Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3139: Bad news again and again

Silver Moon Lake.

This is a huge lake with a radius of 100,000 miles, located among the mountains.

If you look down above the sky, this lake is like a silver moon on the earth.

The geographical position of this lake is superior, the supernatural power is extremely abundant, it is a rare treasure place for cultivation.

The Shenyue Sect, which has been passed down for more than 8,000 years, is located in this lake.

Moreover, what is surprising and admirable is that the rudder of the mountain gate of the Shenyue School is actually at the bottom of the lake center.

It is a beautiful underwater palace located at the bottom of the water.

In the gloomy water bottom, there is a colorful mask with a radius of hundreds of miles, standing quietly on the bottom of the lake.

Inside the colorful mask is the headquarters of the Shenyue Sect.

Dozens of colorful, magnificent and solemn palaces are located among reefs and corals.

Within the mask, there are everything you need for squares, gardens, medicine fields, and forests.

Such a scene is no different from a sectarian mountain gate on land.

But outside the colorful mask, there is a gloomy bottom, with hundreds of millions of fish and shrimp swimming in groups.

There are also nine pterosaurs that are thousands of feet long and have survived for tens of thousands of years, swimming slowly around the mask.

The nine flying dragon fishes all have the strength of the fifth or sixth level of the God Sovereign Realm, and they are the guardian beasts of the Shenyue School.

Today, the main force and elite of the Shenyue Sect are all performing the tasks of the Prince Lien.

Only the deputy head of the Shenyue faction, a few elders and more than 3,000 disciples, and tens of thousands of servants and handymen remain in the headquarters.

Because of the special location of the Shenyue Sect headquarters, almost no one dared to come here to go wild.

In addition, after the Shenyue Sect returned to the Prince Lian, its power grew rapidly, and no one dared to provoke it.

Even if the power of the headquarters is empty, many disciples are safe and not worried at all.

Today, the disciples of the Shenyue School continue to practice in retreat and live a peaceful life like water.


The gleaming dark lake water was suddenly illuminated by the dazzling divine light.

A total of 20,000 colorful giant swords poured down like a rain of arrows, covering the lake with a radius of thousands of miles.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Ten thousand swords entered the water, carrying the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, blasting towards the guardian formation and the underwater palace.

The nine pterosaurs surrounding Huzong's large array felt a strong breath of death and were immediately frightened.

They immediately speeded up, rushed to the Ten Thousand Dao Great Sword, and released all kinds of magical powers to resist.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Great Sword of Ten Thousand Ways collided with the divine light that shielded the sky and the sun, bursting with a deafening noise.

The magical light and shadow that obscured the sky was immediately shattered.

The nine flying dragon fish were also strangled by thousands of giant swords, and were cut into several pieces on the spot.

A large amount of blood splashed in the lake water, dyeing a hundred miles of it red.

The corpses of the flying dragon fish were scattered around along with the stormy waves.

Their godheads flew out and fled to the four directions in a panic.

Although they have guarded the Shenyue Sect for thousands of years, it is their nature to escape when they are dying.

It's a pity that thousands of miles have been blocked by Wan Jian, and it is impossible for them to escape.


With a burst of crisp breaking sound, the godheads of the nine flying dragon fish were all shattered by the giant sword.

Immediately afterwards, 20,000 giant swords fell into the bottom of the lake, slamming the Huzong formation.

Another loud noise of "rumbling" spread out hundreds of miles under the water.

The colorful and gorgeous guardian array was shattered on the spot, splashing out hundreds of millions of pieces.

The shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth stirred up a huge wave of hundreds of feet high, making the entire area of ​​thousands of miles completely chaotic.


The Zhutian Sword Formation was immediately formed, sealing the headquarters of the Shenyue Sect.

The sword formation is running, and thousands of swords shuttle and strangle, forming a gorgeous sword net.

The disciples of the Shenyue Sect suddenly woke up, and all of them fled in panic, exclaiming and screaming.

However, the shouts of countless disciples and servants were soon overwhelmed by the loud noise.


The magnificent palaces were shattered and turned into debris and ruins under the strangulation of the giant sword.

Countless Shenyue Sect disciples and handymen were also strangled by Jianguang into powder and scattered on the bottom of the lake.

The lake water in this area has become turbid, full of blood and debris.

The sword formation continued to operate for ten breaths of time.

The earth-shaking loud noise also lasted a long time before it dissipated.

When the Heavenly Sword Formation was withdrawn and the 20,000 giant swords dissipated, the area gradually returned to calm.

The guardian formation in a radius of a hundred miles disappeared.

Dozens of palaces and houses have disappeared without a trace.

The beautiful underwater castle has also turned into rubble on the floor.

The headquarters of the Shenyue Sect no longer exists!

More than 10,000 protoss also perished on the spot, and even the entire body was not left.

Not long after, Lin Xue, Jin Zuoshi, Blood Dragon Right-shield, Zhenhong and others appeared in the ruins.

They searched for loot at the bottom of the lake and swept the battlefield.

Soon, Lin Xue found a treasure house buried deep underground in the rock layer.

Ji Tianxing made a small plan and broke the defense formation of the treasure house.

Then, Lin Xue, Jin Zuoshi and others entered the treasure house and searched for property.

After half an hour, everyone seized more than 30 billion worth of resources, and then left with satisfaction.

It didn't take long for the news that the Shenyue faction headquarters was destroyed.

Experts and experts from all directions went to Yinyue Lake to check the situation.

The news of the demise of the Shenyue Sect was confirmed, and another storm was set off, making hundreds of millions of gods afraid.

Five days later.

Another explosive news came out of Feihong City in Tianyi County~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

A hundred thousand li away from Feihong City, the Feihong Sect, which was located on the treasure ground of the Dragon Vessel, also collapsed in a flash.

The Feihong Sect is located in the sea of ​​clouds, above the abyss between the two thousand-zhang peaks, and has always been a holy and misty place for cultivation.

But after hearing the news, countless masters rushed to find that the Feihong Sect had disappeared.

Even the two thousand-zhang peaks and the vast sea of ​​clouds for hundreds of miles no longer exist.

According to the news circulating in the city, the fate of the Feihong faction was the same as that of Qing Lei Zong, and it was also condemned by heaven.

Haotian lowered the ten thousand sacred giant sword, destroying everything in the blink of an eye, killing all living beings.

This news caused an uproar in Tianyi County, which made countless Protoss panic.

As the saying goes, one wave has not settled and one wave is rising.

Seven days later.

The Bawang Pavilion in Sanlong County was also punished by Haotian, and disappeared without a trace under the bombardment of ten thousand swords.

The process and scene of the destruction of Bawang Pavilion are exactly the same as those of Feihong Sect and Qing Lei Sect.

When the news spread all over the kingdom of God, Wubai surnames and masters felt that something was wrong.

What kind of punishment is this?

Obviously, there are extremely powerful gods who are walking the way for the sky and eradicating evil!

at the same time.

Prince Lien, who was still healing in the City of Wrath Flames, heard the news of the destruction of several major sects one after another, and vomited blood again.

Because, the result is just as he expected.

The major sects that destroyed the mountain gate and headquarters have lost their fighting spirit and fighting spirit, and have expressed their withdrawal from the action...

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