Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3115: Stupidest decision

The seven gods and powerful men are all holding the weapon of the gods, and they are eyeing.

The headed middle-aged woman looked at Ji Tianxing and the others with cold eyes.

In the purple-black eyes, there was a frightening cold light.

She was exuding a terrifying cold air, causing the temperature to drop sharply in the world and the heavy snow.

Although she was silent, the invisible murderous intent had spread and enveloped thousands of miles.

Lin Xue, Bai Long and others were silent.

Everyone put away their spoils, armed with swords and magic weapons, and looked at each other with full alertness.

"These guys are not easy to mess with!"

"Surely Young Master Tianxing is right, and another group of rat generations taking advantage of the fire!"

"Is this a mantis catching a cicada and the oriole behind?"

"It's also possible that the snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman gains!"

"The strength of these guys is obviously stronger than that of the Holy Fire Sect. Which power will it be?"

Lin Xue, Bai Long and others kept discussing in secret.

At this time, Ji Tianxing looked at the other party a few times, and said calmly: "There was a holy fire sect to intercept and kill the monarch, and then you will appear.

If you guessed right, you are even the running dogs of the prince, you are from Canglang Palace, right? "

The woman in the blue dress was not angry at all, as cold and sharp as a cone of ice.

She looked at Ji Tianxing indifferently, and said: "Yes! Canglang Palace is ordered by the little prince to kill the rebel here.

Now that you have guessed the identity of this palace, do you admit that you are a heavenly line? "

"It's the Lord." Ji Tianxing said with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, "Canglang Palace is really smarter than Holy Fire Sect!

You know that this monarch is capable of reaching the sky and unpredictable, so let the Holy Fire Sect first come and die, and then you can take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Unfortunately, you fisherman is late! "

Palace Master Canglang was still expressionless, and said in a cold and deep voice: "It's not too late to kill you!"

"Hehehe...very confident." Ji Tianxing sneered, his eyes sharply sweeping Palace Master Canglang and the seven elders.

"One eight-fold peak, three seven-fold peaks, two seven-fold peaks, and two six-fold peaks.

Compared to the strength of the Holy Fire Sect, it is indeed twice as strong.

However, with the eight of you, it is far from enough! "

The seven elders of Canglang Palace frowned, their faces were angry, and their bodies were filled with murderous intent.

Palace Master Canglang still remained unmoved, and said blankly: "What about the elite of my Canglang Palace?"

As her voice fell, twenty dazzling multicolored divine lights lit up in the night sky in all directions.

In each group of colorful lights, there are more than 70 Canglang Palace disciples, led by a deacon.

More than 20 teams, more than 1,500 people in total, were surrounded by swift speed.

In a moment, an encircling circle of 500 li was formed.

The disciples of Canglang Palace dispersed one after another, arranged in a formation, forming a huge trapped formation.

The net of heaven and earth soon formed, and it seemed that Ji Tianxing and the others could hardly fly.

The seven elders of Canglang Palace all showed triumphant sneers.

Palace Master Canglang looked at Ji Tianxing sharply and asked, "Is it enough now?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said calmly: "It's still not enough! At most half an hour, kill all!"

The seven Canglang Palace elders were even more angry, and could no longer contain their anger, and they all began to reprimand.

"Boy, you are so crazy!"

"What an arrogant kid, I'm afraid I don't know how to write dead words?"

"Boy, fighting in battle is not drinking tea and chatting, you are making a joke when you talk like this!"

"Little beast, do you want to support it when you die? Do you think we will fight an unprepared battle?"

Seeing the seven elders filled with righteous indignation, Ji Tianxing smiled disdainfully.

"Since you are so excited, I will give you the most tragic way to die!"

The seven elders were even more angry, all of them gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and surged with murderous intent.

However, Palace Master Canglang did not order, they would not act rashly.

Palace Master Canglang looked like ice thorns, staring straight at Ji Tianxing, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, you are arrogant, but it doesn't help!

The predicament is over, and you will undoubtedly die.

To take a step back, no matter how strong you are, you only need to encircle but not kill, and you can still complete the task.

You can give your last words. "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Compared to Sect Master, you are indeed smarter and calmer.

However, you are only a little better than him.

At this moment, you regard the monarch as a cicada, the Holy Fire School is a praying mantis, and you are a oriole.

However, how do you know that you are not a oriole, but also a praying mantis? "

Palace Master Canglang raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a joking sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha... Want to use the palace?

The palace might as well tell you the truth, Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace are just forwards.

Outside the God Burying Mountain Range, there are more butcher knives waiting to slaughter you into scraps!

The methods and power of the little prince are definitely beyond your imagination.

Becoming a mortal enemy with him is the stupidest decision of your life! "

Since the appearance of Palace Master Canglang, she has been without expressions and mood swings like an ice cube.

This was the first time her expression changed, and she even sneered.

It is conceivable that she has a chance to win in her heart, and she is confident in her chest.

After hearing the words of Palace Master Canglang, Ji Tianxing had the answer in his heart.

This time he entered the God Burying Mountain Range and was ordered to intercept and kill him, only the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace.

However, in the realm of the Kingdom of Fury Flame, even the prince still has many forces, and he also laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting for him to get in.

Of course, those are things for later.

At least for now, after solving the Canglang Palace, there will be no worries.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, smiled at Palace Master Canglang, and said: "Although it is futile, but I am kind, I still want to remind you.

If you take the Canglang Palace disciples to retreat now, you can still survive and keep the foundation of Canglang Palace.

If you persist in not understanding, then it will be too late to regret.

Half an hour ago, this monarch also gave the Holy Fire Sect Host Association.

It's a pity that he didn't cherish it. You have seen the ending of the Holy Fire Sect. "

Hearing this, the seven Canglang Palace elders became even more angry, and even laughed angrily.

"Hahaha...I'm so brash!"

"Boy, stop acting, we've seen through you a long time ago!"

"The more frenzied you behave, the more proof that your heart is anxious!"

"Want to be a soldier without fighting? Who do you think you are?"

"Instead of ranting here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you might as well kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe you can die faster!"

Palace Master Canglang's eyes narrowed, and the expression in his eyes became colder and sharper.

She said in a cold tone: "You can kill everyone in the Holy Fire Sect. This is indeed beyond our expectation.

But you have been fighting repeatedly, how much strength is left now?

There is a command in this palace, even if your tongue is full of flowers and the sky is falling, it is useless.

Your fate, this palace is about to be fixed! "

After all, the master of Canglang Palace gave an order with a sonorous voice: "Kill!"

Seven elders and more than a thousand disciples all said in unison and obeyed their orders. They all roared and waved their magic weapons to attack.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing sighed lightly: "Oh...this is the stupidest decision of your life!"

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