Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3140: Mourning

"Asshole! Damn beast!

Even if you cut him thousands of times, it is hard to dispel the hatred of this king! "

In the Royal City of Fury, even the prince roared angrily in the secret room of that palace.

He stood in the sacred liquid pool, blood-colored flames burning all over his body, and the pool water boiled and evaporated, stirring up a vast mist of water.

On the ground in front of him was a pile of broken jade slips.

On the ground two feet away, Lian Er knelt on one knee, buried his head deeply, and looked trembling.

Just now, Lian Er sent a jade slip from the Overlord Pavilion.

In the jade slip, the master of Bawang Pavilion stated that the headquarters was destroyed and more than two thousand disciples were killed, which caused a devastating blow to Bawang Pavilion.

Today, the overlord pavilion and more than 400 elites under his command have lost their fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

In desperation, Bawang Pavilion could only temporarily withdraw from the operation and return to the headquarters to clean up the mess and recuperate.

Even the prince’s mission is important, but Bawang Pavilion has been in the nest for tens of thousands of years.

Although, the overlord pavilion put forward his ideas very tactfully, and repeatedly clarified and apologized to Prince Lien.

But the facts are in front of you, no matter how euphemistic you are, it is useless.

Even the prince was trembling with anger, almost vomiting blood.

No way, this is the fifth time he has received similar news in this period of time.

A total of five sects were attacked by Ji Tianxing, and the headquarters and the mountain gate were destroyed.

The result was the same. All five sects were frightened and dared not participate in the encirclement and suppression mission anymore, and hurriedly returned to the headquarters to clean up the mess.

Because there are many family members of the disciples in the headquarters, and there are many emotional ties.

And all sects understand that this is a threat and warning from Heaven.

If they continue to participate in the mission, the next time they will be slaughtered will not be the old, weak, sick and disabled at the headquarters, but their elite.

Ji Tianxing can sneak attack on the headquarters of each sect and can intercept and kill the main force of each sect.

In other words, the life and death of all major sects are in the hands of Ji Tianxing!

"The headquarters and mountain gates of the five sects were all destroyed by that animal!

Today, only the Spirit Sword Sect, the Shendao League and Wan Liuzong are left, and they have not been attacked!

All five sects withdrew from the action, and only the three sects remained. Can they encircle the **** of Tianxing? "

Even the prince roared hoarsely, his body was filled with fierce flames, and his eyes were dark red.

At this moment, Lian Er's voice trembled again, and whispered: "Master, just now, the head of the Spirit Sword faction also sent a message..."

As soon as the prince heard this, he grinned and said, "What? The Spirit Sword faction hasn't been attacked by the brute yet, so should he withdraw from the action?"

Lian Er buried his head lower, and said tremblingly: "Wang Ye Mingjian! Although the Spirit Sword Sect has not been attacked yet, the headquarters of the other five sects have been destroyed.

From the perspective of Tianxing's action plan, the next target is the Spirit Sword Sect, Wanliu Sect and the Shendao League.

Therefore, the head of the Spirit Sword faction expressed his wish to lead the elite back to the headquarters to prevent Tian Xing's attack.

The head of the Spirit Sword Sect said that if Tian Xing really attacks the Spirit Sword Sect headquarters, he will burn all the stones.

Even if he sacrifices everyone in the Spirit Sword Sect, including himself, he will desperately kill Tian Xing and live up to the prince's trust! "

"Hahaha..." Prince Lian immediately laughed and sneered contemptuously: "Are these **** really confused as the king?

Isn't he just greedy for life and fear of death, and wants to keep the legacy of the Spirit Sword School?

Why is it so high-sounding?

If Tianxing really killed the Spirit Sword faction, how could he fight to death?

I'm afraid you can run faster than anyone else? "

Lian Er was silent, afraid to answer.

Even the prince sneered for a while, and waved his hand in despair, "Fine, nothing...The five sects have already withdrawn, and the Spirit Sword Sect also wants to escape.

This king's Tianluodiwang plan has already failed.

What's the point of ordering the people of the Spirit Sword Sect to stay?

On the contrary, this king will end up being mean and unkind, regardless of the reputation of his subordinates.

The people of the Spirit Sword School want to be the turtles, let them be! "

Lian Er immediately bowed his head and saluted, and said in a sonorous voice: "The prince is wise! The subordinates will send a message and allow the Spirit Sword faction to withdraw temporarily."

After speaking, Lian Er bowed and prepared to leave the secret room.

But at this moment, a spiritual light flew from the tunnel and landed in front of Lian Er.

Lian Er grabbed the jade slip and quickly probed with his spiritual sense, his face suddenly changed, showing a thick expression of horror.

Seeing his reaction like this, even the prince frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What happened again?"

Lian Er swallowed hard, and said with a trembling voice: "Master Qi... the head of the Spirit Sword Sect sent a message. Just now, the headquarters of the Spirit Sword Sect was attacked.

The deputy head, several elders, many deacons, and more than 2,000 disciples were all wiped out.

Even the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Sect was razed to the ground and turned into rubble in the blink of an eye.

The process of Tian Xing's attack on the Spirit Sword Sect was the same as before, and it was still a thousand swords.

Moreover, the wind and news released by Tian Xing were the same as before, saying that the Spirit Sword Sect had also been punished by Heaven! "

The prince was silent for a moment, and his body stood stiffly.

After a long time, he gradually came back to his senses, and said with a joking sneer: "Ha ha ha ha... the beasts of the Spirit Sword School~www.wuxiaspot.com~ aren't they very greedy for life and fear of death?

But it turns out that they are still a step too late!

Even if the king approved just now to allow them to return to the gate of defense, they still can't avoid the disaster of destroying the gate! "

Lian Er can only remain silent and dare not express any opinions.

The prince thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, he said in a majestic tone: "Lian Er, you now draw up an order to convey the king's will to the five major sects and the spirit sword faction.

Anyway, their mountain gates have been destroyed, their foundation and wealth no longer exist, it can be described as nothing.

That being the case, they don't share the hatred of the heavens with Tianxing, and they should share the same hatred with the enemy.

All of us must unite and kill the **** Tianxing in order to get revenge!

You tell the people of the six major sects that if they immediately respond to this king's order, then everything will be forgotten.

If they dare to postpone and procrastinate, don't blame this king for getting around outside and setting up inside first..."

Lian Er understood what he meant, hurriedly said to obey orders, and then left the secret room and sent a jade slip of the message.

The secret room is quiet again.

Even the prince's face turned dark, and his eyes revealed a spiteful light.

"Damn little beast, don't you think you can stir up wind and rain in the Kingdom of Fury?

As the saying goes, the mourning soldier will win, the elite and main force of the eight major sects will definitely fight you for the last drop of blood!

However, how can that little beast understand so clearly where the gates of the major sects are?

Is Nie Feiyun that thing dead?

Could it be... he surrendered, acting as the eyes and ears of Tianxing? "

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