Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3117: Canglang 9 turns

Being so hit, the momentum of Canglang Palace was frustrated.

The fighting spirit of the seven elders and many disciples has obviously dropped a bit.

Their full attack was resisted and resolved by the Heavenly Swordsman Formation.

But the Canglang Palace disciples couldn't resist the attack by Ji Tianxing and others, and they were easily killed.

Isn't this a sign of defeat?

Thinking of this, the disciples of Canglang Palace were all worried and anxious.

With nothing to do, they looked at the seven elders and Palace Master Canglang, hoping that the Palace Master could come up with effective countermeasures.

The seven elders also felt uneasy in their hearts, both angry and worried, and their eyes focused on the palace lord.

Palace Master Canglang remained calm and composed, sitting on the ice-ridged lotus platform.

She shouted expressionlessly: "The disciple of Canglang Palace listened to the order, formed the Ninth Turn of Canglang Divine Formation, and joined forces to defend against the enemy!"

While giving this order, she also flew to the sky.


The ice-blue lotus platform hovered above the sky, releasing eighteen icy blue pillars, flying around like a dragon.

Palace Master Canglang sat on the lotus platform with his hands holding the magic formula, and swiftly waved like electricity, forming a mysterious seal.

Obviously, she did it herself!

With herself as the core, she gathered the power of more than a thousand Canglang Palace disciples to use the Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array to resist the attack and kill of the Zhutian Sword Array and Ji Tianxing.

Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array is the protector of Canglang Palace, and it is also the ancestral king-level sacred array.

The attack and destructive power of this formation is only at the level of Jun-level top grade.

But its defensive power has reached the level of the best king-level!

Through two confrontations and fights, Palace Master Canglang has tentatively found the answer.

She has to admit that Ji Tianxing is indeed not a disguise and strong support.

But it was really not injured, and the strength was at its peak, making it hard to see clearly.

If the Canglang Palace disciples continue to attack, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

In every confrontation, hundreds of disciples will die in battle.

Before long, Canglang Palace was defeated.

Therefore, Palace Master Canglang made a decisive decision and changed his strategy.

She no longer let the disciples take the initiative to attack, but formed a defensive array.

As long as she uses the Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array to block the attacks of the Zhutian Sword Array and Ji Tianxing and others, she can delay time.

She had already sent out a jade slip to report the situation to Prince Lien.

Prince Lian has long been outside the God Burying Mountain Range, and has arranged many forces to form a net of heaven and earth.

As long as she can hold Ji Tianxing, the strong from other forces will soon come.

At that time, gather many forces and the power of the strong to join forces to encircle and suppress the journey of heaven.

Even though Ji Tianxing has great patience, he must be buried here!


Soon, the seven elders and more than a thousand disciples of Canglang Palace changed positions.

The disciples of Canglang Palace formed seventeen squares, and the seven elders formed a square.

There are a total of eighteen phalanxes, just in response to the eighteen blue icy pillars released by the lotus platform.

Suddenly, the foundation of Canglang Ninth Revolution was formed.

Canglang Palace Lord is the core, sitting on the lotus platform, standing high above the sky.

The lotus platform extends out of eighteen light pillars, connecting eighteen square formations, gathering the power of more than one thousand disciples and seven elders.

In the night sky, a layer of ice-blue divine light was immediately covered, covering a radius of five hundred miles.


The ice blue divine light continues to condense and thicken, and its defense power is also increasing sharply.

However, two breaths, an ice blue divine light barrier with a radius of five hundred miles, was successfully formed!

The Heavenly Jade Sword Array speeded up, and the Ten Thousand Dao Great Sword made more violent assassinations, but they were all blocked by the blue ice wall.

The sacred giant sword pierced the ice blue barrier, bursting with a "ding-dang-dong", bursting out countless divine light fragments.

However, the ice blue barrier is unbreakable.

Even though it was constantly trembling with the sacred giant sword, it never broke, but flew the giant sword upside down.

For three full breaths of time, the Sacred Great Sword failed to break the ice blue barrier.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Canglang Palace immediately felt relieved and regained their confidence and calmness.

Even a few elders still sneered jokingly and ridiculed Ji Tianxing.

"Boy, what else do you have, just use it!"

"This Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array is the unique knowledge of our Canglang Palace, and its defense is unparalleled in the world!"

"We Canglang Palace are united together, this sacred formation brings together the strength of all of us.

You alone, even if you have great patience, can't help us! "

"Hahaha...little beast, weren't you crazy just now?

We are here, you have the ability to kill! "

Canglang Ninth Turn is everyone's greatest reliance.

Under the protection of the ice blue barrier, everyone is safe and secure.

Hearing the words of several elders, many deacons and disciples of Canglang Palace also mocked and insulted Ji Tianxing and others.

Ji Tianxing was expressionless, deaf to everyone's words.

His pupils turned golden, staring at Canglang Nine Turns Divine Formation blankly, looking for flaws and cracking methods.

But Lin Xue, Bai Long, Zhen Hong and others were furious and murderous.

Seeing the nasty face of the elder of the Canglang Palace, they all wielded the magic weapon, used their unique tricks, and attacked the ice blue wall with all their strength.


The sky of blood, sword light, and magical light and shadows bombarded the blue ice wall one after another, but it didn't work at all.

The ice blue barrier is indestructible, withstands several attacks from everyone without leaving traces or cracks.

This scene made the elders and disciples of Canglang Palace become more confident and frantic.

They laughed, unscrupulously mocking and insulting Lin Xue and others.

"Hahaha...you stupid pigs, it's so funny!"

"This seat has already said that the defense of the Canglang Nine Turns Divine Formation is the only one in the world. You are the worm shaking the tree!"

"Even Tianxing can't help us, let alone you scumbags? Don't be overconfident!"

"Never-barriers, stop stubbornly resisting, obediently kneel down and surrender, kowtow for mercy!"

"All the men were killed, and the bones were frustrated! All the women stayed, let everyone hahaha..."

The elders of the Canglang Palace would still care about their status.

But those deacons and disciples are vulgar, and all kinds of foul language are endless.

Even Gao Tianshang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Palace Master Canglang, who was sitting on the lotus platform, couldn't help frowning and his face was calm.

However, she is the head of Canglang Palace after all.

At this juncture, even though the disciples were arrogant, she couldn't stop drinking.

She just concentrates on manipulating the sacred formation with all her strength, resisting the suppression and strangulation of the Zhutian Sword Array.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

After a whole hundred breaths of time passed, Lin Xue, Bai Long and others had nothing to do with the Canglang Palace disciples.

Ji Tianxing has been silent all the time, staring at the ice-blue barrier with his golden pupils, searching for the flaws in the divine formation in the veins of billions of divine powers.

at last.

He raised his brows, his eyes opened slightly, and the corners of his mouth evoked a sneer.

"That's it!"

In the next moment, he held the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands and attacked brazenly!

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