Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3122: The change of the sacred tree

The thousand-meter-long pitch-black divine ship passed through the sky and flew to the south.

It didn't take long for the godship to cross tens of thousands of miles of desert and leave the buried **** mountain range.

After entering a vast grassland, he officially entered the territory of the Kingdom of Fury.

Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun, and Zhen Hong all entered the secret room to perform their exercises and heal their injuries.

The left envoy Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon drove the divine ship, and the two took turns to rest and heal their injuries.

When they set off, the two asked Ji Tianxing.

Where to go next?

Although it is to enter the Kingdom of Rage Flame, is there a specific destination?

Ji Tianxing said calmly, just fly south.

The specific target is not the Kingdom of Fury, but the imperial city of the Great Yan Empire.

The Jin Zuo Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy now understand that everyone is just passing by the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

If there is no special situation, there is no need to stay.

As for Ji Tianxing, after answering this question, he entered the secret room.

He sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and placed them on the stone table in the secret room.

Then, he entered the twisted time and space of the tower and flew to the depths of time and space.

Just now, Yun Yao called him through the voice of his divine sense, and asked him to quickly enter the twisted time and space. There are important things.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing did not delay time and hurried to check the situation.


After a short while, he flew into the depths of warped space-time.

Still far away, he saw a huge group of **** flames rising fiercely in time and space.

His observation ability was very keen, and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"The power of the blood flame tree seems to be restored to its peak, how much has it increased?

How is this going? It shouldn't be! "

With full of doubts, he speeded up to fly under the blood flame **** tree.

Yun Yao, wearing a white skirt, was standing under the sacred tree, watching the sacred tree intently.

Realizing that Ji Tianxing is coming, she retracted her gaze and turned to look at Ji Tianxing.

"Tianxing, come and see what's going on?"

Ji Tianxing quickly flew to her side and fell down, and asked, "Yaoyao, what happened?"

Yun Yao pointed to the sacred tree of blood flames and explained: "Not long ago, just after my retreat ended, I discovered that this sacred tree was a bit strange.

Its power was a bit weak before, and the blood flame was silent.

But now, its power seemed to have recovered, and the flames of God became surging. "

After speaking, she flew to the top of the tree with Ji Tianxing again and pointed to a cluster of lush branches.

"Look there again, I clearly remember that the tree is bare, without leaves and fruit, but that clump of branches actually sprouted!"

Ji Tianxing looked in the direction she was pointing, and he saw three lavender buds growing on the bare dark red branches.

He looked elsewhere, and soon found that several clusters of branches had grown lavender buds.

The breath of the Blood Flame God Tree is not as silent as before, it actually has a sense of vitality and prosperity!

This discovery also surprised Ji Tianxing.

"For no reason, how can the Blood Flame God Tree regain its strength and give birth to buds?

Yaoyao, have you done anything to the sacred tree? "

Yun Yao naturally shook his head, pointed to the time and space around the sacred tree, and said, "I, Ke Ke, Wushuang, Bailong, Qianyue and Heilong have been cultivating around this sacred tree for a long time.

We have done nothing except to draw the power of the sacred tree.

Even the divine fruit you gave us has been cherished, and it hasn't been refined yet. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, and said: "It stands to reason that you have been drawing the power of the sacred tree. It is in the warped time and space, and it cannot be supplemented by power, so it should not be restored.

There must be some reason for it to absorb a lot of divine power to become like this. "

Yun Yao reminded: "We have been cultivating here and have not done anything.

But you, think about it, did you do something? "

Hearing her words, Ji Tianxing had a flash of light in his mind and vaguely guessed the answer.

"I understand!

I had been fighting a battle before, first extinguishing more than a thousand people in the Holy Fire Sect, and then killing more than a thousand people in Canglang Palace.

It is estimated that the death of the three thousand gods, exuding powerful blood and divine power, was absorbed by the blood flame tree! "

Yun Yao was taken aback, and nodded in deep agreement: "Well, your analysis makes sense.

The Blood Flame God Tree is originally a collection of the blood souls of millions of soldiers, and it is a spiritual quasi-king-level God tree.

If it is said that it will actively draw blood and soul power, it is also natural. "

After a pause, she frowned and asked: "For thousands of years, the blood flame tree has been in the blood flame secret realm.

Have you ever heard that it can draw blood and soul power and continue to grow and grow? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of this before. It seems that everyone thinks that the Blood Flame God Tree will no longer grow.

But what is suspicious is that when the sacred tree of blood flame only appeared thousands of years ago, it was only a thousand feet high.

And now, the blood flame sacred tree is as high as ten thousand meters, indicating that it is still growing ten times slowly! "

Yun Yao nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully: "Tian Xing, these are our guesses, and we can't be sure.

When you fight next time, pay attention to observe the blood flame **** tree, you will know the answer.

Moreover, the sacred tree is placed in the twisted time and space, absorbing blood and the power of the sacred soul, and the sacred tower will cause certain obstacles.

If the sacred tree is moved outside the sacred tower, perhaps it can draw more blood and soul power. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded: "Well, this proposal is not bad. I'm trying to refine the sacred tree.

When I can control it freely, I will move it out of the tower. "

This matter was agreed upon.

Ji Tianxing only noticed that Yun Yao's realm of strength had improved again.

"Hey, how long hasn't seen this yet, Yaoyao, you actually broke through to the second level of the gods?"

Ji Tianxing looked at her with scorching eyes, showing a surprised expression on his face.

Yunyao nodded slightly and explained: "The previous few fights have benefited Koko and I.

When we retreat here, we have inexhaustible divine stones and source stones, and we can also draw the power of the blood flame divine tree.

Under such favorable conditions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you can't make a breakthrough, then you will be reincarnated as a **** king.

What's more, to promote from the Heavenly God Realm to the Divine Sovereign Realm requires breaking through the shackles, which is extremely difficult.

Once you successfully break through to the Divine Sovereign Realm, your subsequent cultivation will be a smooth journey. "

After talking about this, Ji Tianxing thought of more important things, and asked with concern: "By the way, Yaoyao, you have now reached the realm of the gods, how much memory of the souls have been restored?"

Of course Yun Yao understood that he was referring to the memory of Goddess Yaoguang.

Her eyes dimmed, and she said with some loss: "At present, only about 80% has been recovered, most of which are trivial things, and there are all kinds of magical powers.

The most critical information and experience are in the last 20% of memory.

I thought, maybe because I only merged six divine beads, my memory is missing. "

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, and comforted him: "Don't worry, even if you travel across the world, I will help you find the last divine orb and restore your complete memory."

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