Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3129: 1 net catch

As the sun sets, the afterglow is like blood.

Over the 50,000-mile lake, ten gods are still desperately besieging the godship.

The entanglement fighting for nearly an hour, the battle spread over thousands of miles.

In the sky in this area, the sea of ​​clouds appeared thousands of miles blank.

The lake below is also surging with huge waves of hundreds of meters, filled with mist covering the sky.

There were hundreds of millions of creatures in the lake, but they were also affected.

I don't know how many fish and aquariums were killed by the aftermath of divine power.

The ten gods were all covered in blood, looked miserable and embarrassed, and their divine power was almost exhausted.

There were also many pits and depressions on the surface of the divine ship, and the divine light shield was also full of cracks and the light was dim.

Originally, the ten gods were almost unable to hold on.

But they saw that the power of the divine ship was declining and it was difficult to break through, so they gritted their teeth and encouraged each other.

"Everyone, don't relax!"

"The power of the divine ship is obviously weakened, and the opponent is a paper tiger, don't be afraid!"

"The time has come to make contributions, as long as we drag this divine ship, we will make great contributions!"

"Calculate the time, the doorkeeper and others will be there soon, everyone will stay a while!"

With a tenacious will, and the belief that they want to make merit, the ten gods continued to hold on.


In the divine ship that seems to be weak and embarrassed.

Ji Tianxing sat in the driver's cab, maneuvering the divine formation at will, controlling the divine ship to make various movements.

Zhen Hong stood aside, standing with a calm expression, secretly checking the battlefield with his spiritual sense.

Lin Xue put her hands on her hips and stared at Ji Tianxing puffingly, with an angry look.

And the Blood Illusory God Jun stood quietly on the side, with an expression of ‘just treat me as if I don’t exist’.

As early as when the Divine Ship was under siege, the three were awakened.

After arriving in the cab, he saw Ji Tianxing having fun.

With Lin Xue's violent temper, she had long wanted to control the divine ship and kill the ten divine princes in seconds.

But she couldn't hold back Ji Tianxing, she has endured it till now.

"Boy, when are you going to play?" Lin Xue anger stared at Ji Tianxing, and asked in a deep voice.

Ji Tianxing replied casually: "Quickly, within a quarter of an hour at most, the big fish will be hooked."

Xue Lin frowned, and said angrily, "Are you so strenuous to deal with these little trash fish?"

Ji Tianxing smiled, "Because they are small trash fish, it takes a little thought to lure them into fools.

Otherwise, just like the previous twenty days, they have been following them secretly, and they don't even have the courage to shoot. "

Lin Xue hesitated, and said angrily: "Then you don't use my old lady's divine ship as a bait!

Look at it for yourself, what have you ruined my old lady's godship?

You want to trick them, why don't you use yourself as bait? "

Ji Tianxing couldn't help rolling his eyes, and explained: "We don't show up, we hide in the godship to play, so that they can't figure out the truth, they will be fooled.

Don't you think it's too fake if I show up with a disheveled hair and bloodstained body as bait?

Will those people be fooled? I'm afraid it will run faster, right? "

"..." Lin Xue was speechless and could only stare at him, but didn't know what to say.

Finally, the hardest quarter of an hour passed.

Dozens of divine lights appeared in the sky in all directions, all coming like meteors.


A series of breaking sounds sounded, and hundreds of gods came in mighty and stopped over the lake.

The headed person is an old man with white beard wearing gray linen clothes and a fairy style.

This person stood proudly in the sky with a silver whisk in his hand and black cloth boots.

There are also ten strong men of different shapes wearing purple robes, forming a circle in the sky.

Behind every two purple-robed gods, there are hundreds of masters of gods in armor.

A total of five hundred masters are all elites above the seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Such a huge battle surrounded the divine ships, and the atmosphere between the world and the earth immediately became deadly.

The ten exhausted and **** gods and powerhouses saw this scene, and their blood boiled with excitement.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and several gods shed excited tears and cheered excitedly.

"Master, you are finally here!"

"I'm waiting for the good fortune, and I have delayed the enemy here!"

The old man with white beard holding the whisk in his hand is the master of Feiyunmen, Nie Feiyun.

He glanced at the divine ship parked in the sky, eagerly looked at the ten divine princes, and said in a loud voice: "Elders, Feiyunmen is proud of you!

The contributions of the ten of you today, this motto will be remembered in your heart, and will be rewarded later.

Moreover, after the event is completed, this seat will report to the little prince Ming, and there will be a reward at that time! "

When the ten gods heard it, they were as excited as a chicken blood, as if their fatigue and injuries had been wiped out.

Nie Feiyun waved his hand, and said peacefully: "Elders, you first step back to rest and heal your injuries.

The next thing is left to them! "

The ten gods could not hold it long, they said quickly and obeyed their orders, and they retreated to the edge of the battlefield, taking **** pills to heal their injuries.

At this time, Nie Feiyun looked at the divine ship and shouted: "Tian Xing and his comrades, listen carefully!

My seat, Nie Feiyun, now leads the Feiyunmen disciples here, and orders you to surrender immediately!

Otherwise, my Feiyunmen will do my best to kill you here!

I advise you to catch it with your hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't make mistakes! "

The majestic voice rolled and echoed in the sky, deafening.

More than five hundred Feiyunmen disciples were full of pride and enthusiasm.

But the divine ship did not respond.

The cockpit of the divine ship.

Lin Xue, Blood Illusion God Monarch and Zhen Hong all focused on Ji Tianxing and asked.

"My son, what shall we do now?"

"Boy, everyone from Feiyunmen is here, should the game be over?"

"My son, there are so many people on the other side. Are we going to take a positional battle? A fortified battle? A breakout battle? Or a chase?

Under the gaze of the three of them, Ji Tianxing said slowly: "Don't look at Feiyun Gate Master's aggressiveness, in fact, this monarch has not shown his face, he is always guilty.

He shouted so much, just trying to test our details.

Once we drove out, the Feiyun Gate must have disappeared, and the old man would also run away with his tail clamped. "

The Blood Illusory God Lord frowned and said with anxiety, "What should we do? Let's continue to show weakness? Pretending to run away, lengthen the front, and then annihilate them one by one?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Your idea is good, but it's too troublesome.

Ben Jun has been acting for so long, but he just wants to lead them to show up and catch them all. "

"???" Lin Xue and the Blood Illusory God Monarch frowned, revealing their doubts.

Ji Tianxing didn't say any more, and after leaving a word, he left the divine ship.

"Don't froze, get ready to kill!"

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