Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3120: You guys think too much

Although, the Canglang Palace disciples suffered heavy casualties.

More than forty people who survived turned a blind eye to this.

They still besieged Ji Tianxing frantically, burning blood flames all over, and went completely violent.

Ji Tianxing was still sitting in the night sky, his body became transparent and fuzzy, appearing occasionally.

No matter how the people besieged, they couldn't hurt him a single hair.

All magical light and shadow are scattered on the ground, absorbed and dissolved by this world.

Taking this opportunity, he manipulated the Zhutian Sword Formation to strangle everyone in Canglang Palace.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others also attacked with all their strength, continuously beheading the Canglang Palace disciples one after another.

Finally, Bai Xi time passed.

The Canglang Palace disciples were all killed, and only the Canglang Palace Master, four elders and three deacons were still alive.

The battle came to an abrupt end, and Palace Master Canglang and others came to a sense of clarity.

The four elders and the three deacons are all next to the lotus platform.

Everyone was covered in blood and ragged clothes, and some even had broken hands or feet.

Even so, they never wailed or wailed.

Just staring at Ji Tianxing with bitter eyes, panting violently.

The night sky returned to quiet.

Ji Tianxing's figure also became clear and real.

He walked towards the Canglang Palace Master, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand, and said indifferently: "Everything is over, accept your fate!

Don't surrender, you don't need to be captured. "

Palace Master Canglang stood on the lotus platform, holding a snake-shaped ice crystal sword in his right hand, and staring at Ji Tianxing with blood red eyes.

"Do you really want to kill them all without leaving a trace of life?"

She gritted her teeth and asked in a hoarse voice.

Ji Tianxing looked indifferent and did not answer.

Palace Master Canglang understood what he meant, still a little unwilling, and asked again: "This palace is at your disposal, you let them go!

The end of Canglang Palace is no different from disbanding, no matter how hard it is to threaten you. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and didn't say much.

In fact, everyone present understands this.

Even if Ji Tianxing only killed Palace Master Canglang and spared the four elders and three deacons, what about?

Will the seven gods be grateful to Dade and give up dealing with him?

will not!

They will only be more angry, and their hatred for Ji Tianxing will be more unforgettable.

Even, they will use all means to retaliate against Ji Tianxing.

So, how can there be kindness among the enemies of life and death?

"Ha ha ha ha... is it true that we take the blame?"

Palace Master Canglang was full of despair, his heart was ashamed, and he grinned sneer.

She burst out with more violent killing intent, madly gathering divine power in her body, and roared hysterically.

"Since there is no way to survive, the left and the right will die... Then this palace will teach you a lesson that will never be remembered!"

While talking, she brazenly blew herself up.

The thin body violently agitated, igniting a **** flame.

The godhead in his mind frantically swallows all the gods, brewing the most violent explosion.

A breath of destruction, centering on her spread.

The four elders and three deacons were not surprised by this result.

Even they decisively blew themselves up!

In an instant, eight groups of blood and flames ignited in the night sky, fluctuating with the aura of death that destroyed the world.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes flashed with cold light.

Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and others were also shocked, their expressions became solemn, and a heart came up in their throat.

Everyone knows that the eight gods blew themselves together, enough to destroy a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Maybe Ji Tianxing is strong enough to resist the power of self-detonation, but he was seriously injured.

Lin Xue and the blood illusion gods are not weak, they should be able to save their lives, but the injuries are more serious.

But Zhen Hong, Jin Zuoshi, Bai Long and others are impossible to resist, and they must die on the spot!

These people are Ji Tianxing's friends and companions, and they are very important to him.

Therefore, Palace Master Canglang would speak out and teach him a lesson he will never forget.

Once they blew up successfully, the lesson would be extremely tragic!

At the moment of life and death, Lin Xue, Blood Illusion God Monarch, and Jin Zuozhu, etc., all had their eyes cracked anxiously.

"Master Tianxing, think of a way!"

"It's over! Even if we teleport and escape now, we won't be able to escape their self-destructive range!"

"My son, you can definitely prevent them from exploding, right?"

In this situation, it was too late to escape, and we could only find a way to prevent the people in Canglang Palace from exploding.

However, the eight gods all had a mortal heart and blew themselves up at the same time.

No matter how powerful Ji Tianxing is, he can only prevent three people from exploding and cannot do more.

No matter how you look at it, this is a mortal situation.


"You must be desperate?"

"Don't let us live, then you don't want to live either!"

"Let's embrace death together!"

"Even if you die, I won't let you go!"

"It's too late to regret now, so cry! Begging!"

In the **** flames, Palace Master Canglang and several elders and deacons laughed like crazy.

They were about to be wiped out, but they felt a sense of relief, venting their anger unscrupulously.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others were distraught, but they were helpless.

Only Ji Tianxing and Bai Long were still calm and calm.

Ji Tianxing looked at Palace Master Canglang and others in the raging blood flames, and said calmly: "Allow you to blew up and die, this is the kindness of this monarch to you.

However, if you want to push us back, you think too much. "

While talking, he lifted his right palm and sacrificed a dark tower.


The dark and mysterious sacred tower instantly became a thousand feet tall and stood in the night sky.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing shot out a white light that swept through Bailong, Zhenhong, Lin Xue, Jin Zuoshi and others.

Of course, there are Qianyue and Black Dragon.

Seeing a flash of white light, everyone disappeared.

In the next instant, Ji Tianxing led everyone into the tower and appeared in the third layer of space.

There is boundless darkness all around, and a vast wasteland underneath.

This space is quiet and silent, empty.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others immediately understood Ji Tianxing's intentions, and they were relieved with a sigh of relief.

They knew that with the protection of the **** tower, everyone should be safe.

at the same time.

Palace Master Canglang and several elders and deacons, their power accumulation reached the limit, they were about to explode immediately.

They were grinning cruelly and bloodthirsty, waiting to appreciate the appearance of Ji Tianxing and others who were dying and crying in despair~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, after a flash of white light, Ji Tianxing and others disappeared.

There was only one **** tower left in the night sky, mysterious and powerful, with a majestic breath.

Seeing this scene, Palace Master Canglang and others were dumbfounded on the spot, and they all showed extremely grief and bitter eyes.

"No!!" Palace Master Canglang let out a stern cry.

She knew that the plan had failed again.

Their self-destruction did not hurt Ji Tianxing and others at all, and they were doomed to be useless.

But now, it is too late to regret, and the self-destruction cannot be stopped.


In the next instant, the eight gods exploded at the same time, blooming the most splendid brilliance in the night sky.

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