Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3135: Qing Lei Zong

Nie Feiyun's body stiffened and his face was full of horror.

"Master, you... this trick is too cruel, right?"

He is also a smart man, and of course knows that Ji Tianxing's method is feasible.

Once the headquarters and the mountain gate of the Eight Martial Arts are destroyed, the elites of the Eight Martial Arts will surely lose their fighting spirit and panic.

At that time, even the prince’s net of heaven and earth would break without attack.

But this method is really too spicy.

The elite main force of the eight major sects rushed outside to perform the mission of Prince Lien.

Those who stayed at the mountain gate and the headquarters were basically old, weak, sick, and family members.

Ji Tianxing looked at Nie Feiyun expressionlessly, and said in a calm tone: "This gentleman is not an executioner, but he is not a good person. You should have a deep understanding.

Since the eight major sects want to put the monarch to death, how can the monarch be soft on them?

To be blamed, they can only be blamed for their allegiance to the prince, and should not be an enemy of him. "

Nie Feiyun was silent for a while, and said no more.

Because he knew in his heart that Ji Tianxing's approach was not excessive.

This is a matter of life and death, and the winner is king, who still speaks morality and kindness?

If he had the strength and supernatural powers of Ji Tianxing, he would do it without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Nie Feiyun sighed in his heart.

"Wan Liuzong, Shendao League, and Liulu School, you are about to face disaster soon!

The old are also helpless, so please ask yourself. "

At this time, Ji Tianxing handed the map of the Kingdom of Fury to Nie Feiyun.

"The headquarters and the mountain gate of the Eight Martial Arts School, should you know where they are? Mark them on the map!"

Regarding Ji Tianxing's order, Nie Feiyun did not dare to neglect, and quickly marked on the map.

Soon, he marked eight locations on the map.

After thinking about it, he added three more marks.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked, "How come there are three more marks? Are there three sects, all of which are cunning rabbits and three caves, with hidden secrets?"

"Young Master Mingjian!" Nie Feiyun nodded quickly and explained: "The Wanliu Sect and the Shendao League are large sects that have lasted for tens of thousands of years, and they have very strong backgrounds.

Although, like all sects, they have fixed mountain gates and headquarters.

But as early as many years ago, they secretly established branches and transferred many elite disciples and resources.

The Spirit Sword Sect in the Liulu Sect also imitated the practice of Shendao League and Wanliuzong.

However, the Spirit Sword Sect is a second-rate sect, and its strength is not as good as those of the two major sects.

Therefore, they secretly established a treasure house, and nearly half of their wealth resources are hidden in that treasure house. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "These are the secrets of the various sects, you know so clearly?"

"The son laughed." Nie Feiyun bowed humbly and said: "The other schools may have done the same, but the old man is not clear for the time being.

The reason why the old man knew the secret treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect was also because he had a grudge with the Spirit Sword Sect many years ago.

The old man secretly investigated for many years before he found the secret treasure house of the Spirit Sword School.

Just about to lead the strong in the door to attack the treasure house, but even the prince stopped.

Only then did the old man know that the Spirit Sword Sect, like the main sect, had been subdued by even the prince..."

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, stared at the map for a few times, and then decided on the plan.

"We will leave Tianhuolian Lake soon, and the nearest to us is the mountain gate of Qing Lei Zong.

In addition, the headquarters of Shenyue Sect, Feihong Sect, and Bawang Pavilion are not too far away from us.

The farthest ones are the Spirit Sword Sect, Wanliu Sect and Shendao League...

In that case, start with Qing Lei Zong first. "

Nie Feiyun had no objection, bowing and saluting: "Follow the order of the son, the old man must fight hard."

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and said, "You don't need to participate in the first battle. Go to retreat for a few days first."

Although Nie Feiyun's limbs are sound, he seems to be able to move.

But he did suffer serious injuries, and his strength was also very weak, and it was not easy to be able to survive until now.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's words, he showed grateful eyes and quickly saluted and thanked him.

Afterwards, Nie Feiyun chose a secret room and went to retreat for healing.

Ji Tianxing went to the driver's cab of the godship, and ordered the left envoy Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon: "Turn to the southeast and head to the Thunder Mountain Range."

The envoy Jin Zuo and the right envoy of the Blood Dragon both showed their doubts and asked subconsciously: "Master, what shall we do in the Leiyin Mountains?"

"Shall we continue flying south?"

Ji Tianxing didn't explain too much, he chuckled and said, "Are you happy to take you to kill and seize treasure?"

"Of course I'm happy!" Jin Zuoshi replied simply and neatly without even thinking about it.

The right envoy of the blood dragon pulled him quietly, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Ahhhh...we are not bandits, nor is Young Master Tianxing. How can we kill people for treasure?

If I guessed correctly, the son must have taken the initiative to cut off the prince's wings one by one, right? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Correct solution."

Jin Zuozhu whispered, "Does it make any difference?"

Ji Tianxing didn't say more, turned and left the cab.

After he left, the right envoy of the blood dragon hurriedly pulled the left envoy of Jin and exhorted: "Lao Jin, don't forget the instructions of the master.

If we become thugs who burn, kill and plunder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the main door is to clean up the door.

Therefore, we can't be so blunt, we must be tactful. "

Envoy Jin Zuo rolled his eyes, "Isn't this hypocritical? Just like the old man Nie Feiyun.

Don't forget, the sect master said that if we become like Nie Feiyun, she will also clean the door! "

"Cough cough..." The right envoy of the blood dragon was choked, and said in a dumbfounded manner: "The master always puts the cleaning door on his lips, which is very scary.

It’s better for Young Master Tianxing, who only benefits us and never threatens us. "

Envoy Jin Zuo nodded in agreement: "Yes! So, you can only eat and drink spicy food with Young Master Tianxing. Recently, I have gained weight... No!

Recently I have accumulated a large amount of resources and my strength has more than doubled! "

The two discussed a few words before they stopped and continued to drive the godship.


Three days later.

The Leiyin Mountains, four million miles away from Tianhuolian Lake.

It was the evening, the sun was setting, and the sky was full of sunset clouds.

In the depths of the majestic and vast mountains, there is a huge peak of more than two thousand meters tall standing among the mountains.

The white sea of ​​clouds covered half of the mountainside.

The top of the giant peak, above the vast sea of ​​clouds, is like a floating island in the sea of ​​clouds, looming.

This ‘floating island’ has a radius of a hundred li, and the terrain is artificially repaired and flat.

On the top of the mountain, there are dozens of magnificent palaces.

This is the mountain gate of Qinglei Sect, where more than 3,000 disciples live and practice.

From a distance, Qing Lei Sect is magnificent and misty, like a fairyland outside the world.

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