almost recovered, let's set off!"

The left envoy Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon obeyed their orders, and left the hall quickly and went to control the divine ship.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Xue Huan and others did not leave in a hurry.

They all surrounded Ji Tianxing and asked what was going on in the Tianbei Region and Vast Sky Continent.

"Boy, you are not from the Great Yan Empire? Are you from the Northern Territory?"

"My son, can you tell us about the pattern of the Tianbei Region and the Vast Sky Continent?"

"My son, for us, the King of Gods is the most unattainable powerhouse and big man.

But you don't seem to have much reaction to the **** king, have you seen the **** king powerhouse? "

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