Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3108: Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace

Ji Tianxing ignored the explanation of Blood Illusory God Monarch and turned and left.

But in a moment, he entered the secret room, meditated and adjusted his breath.

Zhen Hong was a little worried, and quickly followed up to comfort him.

There were only Lin Xue and the blood illusion **** in the hall, and they fell silent.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Lin Xue stomped her feet with anger, frowning fiercely, "Huh! What a **** brat, how can he be so proud and stubborn?

Who do you consider my old lady?

Is my old lady the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?

Isn't the old lady worried about you, afraid that you might be in danger in the Great Yan Empire?

It's really kind to be a donkey liver and lungs! "

Lin Xue roared angrily.

The Blood Illusory God Lord quickly comforted her and told her not to get angry...

It's a pity that Lin Xue didn't listen at all, and ignored his advice, turned around and got into the secret room, but couldn't get out.

The Blood Illusory God Monarch stood alone in the hall, and could only smile helplessly.

Having nothing to do with him, he had to go to the cockpit of the divine ship and talk to the left envoy Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon.

Who knows, those two guys didn't concentrate on driving the divine ship, and they still asked gossiping about what was going on.

Only then did the blood illusion **** understand that they also heard the arguing in the hall, but they couldn't hear clearly.

Seeing that they were very interested, and looking like they were constantly questioning, the Blood Illusory God Sovereign reprimanded a little annoyed: "You are concentrating on driving the Godship, what are you doing with the nosy?

Young Master Tianxing is just quarreling with our sect master, you two shouldn't go along.

I really want to make them angry, who can afford it? "

Jin Zuo Shi and Blood Dragon Right Shi both shrank their necks and shut up.


The southern part of the Burial Mountain Range is next to the border of the Kingdom of Fury.

According to common sense, there will be a large army stationed on the border of the kingdom of God, or there will be patrols by sergeants.

But this area is off the beaten track.

The reason is that the Burial Mountain Range lies between the two great kingdoms of God and is the best natural barrier.

Those who are waiting for a while, it is impossible to cross the Burial Mountain Range and enter the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

If someone crosses the mountains to enter the Kingdom of Rage and Flames, they are also powerful people that ordinary sergeants can't afford, and stationing or patrolling are useless.

The Kingdom of Fury has always been doing this, and it does not send a large army to garrison this border.

For 10,000 years, no accidents have happened.

But today.

When the morning sun rose, a large number of protoss appeared on the southern edge of the Burial Mountain Range.

At least three thousand masters of the Protoss came to this border, wearing two completely different costumes.

These masters lined up along the border, stationed every hundred miles, lurking in the mountains or grasslands.

A total of more than 3,000 people have formed a defensive line of more than 300,000 miles.

The protoss wearing fiery red armor and robes are distributed in the east of the defensive line.

And those protoss wearing ice blue armor or blue robes are lurking in the west of the defensive line.

Almost every master's cuffs and plackets are embroidered with special marks, representing their forces.

More than 3,000 masters come from two major forces, one is the dark red flame rising mark, and the other is the blue giant wave surging mark.

If there are masters from the Kingdom of Rage Flames here, they will be able to recognize the more than 3,000 masters who are from the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace.

All of them are well-trained, demonstrating firm will and rich hidden experience.

Within an hour.

More than 3,000 masters were all hidden.

Whether hiding in the ground, in the jungle, or on the grassland, people can't see the flaws.

At a glance, the border is still as calm as ever.

To the north are the majestic burial mountains and dark green jungles, and to the south are the vast grasslands and land.

at this time.

The west frontier line of defense, in a dark green jungle.

A middle-aged protoss wearing a purple robe is hiding in a towering old tree, meditating with closed eyes and adjusting its breath.

The tree hole inside the old tree is wide enough to hold ten people.

There are four middle-aged gods wearing fiery red armor, standing in a row, standing respectfully.

"Sect Master Qiqi, all the disciples of the discipline have been in place, and the hiding is complete."

Someone bowed their hands and reported the situation.

The middle-aged protoss called the suzerain is the contemporary suzerain of the Holy Fire Sect, Shengwuyin.

He still closed his eyes and said blankly: "Okay, stick to the line of defense. Once the target appears, don't act rashly and report immediately."

"Obviously!" The middle-aged **** who reported the news said obediently.

Another middle-aged **** asked in a puzzled voice: "Sect Master, let's follow the orders of the little prince and hide here and wait for Tian Xing to appear. Don't we really need to do it?"

Sheng Wuyin said in a calm tone: "How the little prince tells us, let's just do it."

The middle-aged **** with a beard frowned and whispered: "Sect Master, the little prince's instructions, of course we have to follow our orders.

However, we can't be so rigid, we just know to follow orders.

If we don't know how to work, we just don't think about making progress and can only be a second-rate sect forever.

Look at that Canglang Palace, just like us, it was a second-rate force.

But they are good at trying to figure out the thoughts of the little prince, and they can always exceed the task, which is appreciated by the little prince.

Over the past ten years, Canglang Palace has not known how many benefits he has gained, and has been repeatedly promoted by the little prince.

As a result, Canglang Palace has now squeezed into the first-class forces and has become one of the seven major sects. "

Although, Canglang Palace can only rank last among the seven sects of the Kingdom of Fury.

But that is also a first-class power, with a higher status.

The Holy Fire Sect is different.

Although it is the most top-notch among the second-rate forces, its power and status are second only to Canglang Palace.

But the Holy Fire Sect is a second-rate force after all, and has been thrown away by Canglang Palace.

Over the years, the people in Canglang Palace are very arrogant.

The disciple of the disciple who encountered the Holy Fire Sect was also a posture with high eyes and high toes.

Shengwuyin opened his eyes, glanced at the four gods, and asked: "Do you all think so?"

The four middle-aged gods nodded together, all filled with indignation.

"Sect Master, you can no longer hide your powers and bide your time, you must do a great thing and make a great contribution!"

"In the past ten years or so, the Canglang Palace has risen and the boats have risen, and they have been riding on our faces. The disciples under the sect have a lot of complaints."

"We used to sit on an equal footing with Canglang Palace, but now we are being bullied everywhere. Who can be convinced?"

"Sovereign~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I heard that the little prince hated Tian Xing deeply and regarded him as a lifelong enemy.

If we can kill Tianxing, it will be a great contribution, and we will surely surpass Canglang Palace in one fell swoop! "

Sheng Wuyin frowned, and said solemnly: "Even Long Fen was killed by that kid, what qualifications do we have to deal with him?"

The middle-aged **** with a horoscope-shaped Hu quickly explained: "Sect Master, let's not fight him head-on, but pick up the bargain!

Everyone knows that that kid fought with the Hetian Sect of the Blood Flame God Kingdom.

Although he won, he also killed Long Fen and a dozen gods.

But he is not a strong **** king, killing a thousand enemies will definitely hurt himself 800, and he himself was seriously injured.

We are so many and powerful, as long as we can surround him, we can definitely kill him.

Taking a step back, even if you can't kill it, it's a terrifying achievement to catch him and give it to the little prince! "

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