Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3131: Shameless to this point

Inside the Zhutian Sword Formation with a radius of three thousand miles.

The colorful divine light sheds light on the heaven and the earth, and the storm that destroys the heaven and the earth is raging.

A rain of blood fluttered, screams one after another, and loud and deafening noises were endless.

Although Nie Feiyun and several elders joined forces to intercept Ji Tianxing desperately.

There are also ten elders, also desperately besieging Lin Xue and the blood fantasy god.

But they couldn't stop Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue at all, let alone stop them from slaughtering.

Every breath time passed, several Feiyunmen disciples died tragically under the shadow of the sword.

Either the corpse separates, or it turns into a rain of blood.

Even their godheads have been strangled to pieces.

Such a tragic scene made Nie Feiyun and others shocked, frightened, and full of grief and despair in their hearts.

However, they could only watch, but couldn't stop it.

Wanting to lead the disciples to break through the sword formation and escape from here has become a luxury.

Unconsciously, the hundred breaths of time passed.

Five hundred elite disciples were slaughtered and 90% were slaughtered, and only more than forty were still alive, but they were also bloodied and scarred.

Nearly half of the twenty middle-ranked elders were also killed, leaving eleven alive.

Including Nie Feiyun, everyone is suffering from injuries and weak.

Now, the defeat of Feiyunmen is a foregone conclusion, and there is no possibility of being spared.

Looking at the **** sky, the reddish lake under his feet, and the miserable people around him, Nie Feiyun was truly ashamed of death and wanted to cry without tears.

"Ha ha ha ha... it's all my fault!

Despite the little prince's repeated instructions, the old man was cautious enough, but he was still confused.

Under the eagerness for quick success and quick gain, with a heart of luck, he came out with the elites in the door, and it caused such a disaster.

It was the old man who killed the boy in the door!

Tianxing! You **** bastard, what a vicious mind and means! "

Nie Feiyun's voice was hoarse, and his expression was bleak, and finally turned into a sad cry.

"Even if you die here today, the old man will never succumb and will die with you!"

Nie Feiyun's white hair was flying, and his body was full of tragic vigor.

The surviving Feiyunmen elders and disciples were all infected by his aura.

All of them were sad and heavy, and their eyes became flushed with tears.

Although they were defeated soldiers, they had forgotten their pain and no longer feared death. They were all warriors who died without regrets.

Nie Feiyun raised his arms and shouted: "Feiyunmen belongs to, charge with this seat!

This time, if you fail, you will become benevolent! "

As his voice fell, he held the whisk and the sword in his hand and rushed to Ji Tianxing first.

Eleven elders and more than forty disciples also wielded their swords and launched a suicidal charge with determination to die.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xue couldn't help frowning and whispered: "Unexpectedly, that old man has a bit of vigor, but he is a respectable opponent."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's no wonder that you were always hurt before, and fortunately you encountered Blood Fantasy, Lao Jin and Blood Dragon.

Otherwise, there is no blood knife door..."

Lin Xue frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said five words: "Let's wait and see!"

After saying that, he waved the Heaven Burial Sword and killed him, splashing the sky full of sword light to kill Nie Feiyun and others.

Lin Xue didn't have a chance to ask any more, rushing towards the Feiyunmen crowd with the blood knife, rolling up a **** storm in the sky.

A tragic fight broke out again.


"Boom boom boom!"

The divine light and shadow that obscured the sky violently collided in the sky.

Thousands of sacred giant swords poured down like a rain of arrows, accurately assassinating the people of Feiyunmen.

It was another scene of dazzling light and flesh and blood.

Within ten breaths of time, more than forty Feiyunmen disciples were killed.

Immediately afterwards, the eleven elders also fell one after another.

They had been seriously injured long ago, and their strength had plummeted, and they couldn't even beat Zhenhong, Jin Zuoshi and Blood Dragon.

After another hundred breaths of time, the earth-shaking fight gradually ceased.

The eleven elders also died.

Feiyunmen was almost wiped out, and only one person was still alive.

There is no doubt that it is Nie Feiyun!

Ji Tianxing and others stopped attacking and surrounded Nie Feiyun.

Everyone's eyes were on him, and they looked at him strangely.

Although, his injury was even more miserable, and his appearance was even more embarrassed than before.

But careful observation will reveal that his injuries seem terrifying, but in fact they are not fatal.

Even Lin Xue, who was careless, felt something was wrong.

"Huh? This old man actually survived without breaking one arm and leg?

When he was fighting just now, he looked very brave, but actually...has been dodge? "

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign hurriedly reminded: "Sect Master, Young Master Tianxing has seen through this old man's mind a long time ago, wait for a good show."

Ji Tianxing put away the Sky Burial Sword, looked at Nie Feiyun with a smile, and asked: "Old man, you got what you wished to live to the end. The elders and disciples under your school are all dead.

Now, just say what you want. "

Nie Feiyun was exposed to his thoughts, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

He didn't change his face, he was still full of tragic, strong-hearted posture, and his voice hoarse: "Tian Xing, although Feiyunmen is your enemy, he is ordered to encircle you again.

But Feiyunmen is forced to helpless ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and you have no deep hatred.

Now, the elders and disciples of this door have died heroically.

They are all upright and loyal warriors, and I hope you will not humiliate them. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said casually: "Anyway, they are all dead and buried in the lake, how can this lord be humiliated?"

Nie Feiyun continued: "The old man made a mistake in his judgment and gave the wrong order, which led to the death of the elder and his disciple.

It stands to reason that the old man committed such a big mistake, he should accompany the elders and disciples to Huangquan to make amends.

But the old man knows that taking the blame and self-determination is a cowardly act, and they don't want to see the old man ruining himself.

What's more, the old man has to take care of the surviving children in the door, as well as the families of the disciples who died in battle..."

When they heard this, Ji Tianxing, Blood Illusory God Monarch and others all showed a sneer.

Even Lin Xue heard something strange, and said with contempt: "Old man, don't you just want Tian Xing to spare you?

Even if you ask for mercy, you can be so righteous, sad and solemn, you are really hypocritical! "

Nie Feiyun ignored Lin Xue's words, looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and said: "The old man has lived for more than 20,000 years. He has experienced everything in his life, and he has long been bearish.

As long as the son raises his precious hand, the old man will help each other, with your head in sight, and help you achieve your wish! "

Lin Xue was completely convinced, and pointed at Nie Feiyun and cursed: "Old thing, you can be shameless to this point, it's really impressive!

Before, I thought you were very virtuous, but I didn't expect you to be more hypocritical than those villains who tend to be inflammable and follow the wind! "

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