Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3132: Seal of the Revenant

Facts have proved that Ji Tianxing has seen through Nie Feiyun's mind long ago.

But Lin Xue had misunderstood Nie Feiyun and thought he was a man of integrity and integrity.

Therefore, Lin Xue was very angry.

Ji Tianxing turned his head to look at Lin Xue, and said with a light smile: "Fortunately you met me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Lin Xue gave him a puffed look, unable to refute.

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign hurriedly encouraged him, saying: "Sect Master, you don't have to be so angry.

The old man had no choice but to survive.

This is the way of survival of the little sect and the old world, and there is nothing to blame.

If he is really a brave and heroic generation, he may not be able to live safely to this day.

What's more, the old man himself said that he has experienced everything in his life.

He looked down on everything except death, how could he care about his dignity and integrity? "

The envoy Jin Zuo quickly nodded in agreement, and said, "Sect master, that old man is a wise man, otherwise how can he become the leader of a faction and even coax his disciples around?

Even if he confessed defeat and begged to surrender, and begged Young Master Tianxing to spare him his life, he could speak so boldly, at least not so shameless.

If he hadn't met Young Master Tianxing, he would have even the Prince as a backer, he might not be so.

But he was planted in our hands. How could he survive if he didn't do this? "

After hearing the advice of the two, Lin Xue's anger diminished a lot.

But she still glared viciously at Xue Huan, Jin Zuo envoy and Blood Dragon, and reprimanded with a stern expression: "My mother warns you, if one day, you will become so hypocritical and shameless like that old man. Don't blame the old lady for cleaning the door. !"

Xue Huan, Jin Zuoshi, and Blood Dragon all shrank their necks and shook their heads quickly.

At this time, Ji Tianxing looked at Nie Feiyun blankly and asked: "You are a wise man, you don't need to talk nonsense, I believe you know it well.

Since you want to live and work for your lord, what qualifications and abilities do you have?

How dare to speak falsely to help this monarch achieve his wish? "

Nie Feiyun had expected him to say this a long time ago, and explained neither humble nor overbearing: "The old man knows his strength is inadequate, and the supernatural powers and methods are not worth mentioning in front of the son.

But the old man is a person of the kingdom of anger and flames. He has lived here for more than 20,000 years and has a very thorough understanding of the kingdom of God.

Even the monarch and even the princes do not understand this kingdom of God as the old.

What's more, Lao is good at tracking, concealing and investigating news, so he created Feiyun Gate.

In the entire Kingdom of Fury Flames, Feiyunmen's ability to detect news is absolutely second to none.

Moreover, the old man had been working for Prince Lien before, and he had a lot of top-secret information, and the son would definitely be interested. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Hehe, you are very scheming. You know your value, so you dare to bet that you will use you.

But have you ever thought that this monarch has always been frivolous and conceited.

If I don't want to use you and kill you directly, what will you do? "

While talking, he burst out with a terrifying murderous intent and walked towards Nie Feiyun.

Nie Feiyun was invaded by the cold killing intent, and his body trembled as if falling into an ice cellar.

But he tried his best to stay calm, and said calmly: "Falling into the hands of the son, the death of the old man is a matter of course, if he can survive by chance, it is a blessing.

The son wants to kill or pluck, and the old is powerless.

Anyway, the old man has been alive for too long, and he is always alone and has nothing to worry about.

It just doesn't matter if the old man is dead. If the son wants to inquire about Prince Lien's secrets, he will have to work hard. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said with a chuckle: "Hehe, you really know how to judge the situation and are smarter than the other lackeys of Prince Lian.

But have you thought about it?

This monarch has mastered the art of refining the soul, and directly killed you and robbed you of the memory of your soul. Don't you know everything? "

Nie Feiyun still did not change his face, bowed and saluted, and said: "The young man has a powerful method and a profound background. Mastering these methods, the old man is not surprised.

But the young man didn't know one thing. Since the old man was able to create the Feiyun Gate, it was reused by the Prince even as his eyeliner and scout for a reason.

The old man also cultivated a kind of magical powers of his life, but at the moment of dying, he could obliterate most of his memories.

In this way, even if you perform the soul-refining technique, you can only get some unimportant information.

The old can keep the most critical secrets, and even the prince dare to trust and reuse the old. "

Hearing this, Lin Xue, Blood Illusion God Monarch, Zhen Hong and others looked at each other, and they all showed a sense of surprise.

Everyone understood that, no wonder Nie Feiyun had the confidence to beg for mercy and negotiate with Ji Tianxing.

Lin Xue was a little frustrated, and muttered to herself: "Damn old things, no wonder they are so arrogant!

But he really thought, we can't do anything with him?

The big deal, let's kill him with a single knife, not surprising his secrets! "

She thought that Ji Tianxing was confident and arrogant and would definitely not be constrained by Nie Feiyun.

But she didn't expect that Ji Tianxing was not angry, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Your calmness and composure are appreciated by Ben Jun.

In addition, I want to see what you are capable of and how many secrets you have.

Today, I will spare your life and allow you to follow the monarch and work at any time. "

Seeing Ji Tianxing forgiving Nie Feiyun, Lin Xue frowned fiercely and wanted to stop it.

Nie Feiyun breathed a sigh of relief ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly put away the sword, holding the whisk and bowing deeply.

"The young man is unpredictable, powerful, and so high-minded, and he understands righteousness. I really admire the old.

Now the old man feels more and more that the strength, talent, vision and means of the son are more than that of the prince.

Compared to Prince Lien, perhaps you are the aging Lord! "

Lin Xue's teeth were sour, she kept her mouth curled, and said disdainfully: "This flattering is so loud! Just now she looked like a worldly expert, and she turned into a dog leg in an instant. It's really impressive..."

Nie Feiyun pretended not to hear these words, and calmly walked towards Ji Tianxing, and bowed again.

"Old man Nie Feiyun, solemnly see Young Master Tianxing!

From today onwards, the old slaves are the slaves around the son, let you send them. "

After this prayer, it represented that he had surrendered and was willing to follow Ji Tianxing.

After getting up, he consciously stretched out his palms, and said calmly: "If the son wants to impose any spells, runes or shackles, please do so."

Obviously, he had guessed that Ji Tianxing did not trust him.

Certain methods will be used to threaten him with his life so as to control him.

Ji Tianxing's pupils turned golden, staring at Nie Feiyun for a few moments, and then said: "That purple mark in your soul is a reminder planted by the prince, right?"

Nie Feiyun nodded and said: "The son's eyes are like a torch! That was the imprint of the dead soul planted by the prince more than 20 years ago. It can be detonated with a single thought and take the life of the old."

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "If this is the case, I don't have to be so troublesome, just add some material on the seal of the dead soul god."

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