Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3138: Quit task

Suddenly hearing the name'Tian Xing', everyone was stunned.

After a moment of silence, Sect Master Qinglei and several elders spoke.

"The analysis of the five elders makes sense. Except for those sects, our strongest enemy is Tianxing!

Only that **** has such a terrifying strength! "

"We have no grievances or enmity with him, how can he be so vicious and do such things that are infuriating between people and gods?"

"No! Although this door hasn't played against him yet, this door is playing for the little prince and wants to join forces to kill him."

"Yes! We work for the little prince, and we are his mortal enemy!"

"That kid is cunning and insidious, and he should have already understood the little prince's plan.

If he refuses to catch it, he will take the initiative to destroy our eight sects one by one! "

After analysis by several elders, everyone became more and more sure that Ji Tianxing was responsible for this tragedy.

At this time, Sect Master Qinglei said again: "Don't forget, everyone, we just received the news before that the main force of Feiyunmen was wiped out.

Even the old guy Nie Feiyun was killed by Tian Xing.

To sum up, I think it was done by Heaven! "

Sect Master Qinglei made a final decision and locked the culprit.

Several elders were angry, and gnashed their teeth and cursed.

"Tian Xing that dog thief, this door does not share the sky with him!"

"That **** beast ruined the ten thousand years of this family's foundation and killed more than two thousand disciples.

Such a **** and deep hatred, even if we are crushed, we must repay it twice! "

"That beast is too vicious! Not only did he ruin our mountain gate, he also spread rumors that it was a punishment, and wanted to ruin the ten thousand years of pure reputation of this gate!"

"Sect Master, that kid must have not escaped far, let's go back and fight him to the death!"

Seeing that the elders were filled with righteous indignation, they looked like death at home.

Sect Master Qinglei quickly persuaded: "Calm down, everyone! Don't forget the little prince's instructions, let us not act rashly!

Together, our eight major sects may be able to kill Tianxing.

However, any of our sects can only be slaughtered when they meet him.

You rush back to the mountain gate now, if you really meet him, you will only be killed by him! "

The elders were silent.

A younger and more energetic elder roared with red eyes: "Then we shall assume that nothing has happened, shall we not avenge the disciples?"

Sect Master Qinglei waved his hand and said in a majestic tone: "The tragedy has already happened, no matter how angry it is, it's useless.

Now, we have to think more clearly, what should we do next?

Continue to perform the mission and join forces with the seven major factions to besie Tianxing?

Or retreat, rushing back to Qinglei City to clean up the mess and stabilize the people's hearts? "

The elders were silent, and after considering them for a while, they gave their opinions.

"The old man believes that Tian Xing destroyed the mountain gate of the main gate to deter and warn us.

If we continue to participate in the mission, he will definitely be killed! "

"This is not a shock or a warning, this is a declaration of war!

Anyway, the mountain gate is destroyed and we are homeless, so we will continue to carry out the mission and kill him in one go.

Only in this way can we get the reward from the little prince and avenge the dead disciples! "

"No! Qinglei City and Leiyin Mountain Range are our foundation. Now that the news of the destruction of the mountain gate spreads, Leiyin Mountain Range must be in chaos.

We cannot abandon the foundation that has been in business for thousands of years. We must rush back to preside over the overall situation and rebuild the mountain gate. "

"If we quit the mission directly, we will inevitably offend the little prince.

This seat suggests that the lord should inform the little prince about the situation, and then return to the Leiyin Mountains to clean up the mess.

In this way, we can withdraw from this mission without offending the little prince. "

Obviously, the fact that the mountain gate was destroyed in an instant caused a huge panic for several elders.

They were very afraid of Ji Tianxing and dared not participate in the action anymore.

Among the several elders, only two supported the continued action, vowing to kill Ji Tianxing.

Several other people all began to retreat and persuaded Sect Master Qinglei to quit this mission and return to the Leiyin Mountains to recuperate.

Therefore, Sect Master Qinglei made a decision after careful consideration.

"I will send a message to the little prince now and let me know in detail what happened.

Then, we returned to the Leiyin Mountains to clean up the mess and watch the changes.

We believe that Tian Xing will not only target this door.

Next, he will definitely attack other sects..."

Sect Master Qinglei made a decision, and the elders naturally had no objections, and could only obey orders.


The King of Fury.

It was still in that magnificent palace, in a secret room full of divine power.

Even the prince was still sitting in the sacred liquid pool, dazzled with sacred light, closed his eyes and healed his injuries.

At this time, the door of the secret room lit up with divine light, making noises.

Prince Lian frowned to finish healing, and waved to open the door of the secret room.

Lian Er, wearing a golden armor, walked quickly into the secret room with his head down, and knelt before the Shenye Pool.

Seeing him look embarrassed, even the prince shook his heart and had a bad feeling.

"Lian Er, what happened?"

Lian Er didn't dare to conceal it, so he quickly held a jade slip and handed it to Prince Lian.

"Lord, Sect Master Qinglei sent an urgent message just now, saying that the gate of Qinglei Sect was razed to the ground."

"What?" Even the prince stiffened and his expression became very embarrassing.

He hurriedly received the transmission of the jade slip and read the content inside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ with his spiritual sense, there was a lot of information in the jade slip, but he quickly read it.


In anger, even the prince's face was distorted, and the message jade slip was crushed.

"Haotian's punishment? Was it punished by heaven? Hahahaha... what a natural punishment!"

Even the prince smiled with anger, his body filled with terrifying murderous intent, and he cursed in a gloomy tone: "Tian Xing, this beast! Damn bastard!

He was afraid of the heaven and earth nets laid by this king, and unexpectedly used such a vicious trick to do such cruel and vicious things!

But this poison trick was too effective, and it directly frightened Qing Lei Zong's waste.

They actually want to withdraw from the action and roll back to the Thunder Mountain Range to clean up the mess! ! "

Lian Er knelt on the ground and said with a trembling voice while he was frightened: "Master, Feiyunmen has been destroyed.

If Qing Lei Zong withdraws from the action again, there will be a big gap in our encirclement.

Moreover, with the strength of the seven major sects, there is no certainty that Tian Xing can be killed. "

Even the prince nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Things are more than that simple! If that beast can attack Qing Lei Sect, it will attack Shenyue Sect, Feihong Sect and Overlord Pavilion...

However, the elites and main forces of various sects are all performing the tasks of the king outside, and the strength of the mountain gate and the headquarters is empty.

If Tianxing destroys their headquarters one by one, those sects will be panicked and will withdraw from the action one after another.

Several major sects withdrew from the action one after another, and the king's net of heaven and earth would be broken without attack!

Tian Xing, this little beast, is really vicious! "

Even the prince was trembling with anger, his eyes were bloodshot and turned dark red.

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