Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3137: Terrible news

After destroying the gate of Qing Lei Zong, Ji Tianxing and others quietly left.

After half an hour, everyone came to the nearest city.

There are five cities and more than 30 small towns in the Leiyin Mountains.

And this Qinglei City is the first of all towns, the most prosperous and the most populous.

The most important thing is that this city is under the jurisdiction of Qing Lei Zong.

Many family members of Qing Lei Sect disciples live in this city.

Jin Zuo Shi, Blood Dragon Right Shi and Zhen Hong, etc., all changed and mixed into Qing Lei City.

They dispersed and deliberately released news of the destruction of the Qing Lei Zong Mountain Gate in a crowded place.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the crowd.

Everyone's first reaction was to refuse to believe it, to refute or even anger such artificial rumors as Zhenhong.

But what they said was vowed to vividly describe the process and scenes of the destruction of the Qing Lei Zong Mountain Gate.

Moreover, they all insisted that it was Haotian's punishment.

Qing Lei Sect angered Haotian before he incurred God's punishment, and disappeared in a flash.

Hearing these words, the people in the city felt even more ridiculous, cursing and whispering in indignation.

Although the people in the city did not believe this.

But the news spread quickly, spreading rapidly in Qing Lei City, and many masters rushed to Qing Lei Zong to verify the authenticity.

Zhenhong and the others had achieved their goals, and quietly withdrew from Qinglei City.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing and others continued to go south to the next target.

The next thing is self-evident.

After more than an hour, many masters returned to Qinglei City.

The reactions of these people were similar, all of them were full of horror, their faces were pale, and they looked like hell.

Many people gathered around and asked, what is going on?

Those masters panicked and said the answer.

"What those people said before... is true!"

"The mountain gate of Qing Lei Sect is indeed destroyed!"

"No, Qing Lei Sect was not destroyed, but completely disappeared!"

"There used to be a huge peak of more than two thousand meters, but now it is a flat land!"

"It's terrible! Thousands of miles have become flat ground, and the mountain and Qing Lei Sect have disappeared. This is God's punishment!"

These news, to the people in the city, are tantamount to a bolt from the blue.

Everyone was stunned, and they were shocked, and there was a deep panic in their hearts.

If only two or three masters say so, many people still have a fluke and are unwilling to believe and accept this fact.

However, everyone who went to check the situation had exactly the same answer.

This made the people all over the city no longer doubt.

The Qing Lei Sect is indeed gone, destroyed by heaven's punishment!

Soon, the City Lord's Mansion also got the exact news.

The city lord went personally, and after checking the situation on the spot, he hurriedly sent a message to Sect Master Qinglei and reported the situation truthfully.


Thousands of miles away from Leiyin Mountain.

A team of hundreds of people is flying mighty in the sky.

Sect Master Qinglei, dozens of elders, dozens of deacons, and hundreds of disciples opened a battle line of thousands of miles in the sky.

They flew southward unhurriedly, waiting for half a month to close the encirclement and complete the task ordered by the Prince Lien.

At this moment, a message of jade slip flew from the sky and landed in front of Sect Master Qinglei.

This person is a tall and burly middle-aged protoss who wears a golden robe, has a thunder mark on his forehead, and is very majestic and domineering.

He stretched out his hand to grab the jade slip, and his divine sense invaded it, reading the news inside.

After just two breaths, his face suddenly stiffened, his body was shaken, and his eyes widened in amazement.

As if he had been petrified, he was stunned in the sky without moving, and his expression became extremely shocked and unbelievable.

The sudden change caused several elders to discover the anomaly and quickly gathered around and asked about the situation.

"Sect Master, what happened?"

"Who sent the subpoena? Does the little prince have new instructions?"

"Sect Master, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

Several elders started asking questions one after another, showing concern.

Sect Master Qinglei was stunned for a long time before he woke up and said with trembling lips, "The mountain gate of the main gate... is gone!"

In just a few words, it seemed that he had exhausted his last strength, and his voice was trembling and hoarse.

Several elders were also stunned, all of them changed color in amazement and exclaimed.


"The gate... is gone?"

"How is this possible? How can the good end be gone?"

"What the **** is going on? Did someone attack the door?"

Sect Master Qinglei grumbled and said with an ugly expression: "There is news from Qinglei City that the main gate and the holy mountain have disappeared!

Thousands of miles around has become flat ground!

The deputy suzerain and more than two thousand disciples were all gone, not even a single corpse was left!

News circulated in the city that it was this door that angered Haotian and was punished by heaven! ! "

After roaring these words, Sect Master Qinglei furiously attacked his heart and couldn't bear it anymore. He opened his mouth and spouted a **** arrow.


The purple sword of blood flew far away, shocking.

The elders were shocked, and the mighty team also stopped.

The news that the mountain gate was destroyed quickly spread among the crowd, and hundreds of disciples were shocked.

There was a riot in the crowd, and everyone was as cold as an ice cellar.

Everyone's expressions are also like a mourning concubine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All fighting spirit and fighting spirit have disappeared.

This blow was really too big, and it stunned everyone.

Many disciples cried loudly, many deacons thumped their chests, and the crowd was in chaos.

The elders and Sect Master Qinglei were the first to calm down and calm down.

Someone yelled: "What a shit! I don't believe these fallacies!"

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes! This door has always kept itself safe and guarded one side, how could it be condemned by God?"

"The enemy must have attacked the gate, and the people are ignorant and think of God's punishment."

"Sect Master, this is definitely not a natural punishment, it must be our enemy!"

Sect Master Qinglei nodded in agreement, frowning and analyzing: "There are many enemies in this sect, but there are only those who live and die.

With the strength of those sects, it is absolutely impossible to break through the gate of the main gate and slaughter more than two thousand people in one breath.

It also made the sacred mountain disappear instantly, turning thousands of miles into flat ground...

It was definitely not made by those sects! "

Several elders nodded again and again, and began to discuss and analyze.

"We work for even the prince, and those sects know well and dare not take action against us!"

"But, apart from those sects, we have no other mortal enemies!"

Suddenly, an elder flashed his inspiration and thought of a possibility.

"You said, is it possible that Heaven did it?

After all, that kid destroyed the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace in the God Burying Mountain Range.

Probably only he has such terrifying strength and methods, right? "

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