Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3141: First come 1 step

The black wind is high and the cold wind howls.

In the Fallen Mountains of Cambrian County, a group of more than 400 people flew across the sky mightily.

Shao Qing, this mighty team stopped over a plain.

The crowd was very quiet, and everyone looked solemn, sad and solemn.

Everyone looked at the plain in the night, and their expressions were full of grief and hatred.

This is because the plain, which is eight hundred miles in radius, was originally a piece of towering mountains and valleys.

On the huge peak of two thousand meters high, there are countless palace buildings, which are the mountain gates of the Spirit Sword School.

But now, everything is smoothed out.

The mountain peaks and ravines no longer exist, and more than 2,000 disciples are wiped out, not even a whole body is left.

The head of the Spirit Sword faction brought more than 400 elders, deacons, and elite disciples back in a hurry, only to see such a miserable scene, how could he not be angry and desperate?

The heavy and solemn atmosphere permeated the crowd.

In the hearts of more than 400 people, there is a deep resentment and killing intent.

At this time, the head of the Lingjian School said like Hong Zhong: "It took eight thousand years for this school to develop to its current scale.

But now, the brutal and vicious beast Tian Xing ruined the family's foundation and slaughtered more than two thousand disciples.

Such a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, this life will not share the sky! "

More than 400 elite disciples all shouted loudly: "Don't share the sky! Don't share the sky!"

The head of the Spirit Sword faction raised his palm and pressed it down to signal everyone to calm down.

He said with a heavy tone: "However, we must keep this hatred in our hearts, and we cannot retaliate for the time being.

The top priority is that we must rush to the Long Night City immediately, where there is half of our foundation and hard work! "

Ordinary disciples don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but many elders and deacons understand the meaning of the head.

Many years ago, the head had planned for a rainy day.

On the surface, the Spirit Sword faction only has this Shanmen headquarters.

But in fact, the Spirit Sword Sect has established a treasure house in the Great Night City, storing massive amounts of cultivation resources and treasures.

As the saying goes, eggs can't be put in a basket. The head of the Spirit Sword School understood this very early.

He also has reason to believe that Ji Tianxing can destroy the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Sect, but it is impossible to know that treasure house!

"Even if more than two thousand disciples are dead? As long as that treasure house still exists, this school will still have a chance to make a comeback!"

This is the inner thoughts of the head of the Spirit Sword School.

Soon, he took more than four hundred elders, deacons and elite disciples, left the ruined battlefield, and rushed to the Great Night City.

After two consecutive hours of rushing, everyone finally arrived at the Great Night City.

This ancient city with thousands of years of history is still brightly lit even in the middle of the night.

In the entire Cambrian County, this Great Night City is also one of the top cities with a very large population!

However, the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect is not in the city.

But thousands of miles south of the city, in an inconspicuous dilapidated villa.

That old-fashioned, dilapidated villa is located among the mountains.

The villa occupies more than a dozen li, and there are no people on weekdays.

But in the dark, there are hundreds of elite masters lying in ambush everywhere in the villa, guarding the safety of the treasure house day and night.

As for the treasure house, of course, it is in the bottom of the mountain villa, in the belly of the Qianzhang Peak.

The treasure house is protected by a powerful divine formation, which not only hides the aura of divine power, but is also not easy to be discovered.

"Huh! Huh!"

A dazzling divine light flashed, and more than 400 people of the Spirit Sword Sect came to the sky above the villa.

In the past, the people in the villa must have been alarmed.

Immediately, a guard flew out, saluted the head of the Spirit Sword Sect and others, and reported the defense situation.

But tonight, the villa is deadly silent.

Not only did no guards appear, there was no sound at all.

Such a weird scene caused the head of the Spirit Sword Sect and several elders to frown with vigilance.

After hesitating for a moment, several elders spoke.

"Master, the old man feels that something is wrong with this villa."

"According to the usual practice, the captain of the guard and the housekeeper have long discovered that we are here, and they must come out to meet them."

"Master, the villa looks so weird, shall we check the situation?"

"This seat has a bad feeling, I am afraid this villa has already been occupied."

"What? How could that kid know this?"

"Damn it! In this villa, half of my life's hard work is buried."

"The defensive formation of the villa seems to have been tampered with, we can't detect the situation in the villa!"

"Regardless of the truth, everyone should be careful."

The head of the Spirit Sword faction quickly made up his mind, took out an artifact sword, and brought more than 400 elites, quietly landed in the villa.

Before everyone shouted, there was no time to release his spiritual knowledge and investigate the situation in the villa.

Suddenly, a colorful array of gods with a radius of twenty miles appeared out of thin air in the night sky.


The colorful light covering the sky and the sun shrouded the entire mountain villa, exuding dazzling brilliance.

The more than four hundred people of the Spirit Sword Sect were all blocked by the colorful mask, and there was no way out for them to retreat.

At this moment, the radiant multicolored mask suddenly condensed thousands of giant swords.


Thousands of sacred giant swords immediately shot like a rain of arrows, making a sharp and piercing sound.

Suddenly at this change ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the head of the Spirit Sword School immediately realized that it was not good, and shouted hoarsely: "We are in ambush, everyone defends with all their strength, don't be confused!"

More than 400 disciples are worthy of elites, no matter how panicked they are, they can remain calm and calm.

Everyone quickly formed a battle formation and went all out to resist Jian Yu's bombardment.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The divine light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun collided with the huge sword in the sky, bursting with a deafening noise.

Countless magical powers, lights and shadows have collapsed, but thousands of giant swords are safe and sound.

And the power is still strong, forming a hurricane in the villa, sweeping unscrupulously.


In the blink of an eye, all the palaces and houses where the blade storm passed by were strangled and turned into ruins.

Palaces and houses protected by the divine formation still end in this way.

The fate of more than four hundred Spirit Sword Sect disciples is self-evident.

The sword light burst into the court, the divine light was dazzling, and screams broke out everywhere.

Countless blood arrows, stumps, broken arms, and pieces of meat splashed violently.

In just a few breaths, more than a hundred disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect died tragically under the strangulation of ten thousand swords.

But this is just the beginning.

As time passed, the number of disciples of the Spirit Sword School continued to decrease.

The head of the Spirit Sword Sect and several elders also tried their best to support them, covered with scars and blood.

This is not a confrontation between the two armies, but a one-sided massacre.

The disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect were all strangled and strangled without seeing the enemy.

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