Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3107: Above the king

The words of Lin Xue and Zhenhong made Ji Tianxing a little bit dumbfounded.

However, it is relieved to think about it.

The real red and blood illusion gods' activities are limited to the surrounding area of ​​the blood flame **** kingdom, and they have never left the Great Yan Empire.

Lin Xue was well-informed, but she only came to the Great Yan Empire from the Sky Demon Empire and didn't know the situation in the Sky North Region.

Of course, Ji Tianxing did not understand the situation in the Tianbei Region and the Vast Sky Continent.

But he has been investigating the matter and collecting relevant information.

He still has some basic knowledge about the pattern of the Tianbei Region and the Vast Sky Continent.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, so he explained it to everyone.

"The northern part of the sky is located at the northernmost part of the mainland, and further north is the sunset sea area, which is the territory of the sea clan.

The Tianbei region sounds small, but in fact, it contains more than a dozen empires.

Under more than a dozen empires, over a hundred kingdoms of the gods are governed by hundreds of millions of gods.

According to my cognition and memory, there are probably only a few **** kings in a domain, generally no more than ten.

Moreover, they are all lower **** kings, and the middle **** king is extremely rare. "

Xue Lin nodded to express her understanding, and said, "So we live in the Northern Territory! There are only a few **** kings among hundreds of gods.

No wonder we have never seen a **** king, and the Great Yan Empire hasn't appeared in a thousand years.

From what you said, the Tianbei region is indeed very vast, beyond our imagination. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "The Tianbei Region is very vast, but it is nothing compared to the entire Haotian Continent.

After all, there are nearly a hundred domains on the entire continent, and the area and population of each domain are no less than the Tianbei domain.

Looking at the entire Haotian Continent, there are no more than a thousand **** kings.

I vaguely remember that thousands of years ago there seemed to be only more than six hundred **** kings.

There is no way to know how many gods there are now.

Among the hundreds of **** kings, 70% are the lower **** kings, and two and a half are the middle **** kings.

As for the upper **** king, it is only half of it at best. "

Both Lin Xue and the blood illusion gods showed awe, shock and emotion.

Zhen Hong was quite excited and excited, and couldn't help but ask: "My son, how do you understand so clearly? Are you the Queen of God?

Or are you from a family of gods? "

"Uh..." Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment, and replied without changing his face: "No, I just like a million~million \\ small! Said that I found this information after studying a lot of ancient books."

Real Red gave a ‘oh’ and nodded to express understanding.

She still wanted to ask a few more questions. Lin Xue hurriedly asked: "Tian Xing, listen to what you just said, are there only **** kings and powerhouses on the Vast Sky Continent?

Then why is the overlord who dominates the mainland, the statue standing on the square of each city, is called the Shura God Emperor?

Is God Emperor a noble title, or is it a higher realm of Divine Dao?

Above the **** king, is there a stronger realm? "

Mentioning the words'Sura God Emperor', Ji Tianxing's body became stiff, and an undetectable cold light flashed under his eyes.

But he remained calm, shook his head calmly, and said: "Your question is hard for me.

This is also the secret I have been pursuing and investigating. "

Xue Lin frowned for a moment, and vaguely understood something.

Zhen Hong asked with doubts: "My son, I have thought before, what kind of world do we live in?

Is there only Vast Sky Continent in this world?

What is outside the mainland? Is the mysterious and vast sky sea? "

Ji Tianxing looked at her with a smile, and said in a serious tone: "The questions you raised are also secrets that I desperately want to know.

By the way, did you always like to be in a daze, thinking about a lot of illusory things? "

"Uh..." Zhenhong was taken aback for a while, and nodded in embarrassment.

Xue Lin quickly joked: "This little girl really loves to be in a daze.

But what she thought was not vain, but the person in front of her! "

The red mind was exposed in public, and his face blushed to the root of his neck, and he was ashamed and unable to control himself.

The blood illusion **** does not change his face, pretending that he doesn't understand anything, and honestly acts as a wooden background.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said to Lin Xue with a solemn expression: "Our generation of cultivating gods is the process of understanding the heavens and the earth, the universe, the stars, and the laws of the Great Dao.

The most commendable quality is calm contemplation, allowing thoughts to wander.

Consider the origin of heaven and earth, the origin of the universe and the starry sky, and the laws of the Great Dao.

Only the gods who think often and explore diligently can aspire to the pinnacle of Shinto.

So, don't make fun of the real red, maybe her future realm of Shinto will far exceed yours! "

"Uh..." Lin Xue was educated by him, frowning somewhat dullly.

However, what Ji Tianxing said was profound and reasonable, so she couldn't refute it.

Both Zhenhong and Xuehuan Shenjun thoughtfully nodded in admiration.

Lin Xue was a little unconvinced, and had nothing to do with Ji Tianxing, so she could only change the subject.

"Boy, then you have to go to the Great Yan Empire to die for no reason. Is it because of this?"

"What's the matter?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows and asked knowingly.

Lin Xue frowned and said, "That's what you just said, what is outside the Vast Sky Continent? What realm is above the God King?

You go to the Great Yan Empire, do you want to investigate these secrets? "

Ji Tianxing nodded without hesitation: "Yes!"

Lin Xue was shocked, looked at him incredulously, and exclaimed: "Are you... are you crazy?

Just to investigate these illusory things that have nothing to do with us, you ran to the Great Yan Empire to die? "

The Blood Illusory God Monarch was also full of surprise, his eyes and expressions were a bit complicated.

Although he respects Ji Tianxing, he is willing to believe and follow.

But he still couldn't understand Ji Tianxing's approach.

Only Zhenhong did not speak, and his expression did not change much.

It seems that in her heart, what Ji Tianxing does is right, without asking why.

Ji Tianxing looked at Lin Xue and said with a serious face: "I am not crazy, I am more sober than anyone else.

First of all, the things I want to investigate are not illusory.

These information and secrets are very important to me.

Maybe you don’t understand, but I have my own secret~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Forgive me I can’t tell you now.

Secondly, I only offended a prince Lien, and I didn't want to assassinate the Emperor Dayan, so why was it called death?

What's more, even if I really want to assassinate the Emperor Dayan, it is still a matter of tenacity, so how can I say that I should die?

Lin Xue, Master Lin, this is my decision and cannot be changed.

If you think it's dangerous and don't want to die with me, then I will leave now and we will part ways.

Don't worry, I will never force anyone to follow me on adventures. "

Seeing Ji Tianxing's look solemn and solemn.

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign was full of worry, and hurriedly finished the battle, explaining: "The young man calms down his anger, the sect master doesn't mean that, you misunderstood her!"

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