Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3130: completely annihilated

Nie Feiyun held the whisk in his hand and looked at the divine ship proudly.

On the surface, he is very confident and confident.

But in fact, his heart is also hanging, waiting for the final answer.

The elders and disciples of Feiyunmen were all infected by Nie Feiyun's aura.

Everyone believed that the divine ship had been damaged, and that Tianxing and his companions were also the end of the battle, the turtle in the urn.

They must be the masters of capturing or beheading Tianxing!

Everyone is holding the weapon of the magic weapon and staring at the magic ship.

Just waiting for the sect master to give an order, everyone will swarm up and tear the divine ship to pieces.

But at this time.


The divine light flashed, and a white figure appeared above the divine ship.

Everyone's eyes were focused on that figure.

It was a handsome and martial black-haired young man wearing a white robe with a moiré pattern. His face was flying and his body was filled with great power.

He looked unscathed, his energy and spirit were very full, and he was clearly at his peak.

How can there be the slightest injury or weakness?

Seeing this scene, many elders and disciples were stunned.

Nie Feiyun also squinted his eyes, his pupils tightened, and a bad sound was secretly said in his heart.

"He is Tianxing?

Appearance, tolerance and supernatural power are all in line... it's him!

But isn't he seriously injured and weak?

How could it be so energetic?

Could it be that he deliberately pretended to be a bluff?

Or maybe he had been acting before and we were all cheated by him? "

Thinking of this, Nie Feiyun was secretly wary.

Of course, he can't just leave, otherwise he won't be able to complete the task of Prince Lian, and he will be discouraged.

He must attack to detect the reality of the opponent.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing spoke.

He ignored the five hundred elite disciples, his eyes fell on Nie Feiyun, and he chuckled and said, "After waiting for so long, you are finally there.

For more than half a month before, Feiyunmen had been following this monarch.

Today, it's time to teach Prince Lien a lesson. "

Hearing what he said, Nie Feiyun's eyes flickered, and his mind was also pondering and analyzing...

Is Ji Tianxing bravado and deliberately intimidating him?

Or did you want to give a fatal blow?

Very helpless, Nie Feiyun couldn't see the reality of Ji Tianxing.

He could only remain calm, and said in a harsh tone: "Boy, the tricks of false and true, true and false, are commonplace in this seat.

It doesn't matter if you are really injured or fake.

Since this seat came out and surrounded you here, I would never let you go!

You are now also a strong man in the two great kingdoms of God, this seat will give you a chance.

As long as you have nothing to do with you, this seat can hand you over to the little prince to deal with, how much dignity and dignity can be preserved..."

Ji Tianxing immediately sneered and said, "Hehe...you really don't understand this lord.

Now that things are happening, still want to test the basic details and reality of the Lord?

useless! It's over now! "

After that, he stopped talking nonsense with Nie Feiyun, pinched the seal of the gods with both hands, and directly performed the tricks of the hole cards.

"Zhutian Sword Formation!"

In the next instant, he mobilized the power of the stars outside the domain to condense 20,000 sacred giant swords, pouring down like a meteor.


The high sky with a radius of thousands of miles was covered by a dazzling meteor shower.

Before the sword light arrived, there was a violent sword intent that suppressed the world and shattered everything, suppressed from the high sky.

More than five hundred Feiyunmen disciples subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Seeing the sword light that obscured the sky, everyone changed their expressions, and their eyes showed deep worry and fear.

Nie Feiyun also changed color in astonishment, and exclaimed in his heart: "Damn! He is going to use that kind of sword formation again to block a radius of thousands of miles...

Is this to prevent us from escaping and want to kill them all?

hateful! Sure enough, he was disguised before, and his injury had already recovered! "

At this moment, Nie Feiyun didn't need to fight and try again, but also guessed the answer.

He stepped back subconsciously, and shouted: "Quickly disperse! Go back! Go back!"

Hearing his order, the twenty elders and five hundred disciples were obviously taken aback.

Many people still showed a sense of horror, and apparently did not react.

Before, the sect master was still aggressive and mighty, and seemed very confident.

How can you be so panicked in the blink of an eye and make everyone retreat?

Even if Tianxing's injury recovers a little, it won't be so terrible, right?

Although, after most people were stunned, they still followed Nie Feiyun's orders and quickly backed away.

But everyone's speed is too slow.

In the next instant, the sacred giant sword that covered the sky and the sun descended, covering a radius of three thousand miles.


With just one breath, 20,000 sacred giant swords formed a sword net, blocking this area.

Nie Feiyun and more than 500 disciples and elders, none of them escaped.

The crowd was a little flustered.

The formation of the disciples is in chaos, some are hesitating and some are running away.

Nie Feiyun's heart sank, realizing that the situation was not good, and he quickly shouted: "Stop! Everyone will fight and defend with all their strength!"

Those disciples who were at a loss for what to do were shocked again.

what the hell? Is the host drinking too much?

Just let it escape, now let the formation defense?

Although they were muttering in their hearts, these elite disciples still carried out their orders loyally.

At this time, the divine ship in the sky suddenly disappeared.


Three figures appeared in the sky, it was Lin Xue, Blood Illusion God Monarch and Zhen Hong.

The fighting broke out.

Ji Tianxing manipulated the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation and strangled the Feiyunmen disciples with ten thousand sacred giant swords.

Lin Xue dragged the long and narrow demon knife ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, swaying a **** storm in the sky, sweeping countless Feiyunmen disciples.

The blood illusion **** monarch also performed his stunts, releasing the supernatural powers that destroy the world.

Zhen Hong went into a violent state, incarnate as a thousand-foot-tall dragon blood goddess of war, rampaging through the crowd and killing.


"Boom bang bang bang!"


The world of Sanqianli was suddenly flooded with colorful lights and became chaotic.

Endless sword light shuttles, knives, lights, swords and shadows are intertwined, magical light and shadow collide, bursting out a loud noise that shakes the sky.

As soon as the war broke out, within ten breaths of time, Feiyunmen suffered heavy casualties.

Nearly a hundred disciples died tragically in the sword formation, and under the bombardment of He Ji Tianxing and others, there were no whole bodies.

Dozens of disciples were seriously injured, their limbs were broken, and blood was spilled from the sky.

Even those elders who possess the strength of a middle-ranked prince can hardly escape the tragic injuries and **** end.

This situation caused the Feiyunmen disciples to feel terrified, and a deep fear rose in their hearts.

They finally understood.

They were fooled!

The divine ship was acting before, pretending to be very weak, just wanting to attract Feiyunmen to take the initiative!

Today, Feiyunmen might be wiped out.

Nie Feiyun had guessed this a long time ago, and he was mentally prepared.

He originally planned to find out the details of Ji Tianxing, and then decisively retreated and fled.

But at this point, he realized that he was thinking too simple!

Ji Tianxing's means and strength far exceeded his imagination.

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