Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3127: Desperately break through?

Just when Jin Zuoshi and Xuelong Right Shizhuang communicated, Ji Tianxing opened his eyes.

He glanced at the two of them and sighed lightly: "It seems that I have to teach you two some magical tricks like investigating... alas!"

Envoy Jin Zuo was overjoyed, showing an expression of incredible excitement, and exclaimed: "Really? Thank you for your guidance and guidance!"

He thought to himself, how powerful is Young Master Tianxing?

Just teach a few magic tricks, can benefit him for life.

This is simply a surprise, a great opportunity!

The blood dragon right envoy was also full of excitement, overjoyed.

But he calmed down quickly, thinking that there was something in Ji Tianxing's words, and he grabbed the excited Jin Zuo envoy.

"Ahem...Old Jin, don't get excited, the son has something to say."

Only then did Jin Zuo calm down, staring at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said, "Master, please speak."

Ji Tianxing chuckled and shook his head, and said, "Let the blood dragon explain to you."

Jin Zuo envoy vaguely understood something and turned to look at the blood dragon right envoy.

Xuelong Youzhe said in embarrassment: "The son means that we have been followed, but we have not been able to find any abnormalities."

Envoy Jin Zuo suddenly realized, with embarrassment on his face, he smiled and said: "My son, our strength is low, and we have not been able to detect the abnormality in time, which almost caused a big mistake..."

After speaking, he said with a serious face: "My son, where is the person following us? Must be very strong, right?

Now that we found the other party, let's attack them decisively and kill them! "

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "It's on our side, southeast.

There are only two opponents, both of whom are middle-ranked gods, and their strength is a little weaker than you. "

Jin Zuoshi and Xuelong Youshi became silent, feeling increasingly embarrassed.

If the opponent's strength is stronger than the two of them, and they didn't find each other, that would be excusable.

But the opponent's strength is weaker than them, and they didn't even notice the abnormality, which shouldn't be.

But they asked themselves, they have been vigilant during this period and have not neglected their duties.

Seeing the two men showing self-blaming eyes, Ji Tianxing calmly said: "You don't have to blame yourself too much, the two middle-ranked gods have mastered the clever hidden magical powers.

They should be under the command of Prince Lien, who is responsible for investigating and spying on news.

Now, I will teach you a trick to detect supernatural powers, and go to the secret room to learn about it. "

After finishing speaking, he waved out two groups of colorful divine light and flew in front of Jin Zuoshi and Blood Dragon Right.

The two of them didn't immediately receive the divine light, and asked suspiciously: "My son, let's go to retreat in the secret room and practice, then who will control the divine ship?"

"My son, don't the two guys who followed us solve it as soon as possible?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "You can practice with peace of mind, this monarch has his own arrangements."

The two immediately understood that Ji Tianxing wanted to control the divine ship.

And he has to take action personally to solve the two middle gods.

The Jin Zuo Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy were relieved, and each took the colorful divine light in front of them and went into the secret room to practice.


Ji Tianxing took over the Shenjian.

He maneuvered the divine ship very easily, maintained the direction and speed, and flew south without rush.

Release the divine consciousness secretly and observe the two gods in the southeast.

They were two thin, middle-aged protoss wearing white robes, their hairstyles and appearances were somewhat similar.

It may be a brother or a father and son.

Both of them are the fifth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, but relying on special supernatural powers, they conceal their own breath.

Moreover, the two merged with the vast sea of ​​clouds, flashing like phantoms, and they were able to keep up with the speed of the divine ship.

Confirming that there are no other stalkers within 30,000 miles, Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth and began to act.

Under his control, the divine ship, which was flying smoothly, suddenly trembled a few times.

Then he accelerated desperately and flew south desperately.

The two gods who secretly followed, suddenly saw this scene, they were all taken aback.

Immediately, the expressions of the two changed, and Transsion reminded: "No, we have been found!"

"Quickly chase, you must not let that divine ship escape!"

"Quickly send a message to the sect master and let others intercept it together!

This is the Tianhuolian Lake, once the divine ship escapes, it will be difficult to find it again! "

Therefore, the two gods did not care about hiding, desperately speeding up to chase the godship.

At the same time, a divine emperor sent out a jade slip to report the situation to the sect master and ask others for assistance.

Time passed bit by bit.

The two gods were really powerful, no matter how fast the godship was, they always followed closely and were not thrown away.

Although their divine power was extremely exhausted, their whereabouts were completely exposed.

But their hearts are very excited and excited.

Because they understood that the desperate escape of the divine ship proved that the people in the divine ship were guilty of conscience and were afraid of being intercepted.

This also proved that the people in the divine ship were seriously injured and have not recovered so far.

In addition, the sect master also sent back the jade slips, expressing his praise for their actions.

The sect master also issued an order to let the other eight teams and five hundred elite disciples form an encirclement in Tianhuolianhu.

After a few hours at most, the encirclement will be closed to complete the encirclement.

At that time, Tian Xing and others have become turtles in the urn.

They can also complete the task of the Prince Lien, and test the reality of Tianxing and others.

If Tianxing and the others were seriously injured, they would have done a great job.

Even the prince would definitely come out and take advantage of the situation to kill Ji Tianxing and others.

Taking a step back, even if Tianxing and the others are not injured, the combat effectiveness is still strong.

They will not fight it hard, and will retreat after a little trial.

Of course.

Judging from Shenjian’s reaction, Tianxing and others are definitely in poor condition!

If you are at the peak, how can you speed up your escape after you find that you are being followed?

It must be a strong attack, killing the two gods on the spot!

One hour, two hours, three hours passed...

The two gods did everything, always following behind the godship, keeping the distance within a thousand miles.

Both of them were out of breath and exhausted.

However, watching the divine ship's flames continue to weaken, and the speed is getting slower and slower, the two can only grit their teeth and hold on.

"Hold on again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the encirclement soon closed."

"Yes! The other eight teams and five hundred elite disciples are coming soon, and the sect master also came personally."

as predicted.

After another half an hour, the encirclement finally closed.

A dazzling divine light appeared directly in front of the divine ship, front left and front right.

At least four teams, eight middle-ranked gods all rushed over.

Over a lake with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, ten gods closed the encirclement circle and surrounded the godships.

At this time, the divine ship seemed even more panicked.

After hovering in the sky, a bright flame burst out and rushed towards the southeast.

Looking at that posture, Tianxing and others are going to make every effort to break through!

Seeing this scene, the ten gods all showed relief eyes, and their faces were full of joking grinning.

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