Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3136: Haotian's punishment?

Today's Qing Lei Sect is as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

In the past, Qing Lei Sect was only a second-rate sect, far inferior to the top forces of the Shendao League and Wanliu Sect.

Not to mention the fame of Rage Flame God Kingdom, even in the same county, there are several hostile forces.

However, since Qing Lei Zong took refuge in Prince Lien several decades ago, he has risen to the top.

Not only did it eradicate several hostile forces, and dominate the land of a county, its power profile has also increased several times.

In recent decades, Qing Lei Sect has continued to expand and grow, but it has been smooth.

This is all thanks to the blessing of Prince Lien.

Naturally, Qing Lei Zong must also perform his duties loyally and do his best to serve Prince Lien.

A month ago, the Prince Lien issued an order to let the Qing Lei Sect mobilize the main force and elite to intercept and kill an alien youth named Tian Xing.

Of course Qing Lei Zong did not dare to neglect.

The suzerain personally led nine elders, more than 20 deacons, and 400 elite disciples to perform their tasks.

Since then, within the mountain gate of Qing Lei Sect, there are only the deputy suzerain, seven deacons and more than two thousand disciples.

It sounds like there are still many people.

But in fact, most of the more than 2,000 disciples are outside disciples, and their strength is also commonplace.

Obviously, the power of Qing Lei Zong Mountain Gate is very empty.

However, Qing Lei Zong has always been domineering, relying on the patron of even the prince, who has been domineering for many years, no one dared to provoke.

Even if the main elite were out, Qing Lei Zong did not worry at all.

Which guy who doesn't open his eyes dared to come to Qing Lei Zong's mountain gate to be wild?

Isn't that looking for death?

After a month, this is indeed the case.

The gate of the Qing Lei Zong Mountain was still calm, without any abnormalities or accidents.

But today... the long-standing silence is broken.


Tens of thousands of stars suddenly appeared above the blue sky.

Like a dense meteor shower, it descends at an incredible speed.

Suddenly, the sunset that was about to fall was obscured.

As the 20,000 meteors descended, the supreme mighty power that suppressed the world and destroyed everything, enveloped the entire giant mountain.

Qing Lei Zong's mountain guard formation was also activated on the spot by the suppression.


A colorful light shield with a radius of two hundred li appeared between the sky and the earth, covering the entire giant mountain.

This king-level high-grade **** array, working with all its strength, urged its defense to the extreme.

At the same time, the defensive array also flashed divine light, making a harsh sound to warn the people of Qing Lei Sect.

Within two breaths, hundreds of people were startled.

More than 400 disciples wearing green robes, and several deacons, all rushed out of each palace and looked up at the sky.

In the next moment, everyone saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw that the stars and streamers that obscure the sky and the sun are not meteors.

It's 20,000 giant swords up to thousands of feet!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Twenty thousand giant swords gathered like a torrential rain, pouring down extremely violently, slamming the guardian formation, bursting with a loud noise that shook the sky.

The seemingly indestructible guardian formation, only persisted for a moment, was torn apart and collapsed on the spot.


The large defensive formation with a radius of two hundred miles turned into scum in the sky, splashing in all directions.

But the power of that sky full of divine sword was not eliminated, and it continued to bombard and kill.

Without the protection of the Guardian Formation, Qing Lei Zong's mountain gate was very weak.

"Boom boom boom!"

Another burst of loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth, spread all over the world.

Dozens of magnificent palaces were blasted to pieces on the spot!

Those deacons and hundreds of disciples were too late to evade and resist, and were directly bombarded and killed.

Even the two-thousand-meter-high giant peak was torn apart by the sacred giant sword and collapsed into huge ruins.

In just a few breaths, the gate of Qing Lei Sect was destroyed!

Not only the houses and buildings were completely destroyed, but the entire giant mountain was turned into ruins.

More than two thousand disciples and a few deacons, without knowing what was going on, died clean.

Only one middle-aged protoss wearing a purple robe rushed out of the ruins covered in blood, and rushed into the sky with a disheveled hair.

He is the deputy sect lord of Qing Lei Sect, the high-ranking divine emperor of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Under the blast of the Divine Sword in the sky, he was lucky enough to get his life back, but he was also scared to death.

Seeing the tragedy around him, he was both angry and frightened, trembling all over, and roared to the sky hoarsely: "Why? What did this door do wrong?

More than 2,000 disciples, the foundation we have run for thousands of years, our life's hard work!

Haotian, why are you so cruel, wanting to punish heaven and ruin everything? "

Obviously, the deputy suzerain subconsciously thought that this was a punishment from heaven.

If it weren't for Haotian's punishment, how could Qinglei Sect's mountain gate be destroyed instantly?

How can several deacons and more than two thousand disciples disappear in an instant?

Apart from Haotian's punishment, who else can create such a miracle?

The deputy suzerain couldn't figure it out, both sad and desperate.

At this time, 20,000 giant swords formed a sword formation, covering a radius of thousands of miles.


The huge swords crisscrossed and flew as fast as lightning, strangling everything.

Deputy Sect Master Kong had the strength of the Seventh Realm, but he couldn't stop Wan Jian from killing.

He just supported a few breaths before being strangled by Wanjian into powder, and even his godhead was shattered.

Afterwards, the Sky Great Sword continued to strangle ten breaths of time.

The ruins and mounds formed by the collapse of the giant peak were also completely twisted into dust and scattered in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the Zhutian Sword Formation dissipated, the area around thousands of miles turned into flat ground, including a complete tile. There is nothing left.

Such a situation is like Qing Lei Zong disappeared out of thin air.

Above the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others stood silently, watching all this in silence.

"A whole mountain gate was destroyed like this.

Such a means of destroying the heavens and the earth is comparable to the punishment of heaven, no wonder that guy misunderstood. "

Lin Xue looked at Qianli Pingchuan and couldn't help feeling.

The Blood Illusory God Monarch nodded, and said with regret: "It's a pity that the young man manipulated Wanjian to kill and smoothed everything.

The wealth and cultivation resources that Qing Lei Sect had accumulated for many years were destroyed, and there was not much left. "

Envoy Jin Zuo thought of one thing, and asked with some worry: "Young Master, you have taken action to destroy the gate of Qing Lei Zong to disintegrate Qing Lei Zong's fighting spirit.

However, the entire mountain gate was destroyed, and there was no living mouth left. How did the news go out?

How did Sect Master Qinglei and the elite main force know that their mountain gate was gone? "

Ji Tianxing said with a calm expression: "No matter what method or means, Sect Master Qinglei is in contact with Shanmen, he must know that something happened to the Sect.

However, we have to help.

Lao Jin, you and the blood dragon went to the nearest city to release the news that the Qing Lei Zong Mountain Gate was destroyed.

It must be exaggerated, surprisingly bizarre, and insisted that Qing Lei Zong was punished by heaven..."

The envoy Jin Zuo said with emotion: "My son, there is no need to exaggerate or exaggerate anything. We can scare countless people to death by just telling the truth."

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