Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3116: What an amazing method

Ji Tianxing sighed, everyone in Canglang Palace could no longer hear him.

They had accumulated anger long ago, and could not contain the turbulent murderous intent.

When Palace Master Canglang gave an order, the seven elders and more than a thousand disciples all released the most powerful tricks.

"Tianlang Sacred Kill!"

"Seven Rolls of Crazy Wave!"

"Twenty percent off the storm!"

"Xuanbing cracked for nine days!"

The crowd uttered a low roar, performing various Canglang Palace magical skills.

In an instant, a huge wave of a thousand feet high, a frenzy of a hundred miles in a radius, and a giant sword of ice covering the sky and the sun covered the sky in a radius of three hundred miles.

More than a thousand disciples of the Canglang Palace also joined forces to form a battle formation, unleashing tens of thousands of divine light and sharp blades, pouring down towards Ji Tianxing and others.

The gloomy night sky was shining brightly again.

The world in a radius of five hundred miles was flooded with endless waves and ice crystal giant swords, and the temperature dropped to the extreme.

The vast land and surrounding mountains and rivers were cracked by the extreme freezing, and the earth and rocks were shattered.

The air also solidified like ice, and the divine power was completely unable to circulate.

Being in such an environment, Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, and Blood Illusion God Lord had no effect.

But Zhen Hong, Jin Zuoshi, Bai Long and others felt a great deal of pressure. Their bodies seemed to be frozen, and their divine powers were all sluggish.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing has prepared and countermeasures.

When Palace Master Canglang ordered an attack, he also raised his palms, pinched the sword and the **** seal, and released the ultimate move.

Zhutian Sword Formation!

He used the supreme secret technique to communicate with the stars outside the domain and lower the power of the endless stars.

Suddenly, 20,000 star giant swords appeared on the high sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

But in the blink of an eye, those 20,000 giant swords of stars, which were thousands of feet long, descended on this area, sealing a radius of thousands of miles.

A super sword formation was formed in an instant, and 20,000 sacred giant swords flew back and forth, releasing the invisible sword intent that suppressed the world, bursting out the violent sword energy that killed everything.

The huge sword shuttles across the sky, or resists the huge waves, frenzy and the shadow of the sword, or the battle formation that strangles the disciples of Canglang Palace.

Only the loud noises of "Boom Boom Boom" and "Kakcha Kacha" were heard constantly, and the world was completely chaotic for hundreds of miles and became chaotic.

No matter how turbulent the waves and frenzy, they were all blocked by the sword light net.

No matter how sharp and extremely cold the Sky Ice Giant Sword, it was cut to pieces by the Star Giant Sword and shredded into slag.

Thousands of swords, lights, swords and shadows could not pass through the barrier of the sword net, and they collapsed and dissipated.

After a few breaths, the first round of battle between the two sides ended.

And the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

The elders and disciples of Canglang Palace were even more shocked, showing extremely shocked expressions.

Ji Tianxing was alone, with a super sword formation, actually blocked the attack of Canglang Palace!

Seven elders and more than a thousand disciples' joint attacks were resolved by him alone!

What is this amazing strength, what a terrifying method?

Everyone understood that even Palace Master Canglang definitely did not have such a strong strength!

Palace Master Canglang, who has always been expressionless and without emotional fluctuations, couldn't help frowning and squinting his eyes.

A thick shock and astonishment flashed through her eyes, and she thought to herself: "This son will fight Hetianzong first, and kill Long Fen and the Hetianzong strong.

Tonight fight with the Holy Fire Sect again, killing Sheng Wuyin and the Holy Fire Sect disciples.

It stands to reason that no matter how strong he is, he should be seriously injured and his strength is empty.

But why, he has no signs of weakness or injury?

Was he hiding too deeply, concealing from the investigation of the palace?

Or... he was really not injured, and his strength has always been at his peak? "

Palace Master Canglang fell into silence, hesitating and weighing in his heart.

If it was the former, then she still had enough confidence to tear away Ji Tianxing's disguise, revealing his true form, and died on the spot.

If it is the latter, then she has seriously miscalculated Ji Tianxing's strength and status.

The consequences will be disastrous!

Canglang Palace is likely to follow in the footsteps of the Holy Fire Sect.

Palace Master Canglang is very calm and cautious, not thinking about victory, but first about defeat.

After a short period of consideration, she decided to continue to attack and test Ji Tianxing's details!


Her eyes returned to cold and firmness, and she stared at Ji Tianxing in the night sky with a cold voice.

The seven elders and more than a thousand disciples, throwing away the shock and distractions in their joy, went all out to attack.


It is also a variety of magical skills, swords and swords that cover the sky and the sun, flooding Ji Tianxing and others like a flood.

This time, everyone holding a stubborn and unyielding mentality, broke out even more powerful combat effectiveness.

The magical light and shadow that obscures the sky and the sun are also more gorgeous and more powerful!

However, the results are no different.

Ji Tianxing had already perfected the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation, and injected 98 laws of power into the sword formation.

The 20,000 star giant sword has also become a multicolored divine sword, with a more mysterious and fierce aura.


Thousands of giant swords flew, resisting the huge waves and frenzy, cutting off the sky, light and sword shadows, and smashing all kinds of magical skills.

The attack of the Canglang Palace disciples was once again blocked and resolved by the Heavenly Sword Formation.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Bai Long and others also performed their tricks to kill the disciples of Canglang Palace.

"Blood wash the world!"

Lin Xue turned into a **** phantom and rushed to the front of dozens of Canglang Palace disciples, holding the blood knife in both hands and severely chopped it down.

The blood knife bloomed with brilliant light, bringing the **** knife shadow that covered the sky and the sun, and drowned those Canglang Palace disciples.


After a flash of blood, the night sky became empty.

More than seventy disciples of the Canglang Palace, including the lower **** deacon who led the team, were beheaded by the blood knife and scattered in the night sky.

Many gods flew out and fled in panic.

Lin Xue's white hair fluttered, the blood knife flew, and hundreds of dazzling blood lights were cut out.

"Crack! Click!"

One after another, the sound of breaking sounded, and those godheads were chopped into pieces.

On the other side, Zhen Hong entered a violent state, incarnate as the goddess of dragon blood, blasting towards a group of Canglang Palace disciples like a cannonball.

Bai Long was afraid that she might have missed something, and turned into a long-distance electric white dragon to assist her in the charge.

He released the thunder that covered the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and rolled up the hurricane.

The two attacked together and quickly killed the group of Canglang Palace disciples.

Similar scenarios are still being staged at the same time.

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign, Jin Zuozhi, and Blood Dragon Youshi and others also joined forces to kill a group of Canglang Palace disciples.

Ji Tianxing, Qianyue and Heilong also killed more than 70 disciples instantly with a violent and invincible posture.

After two breaths, the second round of confrontation ended.

Ji Tianxing and others were unharmed, but Canglang Palace paid the price in blood.

In four battle formations, three hundred Canglang Palace disciples were killed by Ji Tianxing and others.

There was a gap in the encircling circle of Canglang Palace.

The spirit and will of the people has also suffered setbacks and blows.

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