Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3121: 1 game for nothing?


The earth-shaking explosion shook Jiuxiao.

Eight groups of colorful and brilliant lights rose into the air like mushroom clouds.

The entire Zhutian Sword Formation was flooded with dazzling divine light, and there was no dead end.

The divine power storm that ruined the sky and the earth spread out in all directions and exploded.

The first to be impacted, of course, was the Nine Heavens and Ten Wonders Tower.

This tower of thousands of feet high, the black light burst flashing.

It was engulfed by the divine power of destroying the world, rolling and flying to the north.

Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Jade Sword Array, which was thousands of miles away, was also torn apart by the explosion and collapsed on the spot.

Twenty thousand giant swords were all shattered into **** and turned into endless fragments, rushing around like a torrent.

The torrent of colorful divine power spreads around at the speed of light.

A radius of 10,000 li, 30,000 li, 50,000 li, 80,000 li...

Wherever the torrent of divine power passes, it sweeps everything and destroys everything.

The mountains and rivers have been leveled, and the earth has been shoveled away.

All flowers, trees, rocks, birds and beasts all instantly turned into dust.

Originally, the torrent of supernatural power that blew up could spread to a radius of 140,000 miles.

But the existence of Zhutian Sword Formation offset part of its power.

As a result, the torrent of divine power spread to a radius of one hundred thousand miles and then gradually dissipated.

In this world, the shining colorful colors are as bright as daylight.

The terrifying loud noise will last for a long time.

The dazzling divine light lasted for a quarter of an hour before it went out.

The earth trembled crazily for a hundred thousand miles, and the dust that covered the sky and the sun lingered.

With the explosion point as the center, there is a smooth road north of 50,000 miles, like a desert covered with sand.

The same goes for fifty thousand li to the south, a barren and silent elephant.

Of course, the 50,000 li in the south has exceeded the Burying Mountain Range, bordering the territory of the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

There is a grassland, but it has also become a sunken desert.

Waves are left on the ground, and the depth and impact strength decrease gradually.

The power of the eight gods to explode is so powerful.

Even if a dozen meteors fall here, they cannot cause such a terrifying destructive power.

This is the real ruin!

With such a momentum that shakes the world, one can see the light and sense anomalies from a million miles away!

I don't know how long it took.

Xu is a quarter of an hour, and Xu is an hour.

Calm was restored between the heavens and the earth, and the loud noises and dazzling lights dissipated.

Only the smoke and dust that covered the sky and the sun was still flooding the sky and the earth, even if the wind blows.

The long night finally passed.

A new day comes, and the rising sun rises.

The hazy morning sun shone, impenetrable to cover the sky with smoke and dust, and the sky and the earth were still dark.

Five thousand miles away from the explosion point, in a pit covered with sand.

The sacred tower lying in the sand, lit up with a mysterious black light.


It shook off the gravel covering its body and flew back into the sky, floating quietly.

Then, a white light flashed in the sky, and several figures appeared one after another.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Sovereign, Jin Zuo Envoy, Blood Dragon Right Envoy and Zhen Hong, all six were safe and sound.

Although, the previous battles had consumed a lot of divine power, and they had suffered minor or severe injuries.

However, when on the third floor of the tower, everyone recuperated for a while.

Now they are all restored to a clean and refreshing appearance, no longer an embarrassed appearance covered in blood and disheveled hair.

Of course, Jin Zuoshi, Blood Dragon, and Zhenhong are slightly injured, but they will not recover in a short while.

White Dragon, Qianyue and Black Dragon did not appear.

They also suffered serious injuries, and went into the twisted time and space to heal.

Last night's fight against each other gave them a lot of rewards, feelings and insights.

Just retreat and practice for a period of time, and the strength can grow rapidly.


When Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others saw the smoke and the vast desert, they all showed incomparably shocked expressions and exclaimed.

"God! This is the power of the gods to blew themselves up?"

"Within my divine consciousness, 20,000 li has become a desert, and no grass will grow!"

"This is too scary!"

"Sure enough, it's ruining the world!"

"It's terrible! Fortunately, the son has a **** tower, which blocks the power of self-destruction at the critical moment, otherwise we are all finished!"

Everyone looked around and talked in horror as they were amazed.

Ji Tianxing's expression was calm, without the slightest excitement.

Even, some disappointment.

He looked at the desert at his feet and sighed with regret.

"Oh... it is really unsatisfactory in life, eight out of ten|nine.

In the middle of the night for nothing, not to mention the fragments of the godhead, even the space ring can't be found. "


It took him two hours and so much effort to wipe out more than a thousand people in Canglang Palace.

On the battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles, there are magic weapons, space rings and fragments of the gods everywhere.

If you can clean the battlefield, you will definitely be able to harvest tens of billions of training resources and artifacts.

The most important thing is that the godhead fragments of Palace Master Canglang and the seven elders can be collected in his bag, and he can add more than a dozen rules.

But it's a pity.

Palace Master Canglang and others blew themselves up, destroying a radius of 100,000 miles.

The bones, space rings, and fragments of the gods scattered on the battlefield were also destroyed into dust and no longer existed.

The world has been cleaned for 100,000 miles, so how can there be any spoils?

After a while, when Lin Xue and others finished their discussion, their emotions returned to calm.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand happily, and said: "There is nothing to look at, we should go now."

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others were taken aback, and cast doubtful glances at him.

"Boy, we destroyed the Canglang Palace and made such a big movement, it will definitely shock the Kingdom of Fury.

We have created a miracle, why are you not happy at all? "

Lin Xue with hands on hips, tilted her head to look at Ji Tianxing, with a look of scrutiny.

Envoy Jin Zuo also asked doubtfully: "Master, let's fight two games overnight, first destroy the Holy Fire Sect, and then destroy the Canglang Palace.

The two major sects were wiped out, and we are not less than one. This is an unprecedented victory!

You have spread all over the world before you enter the Kingdom of Fury~www.wuxiaspot.com~. How domineering and prestigious is this?

You should be happy for such a big happy event. "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, and said angrily: "What's the use of wanting those prestige? Apart from letting the Kingdom of Rage and Flames unite and encircle us, it will only cause criticism and hatred.

Bai was busy working in the middle of the night and didn't even catch a piece of the sacred stone. Can you be happy? "

"Uh..." Jin Zuozhu suddenly choked, not knowing what to say.

The blood dragon right envoy had a weird expression, and whispered: "Why... the son is not the same as ours?"

The blood illusion **** nodded in sympathy, and said: "Maybe we have too little knowledge, superficial vision, and some fuss.

For the son, this kind of thing has long been commonplace, and there is nothing to be excited about.

Well, when we get used to it, we should be calmer. "

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