Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3128: good news?

In this action, everyone surrounded the godship in Tianhuolian Lake to test the reality of Tianxing and others.

From beginning to end, Shenjian’s response revealed a message.

The people in the divine ship are very weak and weak.

Without enough confidence, he doesn't want to face the battle, just want to get rid of everyone's pursuit.

What this means is self-evident.

When the godship rushed to the southeast desperately, the ten gods all showed triumphant and expectant expressions.

They immediately performed supernatural skills and jointly intercepted the divine ship.

"Huh! Huh!"

Dozens of sword light, sword light and ice fire light and shadow that are thousands of feet long, poured down like a monstrous flood, submerging the divine ship.

The three gods located in the southeast also sacrificed artifacts such as divine swords, treasure knives, medicine pots and roulettes, and blasted towards the divine ships.

They don't want to be able to destroy the divine ship, but they want to stop the divine ship and trap it here.

"Boom bang bang!"


A loud and deafening noise burst above the sea of ​​clouds and spread thousands of miles around.

Dozens of divine powers, lights and shadows, most of them were avoided by the divine ship, and they all passed through the vast sea of ​​clouds and crashed into the lake below.

Suddenly, huge waves arose in the lake, and splashes of water that covered the sky and the sun burst out.

There are more than a dozen magical powers and secret skills, and those few artifacts, all hit the divine ship.

The divine ship was faltered by the bombardment, and flew more than a dozen miles away.

The sword light and sword shadow also exploded, turning into thousands of divine light fragments, scattered in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing this scene, the ten gods are more certain that the opponent is at the end of the battle.

Everyone became more excited and anticipating, and tried their best to display their magical powers, and another round of siege began.

All kinds of sword light, magical light and shadow, and magical weapons are all flying in the sky, chasing the godship.

Although the divine ship did not dare to face the bombardment, it was able to remain calm and cleverly avoided attack after attack.

Occasionally there are some attacks that are really unavoidable, the godship will also rely on strong defenses to carry it down.

Of course, after the two sides entangled for a while, Divine Ship also launched a counterattack.

Constantly turning on the magic cannon, releasing one after another beam of magical power, blasting at all the gods.

The two sides fought over the lake, seeming to forget the passage of time.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The divine ship's posture was a little embarrassed, and the light shield condensed on its surface also became bright and dark.

It has been working hard to resist and avoid attacks, many times trying to break through and escape.

However, its power is always a little bit worse.

Always at a critical moment, he was stopped by several gods.

Of course, in the eyes of the ten gods, this is the result of their desperate, **** battle, and desperate interception.

After all, several gods have suffered serious injuries.

The divine power of the people was extremely exhausted, and they were already exhausted.


at the same time.

Rage Flame King City, in a magnificent palace.

It was still the secret room with ample light, and even the prince sat in the sacred liquid pool to heal his injuries.

At this time, Lian Er came to knock again.

The stone door of the secret room lit up with a light noise.

Prince Lian stopped his exercises to heal his injuries, opened his eyes and looked at the door, frowning unhappily.

He waved his hand to open the stone door of the secret room, and Lian Er walked into the secret room quickly.

"What's the matter?" Even the prince asked in a majestic tone.

Lian Er bowed to salute, and spoke at a faster speed: "Lord, please, the master of Feiyun Sect sent me a jade slip just now and reported two good news."

Even the prince’s eyes flashed a little, his heartbeat accelerated a few minutes, and he asked with breathlessness: "Nie Feiyun? What good news can he have?"

Although, he guessed in his heart that it was related to Ji Tianxing, and looked forward to it very much.

But he must remain calm and majestic and not lose his attitude.

Lian Er replied truthfully: "Half an hour ago, the Feiyunmen master sent a message to report that the divine ship where Tianxing was located discovered that Feiyunmen elders were following, and speeded up the escape.

The two elders chased for a few hours and tried their best to not be thrown away by the divine ship.

The Feiyunmen master decisively ordered all the elders and elite disciples to complete the encirclement in Tianhuolianhu..."

When he heard this, Prince Lian frowned fiercely, and shouted with dignity: "What kind of good news is this? Is that old thing Nie Feiyun's brain flooded?

The king repeatedly told him to stare at the divine ship and grasp its whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, he still violated this king's decree after all, so fascinating!

How cunning is Tianxing, such an obvious show of weakness to escape, it must be a conspiracy! "

Even the prince has suffered so many losses, and he knows the hatred of Ji Tianxing.

His first reaction was that this was a trap!

Seeing that he was angry, Lian Er quickly spoke to comfort him: "Lord, please calm down! How dare the Feiyun gate master violate your order?

He also wants to share the worries for you, perform the tasks that you have previously assigned, and want to find out the reality of Tianxing and others! "

Prince Lian frowned, no longer harsh, and said solemnly: "Next, what is the second good news?"

Lian Er breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Just half an hour ago, the ten elders of Feiyunmen finally surrounded the divine ship.

In the beginning, the divine ship broke through very eagerly.

After failing to escape, the divine ship appeared calm and composed, while resisting the siege of the ten elders, while looking for a chance to escape.

Even, the godship also looks for opportunities to fight back.

After half an hour of fighting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the power of the godship was greatly reduced, and the ten elders were also injured..."

Prince Lian listened silently. After Lian Er finished speaking, he said calmly: "If the divine ship flees blindly, it will be too fake, it must be a conspiracy.

No matter how Tian Xing and others were injured, they would not be bullied by the ten elders of Feiyun Sect.

Judging from the divine ship's reaction, they were indeed seriously injured.

In the beginning, it should be Tian Xing's companion driving the godship, and only wanted to escape after being frightened.

Later, the divine ship calmed down and counterattacked and broke through in an orderly manner. It should have been Tian Xing himself who took the place. "

Lian Er flattered at the right time and complimented: "The prince really has a brilliant plan, and he is strategizing thousands of miles away."

Even the prince ignored these words and continued to ask: "What is Nie Feiyun's next plan? Has the beast of Tianxing ever showed up? How are their injuries?"

Lian Er quickly replied: "According to the time, the people of Feiyunmen should have completed the encirclement.

The Feiyun Gate master personally took action and led twenty elders and five hundred elite disciples to besiege the divine ship.

This move was just to test the reality, if the strength of Tianxing and others were empty, Feiyunmen would have a chance to kill the opponent.

If Tianxing and others are still tenacious, Feiyunmen will retreat in time and continue to track the divine ship. "

Even the prince thought for a while, nodded and said: "Nie Feiyun is not too stupid, he knows how to advance and retreat and how to handle it.

If he can detect the truth of that animal, it is the real good news.

The king's encirclement plan can also be realized in advance!

Pass the king’s verbal encyclical and encourage Nie Feiyun a few words. "

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