Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3123: critical hit

Regarding Yun Yao's soul memory, look for the last **** orb.

There is also the secret of the broken world of the five elements, falling from the main world to the lower world.

And, as a result of the fall of the sword **** and the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, the current pattern of the gods...

Including going to the dragon world, rescuing Ji Wuhen and so on.

All this is pressed in Ji Tianxing's heart, waiting for him to announce and implement one by one.

But these things cannot be done overnight. It takes a long time and it is useless to worry.

He comforted Yun Yao a few words and went to visit Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang.

Ji Ke is still practicing in retreat, her strength has reached the limit of the first stage, and he is breaking through the critical moment of the second stage.

Ji Tianxing believes that it won't take long for her to break through to the second level of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

As for Ji Wushuang, he is also practicing in a dedicated retreat.

The incident that happened in the King City of the Blood Flame God made her feel guilty all the time.

She felt that her strength was inadequate, and Zhenhong and her father were hurt.

After returning to Twisted Time and Space, she has been practicing very hard.

Today, she has already refined the divine fruit of the blood flame divine tree, is at the ninth peak of the Heavenly God Realm, and is working hard to hit the Divine Sovereign Realm.

With abundant training resources, coupled with the help of the blood flame divine fruit, her breakthrough in the realm of the gods is also a sure thing.

As long as six months, as long as one month, she will definitely be able to break through!

Ji Tianxing also visited White Dragon, Qianyue and Black Dragon.

Needless to say about their situation, they had suffered serious injuries during the battle before, and they are now healing.

Seeing that everyone's situation was okay, Ji Tianxing sat safely under the sacred tree and began to practice exercises.

He took out a blood flame divine fruit and slowly refined it with devouring supernatural powers.

In just half a month, he had refined the divine fruit, and his divine power had increased several times.

Naturally, his strength also reached the limit of the Sixth Realm.

But he was not eager to sprint into the Seventh Layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and took out many fragments of the godhead, and began to refine one by one.

He wants to accumulate the strength foundation to the limit, and then hit the Seventh Realm.

So more sure, the success rate is also extremely high.

Soon, more than twenty days passed.

He not only refined the godhead fragments of Shengwuyin and many gods, but also added twelve laws of the gods.

The strength has also reached its limit, only one line away from the Seventh Realm.

Now, he has 292 laws, his strength has reached its limit, and the divine power accumulated in his body is also raging and violent.

So, with the help of a large number of divine stones and source stones, he began to attack the seventh realm!

This process was a bit long, and it was also a crucial moment for him to progress from the middle **** to the upper god.

Therefore, this retreat is very important.


The royal city of the Kingdom of Fury.

In a certain magnificent palace, in the secret room full of magical power like rain.

Prince Lian, wearing a black dragon robe with a gold pattern, still sits in the colorful sacred liquid pool, closing his eyes and healing his injuries.

Today, after several days of recuperation and taking a lot of miraculous pills, his injury has obviously recovered somewhat.

Not only the whole body wounds healed, but the scars faded.

Even the injuries of the internal organs, bones and meridians have recovered more than half.

Only Shenhun's injury is more troublesome, and it takes a long time to recuperate.

At this time.

A golden light lit up at the door of the secret room with a soft noise.

Obviously, Lian Er, who was guarding outside the secret room, had important things to report.

Prince Lian temporarily ended his luck and slowly opened his eyes.

"Thanks to the healing saints sent by Chang Yi, this king can recover so quickly.

If this continues, the king's injury will be healed within half a year. "

Even the prince looked down at himself, muttering to himself.

Afterwards, he raised his hand and shot a golden light, opening the door of the secret room.

A tall protoss wearing a golden armor and a helmet bowed his head and entered the secret room.

He was exactly Lian Er, walked quickly to the Shenye Pool, bowed respectfully.

Although, his expression was a little strange, and his eyes were a little dim.

But even the prince didn't think much about it, only that he hadn't recovered from his injury.

After all, before he shot out in a rage, he flew out even two hits and was seriously injured.

"Lian Er, what do you want to report?" Prince Lian looked at Lian Er blankly and asked.

Lian Er buried his head lower, and said in a low voice: "Lord Qi, the subordinates just got the news from Feiyunmen... it's bad news!"

After the last lesson, Lian Erxue became smarter.

Resolutely don't let Prince Lian make random guesses, give the answer first.

Otherwise, even the prince will become angry after being embarrassed, and he will have to be injured.

It really worked.

Even the prince frowned immediately, his face turned gloomy, and his whole body was filled with chill.

"Didn't this king let Feiyunmen's eyeliner and scout keep staring at the border and the God Burying Mountain Range?

The bad news you said was... the actions of Canglang Palace and Holy Fire Sect failed?

Did they fail to stop Tian Xing and let that beast escape into the Kingdom of Rage Flame? "


Even the prince had anticipated this possibility a long time ago and was mentally prepared.

He has long known and valued Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

This is the worst result he can accept.

Unexpectedly, Lian Er still shook his head, and said with a trembling voice: "The prince, the Holy Fire Sect and the Canglang Palace not only failed the mission, they were...and killed!"

"What?!" The sudden bad news made Prince Lian amazed and stood up.

His expression became extremely gloomy, even a little hideous.

The widened eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

After a long silence, he gradually calmed down his anger and gradually calmed down.

"Lian Er, tell me carefully, what are the specific casualties?"

Up to this moment, he still had a fluke, feeling that the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace had only suffered heavy losses.

Perhaps Shengwuyin, Palace Master Canglang and others should be able to survive.

But Lian Er's answer completely extinguished his last hope.

"Master, Feiyunmen's eyeliner watched with his own eyes, the strong men of Canglang Palace blew themselves up and destroyed a radius of 100,000 miles.

In the God Burying Mountain Range, a desert appeared, like a huge tiankeng, with no grass growing and no trace left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Moreover, there are more than 3,100 people from the Holy Fire Sect and the Canglang Palace, all of whom are alive. No! "

Even the prince's eyes turned black when he heard it, his blood was surging again, and his chest was violently up and down.

"How could this be? This is impossible!

People from the two major sects add up to more than three thousand one hundred.

There are more than a dozen high-ranking gods, how can they be killed overnight?

By the way, the people in Canglang Palace blew themselves up, they were going to die with Tianxing!

Even if that beast survived by chance, he must have been severely injured. All his companions should have died, right? "

Lian Er was silent for a while, and then said in a sad tone: "Prince Qi, this is not the case.

The spies from Feiyunmen were watching secretly and saw that the divine ship they were riding on had left the God Burying Mountain Range and sailed into the kingdom of God. "

Sword breaks nine days

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