Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3142: 1 means to kill

Soon, the hundred interest time passed.

The multicolored sword array that covered the sky and the sun unexpectedly stopped operating.

At this time, more than four hundred elite disciples of the Heavenly God Realm had been killed.

Even a few elders were also beheaded, leaving only five people alive.

The five elders and the twelve deacons were all surrounded by the head of the Spirit Sword Sect, feeling anxious.

The head of the Spirit Sword faction can only remain calm and roar in a low voice: "Tian Xing! Even if this seat has never met you, but this seat guessed this is what you did.

Except you, no one has such courage and means.

Now that the Spirit Sword Sect has been ruined, we have only a few lone seedlings left. I hope you can open the net.

Don't worry, as long as you spare a few of us, we swear never to go against you again! "

The head of the Spirit Sword Sect was completely shy, he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, and his tone of voice was much relaxed.

Even the Spirit Sword Sect had suffered such a heavy loss, and the leader did not dare to show resentment and hatred.

A young man's voice sounded over the ruined mountain villa.

Simply neat and full of powerful domineering.

"Before this, I gave you a chance.

But you don't cherish it, but you still want to be an accomplice of the Prince Lien, still thinking about this treasure house.

That being the case, let me blame this seat for being ruthless! "

There is no doubt that this is the voice of Ji Tianxing.

His answer also announced the death of everyone in the Spirit Sword Sect in a disguised form.

The head of the Spirit Sword faction was suddenly in grief and indignation, and he roared in a low voice: "Boy, how can you be so vicious and kill us?

Even though we work for Prince Lien, we have no conflict with you so far! "

As the head of the Spirit Sword School, he is usually so high-profile and majestic.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to say these low-ranking words in front of everyone.

But it's a pity that Ji Tianxing didn't move at all, and replied in a cold voice: "Don't talk nonsense. Since you choose to follow Prince Lien, you have to bear the consequences."

As his voice fell, the sacred sword rain that covered the sky and covered the sun poured down again.


"Boom bang bang bang!"

A loud and deafening noise burst into the sky, resounding through the clouds.

The powerhouses of the Spirit Sword School desperately performed supernatural skills in an attempt to resist the bombardment of the'Heaven's Punishment'.

But unfortunately, all this is in vain.

Everyone's magical powers, light and shadow, were immediately torn apart by the giant sword.

However, the power of the sacred giant sword was unabated, and it stabbed more than a dozen elders and deacons.

In an instant, blood spattered in the sword formation, and screams came and went one after another.

After just ten breaths, all the elders and deacons were dead.

Only the Sect Master of the Spirit Sword Sect was still alive, but he was also bloodied and scarred.

His hair was draped all over his head, and the robe he was wearing turned into rags.

His arms, legs and chest were all left with chopsticks long marks, and even the internal organs could be seen clearly.

"Ahhhhh... you vicious beast, I have done it with you!"

At this point, the head of the Spirit Sword Sect also accepted his fate.

He knew that Ji Tianxing would not let him go, and he would definitely die today.

But even if he died in this battle, Ji Tianxing would still be pushed back.

So, he agitated his life's supernatural power and brazenly launched a self-destruction.


Suddenly, the divine body of the head of the Lingjian faction vigorously bulged, shining dazzling divine light.

A breath of ruining the world was released from his body.

At this time, Ji Tianxing's voice sounded in the night sky again.

"I'm only determined to explode now, isn't it too late?"

While talking, a huge palace-sized palm fell in the night sky and slapped the head of the Spirit Sword Sect fiercely.

While avoiding, the head of the Spirit Sword faction laughed wildly: "Hahahaha... are you finally afraid?

Even if the death of this seat is trivial, don't think about it.

Even if you don't blow you up, you will be hit hard! "

After all, the head of the Spirit Sword Sect is a **** of the eighth realm, and his strength is also very deep.

He had enough confidence that he could not kill Ji Tianxing, and he would also be seriously injured.

However, the head of the Spirit Sword School did not understand Ji Tianxing at all.

The giant palm that fell from the sky instantly turned into a sword finger, and at a speed that surpassed the Aurora, it stabbed the head of the Spirit Sword School fiercely.


With a clear muffled sound, the sword finger with golden light stabbed the head of the Spirit Sword faction on the spot.

A stranger scene appeared.

The body of the head of the Spirit Sword School, like a discouraged ball, instantly became shriveled.

Immediately afterwards, his body quickly weathered, splashing out hundreds of millions of pieces.

The blew of the head of the Spirit Sword faction was so roughly interrupted by Ji Tianxing!

Not only did he explode and be destroyed, his body collapsed and shattered, and even his fighting spirit and fighting spirit were also crushed.


A dazzling multicolored godhead flew across the sky like a streamer and fled towards the gap of the sword formation.

However, Ji Tianxing had quick eyes and quick hands, and he directly flicked his fingers and hit the godhead with two sword lights.


With the crisp cracking sound, the godhead of the head of the Spirit Sword Sect was defeated.

The dignified eighth-level high-ranking god, just like this, died in obscurity!

The fight against each other finally ended.

The divine light and storm that permeated the sky and the earth have gradually weakened a lot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the mountain villa with a radius of more than a dozen li has long turned into a flat ground, and there is no complete brick left. .

Ji Tianxing began to clean the battlefield, searching for the godhead fragments of the head and several elders.

At this time, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others swarmed around Ji Tianxing.

Everyone was very excited, and their expressions were full of pride.

"Hahahaha...Fortunately, let's come for an hour first, otherwise where to find the treasure house?"

"I didn't expect it! The secret treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect here actually stores tens of billions of cultivation resources!"

"Let's come this time, it is really a big profit."

Undoubtedly, before the head of the Spirit Sword Sect and 400 disciples arrived, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others searched the underground treasure house.

The cultivation resources stored in the treasure house were all divided by everyone.

After solving the treasure house, everyone lurked in the town and rested for a while.

When the head of the Spirit Sword Sect and hundreds of disciples were killed aggressively ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, everyone waited for work, and it was resolved soon.

From this moment on, the Spirit Sword School ceased to exist.

Ji Tianxing waved away the sword formation, led Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others, and quickly left the ruins.

"The seven major sects have all received their due punishment, and now only the Shendao League and Wan Liuzong are left.

Although Nie Feiyun identified on the map, the Shendao League and Wan Liuzong had separate rudders and treasure troves.

But we only need to defeat the people of the two major sects to act as a deterrent. "

While flying, Ji Tianxing silently calculated his next plan.

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