Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3118: Great irony!

The elders and disciples of Canglang Palace are still immersed in strong confidence.

While maintaining the Canglang ninth revolution, they mocked and insulted Ji Tianxing and others.

Under the ice blue barrier, they feel safe and worry-free, and they will be so unscrupulous if they are invincible.

But no one thought that at their most arrogant and proud moment, Ji Tianxing would actually make a move!

This shot was not an ordinary temptation.

It's... a kill!

When Ji Tianxing's figure flashed, he teleported into the night sky.

He appeared to the southeast of the lotus platform, a hundred miles away from the lord of Canglang Palace, three hundred feet lower than the lotus platform.

right here!

Under his feet is an indestructible ice blue barrier.

The icy blue light wall that looks very thick and shimmering with cold light actually hides an extremely subtle flaw.

There is nothing absolutely perfect in this world.

Regardless of the artifacts, formations and pill, it is the same!

Even if the Ninth Rank of Canglang is a king-level superb divine formation, it is formed by 120 million veins.

However, there are still two or three flaws and errors in the context of the 120 million formations.

And these flaws and errors are the flaws of the entire God Array.

Of course, even the strong man who created this sacred formation may not know the existence of errors and defects, let alone point out the specific location.

Ji Tianxing did it!

Moreover, within a short period of time, the flaw was seen and found.

Such ability and means are comparable to the supreme **** king!

"The sword breaks nine days!"

Having determined the location of the flaw, Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands and stab it with all his strength.

Heaven Burial Jian Bo emitted endless white divine light, and with the most violent and invincible posture, it slammed into the ice blue barrier.


A loud thunderous noise suddenly exploded in the night sky.

The seemingly indestructible ice blue barrier was pierced on the spot by a thousand-foot-long white sword light!

A big hole in the house appeared on the ice blue barrier.

Immediately afterwards, the sword aura and divine power that destroyed everything was crazily injected into the ice blue barrier.

"Crack! Click!"

With a burst of crisp cracking sound, dense cracks collapsed around the hole, extending in all directions.

Hundreds of cracks, like spider webs, are distributed on the ice blue barrier.

From the gaps and loopholes, hundreds of millions of icy blue fragments spattered into the night sky.

Like a rainstorm of ice crystals!

Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array, the most proud of Canglang Palace, was defeated by Ji Tianxing!

At this moment, the ice blue barrier in a radius of five hundred miles trembled frantically.

More than a thousand Canglang Palace disciples and seven elders were all stunned, as if they were petrified.

All the ridicules and insults stopped abruptly, stuck in everyone's throats, and could no longer make a sound.

Everyone's body and expressions are stiff and solidified.

His eyes opened violently, revealing extremely shocked and horrified eyes!

And the most shocked and shocked person is none other than Palace Master Canglang.

Originally, she was sitting on the lotus platform, her face was cold and her emotions were not wavering.

At this moment, her eyes widened in horror, and she stood up.

There is no longer a trace of the bearing and demeanor of the palace owner or the strong.

"how can that be?!"

She stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and cried out in exclamation at the hole in the ice blue barrier.

The incomparable horror filled her mind and soul, making her tremble all over.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the door.

The disciples of Canglang Palace only saw that Ji Tianxing was unparalleled and unparalleled, with one sword pierced the ice blue barrier.

But Palace Master Canglang could see clearly.

Ji Tianxing's sword was definitely not a random attack.

It was that he saw through the Canglang Ninth Rank Great Formation and found the flaws in the Divine Formation before defeating the Divine Formation with a single sword.

"The most proud ancestors in this school have flaws and flaws?

Why didn't this palace know, but he was able to find the break of the divine formation in just a few breaths?

This is simply ridiculous! "

Understanding the mystery, Palace Master Canglang only felt that the sky was spinning, and his eyes were staring at Venus.

She even felt a trance and unreality.

After all, all this is really ridiculous!

An outsider, enemy, knows Canglang Nine Turns Divine Array better than her Palace Master Canglang?

Great irony!


Palace Master Canglang sneered in despair, his throat suddenly heated, and a **** arrow spouted out of his mouth.

She was cold on the outside and arrogant on the inside. She couldn't stand such a blow, and she vomited blood!

Of course, the main reason for her vomiting blood was that Ji Tianxing broke through the Canglang Nine Turns God Array.

And she is the core of presiding the sacred formation, and she is bound to be implicated and backlashed, and her internal organs have been seriously injured.

"Crack! Click!"

Just as everyone was stunned, Ji Tianxing waved the Sky Burial Sword again, slashing dozens of swords against the ice blue barrier.

The position of each sword is very tricky, just in the gaps and cracks.

The results can be imagined.

With a burst of crisp cracking sound, the ice blue barrier was torn apart and collapsed on the spot.


Thousands of icy blue fragments burst out of the night sky.

Each fragment has different shapes and sizes. The big ones are like mountains and the small ones are like houses. They all fall on the ground.

Within two breaths, the ice-blue barrier in a radius of five hundred miles turned into scum on the ground and completely collapsed.

Until then, the Canglang Palace people woke up like a dream, and burst out with deafening exclamations and anger.

Of course, there are screams of sadness, and screams of pain!

The battlefield is in chaos.

The disciples of Canglang Palace fell sharply, and their spirit and will collapsed.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xue, Bai Long and others, cheered excitedly, and rushed into the crowd with a grinning face.

All kinds of supernatural powers, swords and shadows, poured down like a flood.

The Zhutian Sword Array also speeds up, releasing a dense rain of sacred giant swords, strangling the disciples of Canglang Palace.

Suddenly, there were screams in the night sky, and muffled noises burst out one after another.

Flesh and flesh flying across the sky, stumps of limbs and broken arms and a rain of blood, one after another spilled into the night sky.

The disciples of Canglang Palace lost their refuge, they were slaughtered like a weak lamb!

How arrogant and proud they were before, how embarrassed and miserable they are now!

"It's defeated! My palace was defeated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a mess!

Ha ha ha ha... Unexpectedly, the Canglang Palace, which had been passed down for thousands of years, would be defeated by an alien kid!

After all, this palace underestimated him! "

Palace Master Canglang stood on the lotus platform, his expression wilted, and he murmured in despair.

There was a wry smile on his face, and his expression was rather sad and lonely.

By now, the defeat of Canglang Palace is a foregone conclusion.

But she quickly calmed down, cheered up again, and returned to her cold state.

Although Canglang Palace was about to be defeated, she still refused to give up.

Even if she was sealed off by the Heavenly Sword Array, she would do her best to bring her disciples to break through.

How much you can escape and how much you can survive depends on God's will!

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