Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3147: Embarrassing


More than 400 disciples of the Shendao League, led by dozens of deacons, rushed into the night sky desperately.

In an instant, a large net covering a hundred miles around was formed, blocking the path of the divine ship.

Everyone is clinging to the sword artifact, accumulating lifelong magical power, and preparing to release the most powerful magical ultimate move.

At this moment, the galloping blood dissipated.

The pitch-black divine ship, which was as fast as lightning, also stopped abruptly, suspended twenty miles away from the crowd.

Seeing this, Dao Qianqiu, the left and right guardians, and the nine elders flew over quickly.

Many deacons and disciples were very witty and suppressed the murderous intentions, and temporarily stopped and did not attack.

Dao Qianqiu and the left and right guardians came out more and more, walking towards the divine ship, shouting like Hong Zhong: "Tian Xing boy, your grandfather Dao is here, don't you want to catch it?"

The sound like thunder, spread through the night sky, deafening.

The Divine Ship opened the hatch, and saw a flash of white light, and a young man in a white robe walked out with a magnificent pace.

Behind this white-robed youth, several men and women walked out one after another, all gods and powerful.

Among them are Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Sovereign, White Dragon, Jin Zuo Shi and Zhen Hong, but Nie Feiyun and Blood Dragon Right Shi are not seen.

Nie Feiyun was temporarily inconvenient to show up, and the right envoy of the blood dragon had to control the divine ship.

The gazes of Dao Qianqiu and the left and right guardians immediately locked the white robe youth, their gazes looked resentfully.

Seeing the appearance of the white robe youth, all three of them were shocked and secretly guarded.

"He's Tianxing? That bloodthirsty and brutal demon?"

"Although I have heard of him a long time ago and have seen his portrait many times... I didn't expect him to be younger than we thought, and his strength is higher and unpredictable!"

"Compared to the little prince, this demon is more mysterious and unpredictable, making people jealous and fearful!"

Dao Qianqiu and the left and right guardians had a preliminary evaluation of Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Ji Tianxing looked at Dao Qianqiu calmly, and asked: "You are the leader of the Magic Sword League, Dao Qianqiu?"

Dao Qianqiu coldly snorted: "Little beast, you don't pretend!

You destroyed the mountain gate of this alliance with your own hands, and killed thousands of disciples of this alliance, how can you not know who the old man is? "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Since the Sword Alliance and this monarch have disagreements, why are you so calm?

You talk so much nonsense. Are you trying to delay until the other major factions come to help? "

Dao Qianqiu's thoughts were pierced, and he frowned fiercely.

That's right, he has this thought.

Because he also understood that with the more than 400 people of the Divine Blade Alliance, it was absolutely impossible to stop Ji Tianxing, let alone kill him.

The most likely result is that all the people of the Shendao League were killed, and Ji Tianxing and others left.

However, in the presence of many elders and disciples, Dao Qianqiu would never admit it.

He stroked his beard proudly, and said with disdain: "Tian Xing dog thief, now you are the public enemy of the kingdom of God, everyone has been punishable.

My disciple of the Sword Alliance, of course, can kill you here, shattering your body!

However, all other sects have suffered from your poisonous hands, and like our Magic Sword Alliance, they all have blood and deep hatred with you.

Of course, the old man can't monopolize the chance to kill you, wait for the major factions to kill you together.

At that time, you will be cut with thousands of swords and frustrated...

Only in this way can we dispel the hatred of the old man! "

Ji Tianxing frowned, and said in a disdainful tone: "It is clear that he is afraid of the prestige of the lord, but he said it so high-sounding.

It's embarrassing enough to be so shameless when you are so old.

No matter, anyway, this person in the Shendao League is not enough for the Lord to sacrifice the sword.

If you want to procrastinate, then Ben Jun will let you do it.

When the people from other denominations arrive, I can solve them together, which saves time. "

What Ji Tianxing was telling was the truth, and that was what he planned.

The main reason was that he was afraid of using the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation, and soon killed all the members of the Sword Alliance.

At that time, people from other sects rushed to see the terrifying power of the Heavenly Slaying Sword Formation, I'm afraid they didn't even have the courage to shoot.

In that case, the major sects will flee again.

He has to find another opportunity to get rid of the main force of all sects.

What a waste of time!

But Ji Tianxing's words sounded particularly arrogant and domineering in the ears of the disciples of the Shendao League, and they were extremely ear-piercing.

"You **** beast, Hugh is arrogant!"

"Skills can be killed, not insulted! You butcher, executioner, disciple of this league will fight you to the end!"

"Tonight, the Magic Sword Alliance is one heart, vowing to punish the evil thief!"

Many disciples and deacons full of blood and energy, roared and roared with righteous indignation.

Ji Tianxing dismissed it, standing proudly in the night sky, waiting quietly.

Lin Xue was holding the blood knife and standing behind him.

Hearing the curses and provocations of the disciples of the Shendao League, she tickled her teeth with anger, wishing to kill her immediately.

However, with the lessons learned from the Shanmen of the Magic Sword Alliance, she has learned to be smart and is no longer impulsively taking the lead.

The blood illusion gods and the white dragons were obviously more calm.

All of them were silent, holding their swords, waiting for people from other sects to arrive.

Although, they were not sure in their hearts.

With their people, it is already very dangerous to deal with the more than 400 people of the Shendao League.

If the main forces of other sects arrive, the difference in numbers between the two parties will be even more terrifying.

However, when they saw Ji Tianxing's expression indifferent and a confident posture, they were relieved.

Ji Tianxing is willing to wait, of course Dao Qianqiu cannot ask for it.

Even he and the left and right guardians sneered secretly.

"Ha ha ha... The rumors are true, this son is really arrogant and lawless!"

"If he is not bluffing, how strong his self-confidence would he dare to wait for other sects to come together?"

"Our Magic Blade League can't fight alone. We must wait for people from other sects to come together before we join forces to kill this dog!

Since this arrogant man is so arrogant, revenge is expected tonight! "

Within a quarter of an hour, a glimmer of light flew in the western night sky.

After the dazzling divine light rushed to the front with murderous aura, everyone could see clearly that it was a team of more than 300 people.

Without waiting for Ji Tianxing and others to observe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the leader of that team sounded like Hong Zhong's self-report.

"Tian Xing dog thief, Bawang Pavilion Xudong is here, and I will take your dog's life tonight to avenge this disciple!"

Obviously, this team is from the Overlord Pavilion.

The pavilion master Xu Donglai is an eight-fold powerhouse of the god-sovereign realm, followed by the deputy pavilion master and several elders, who are also middle-ranked gods.

Ji Tianxing only glanced at the people in Bawang Pavilion, and then ignored it.

Xu Donglai thought that the Shendao League was fighting with Ji Tianxing, and he rushed to save the field.

Unexpectedly, the Shendao League and Tianxing and the others were facing each other, and neither side had any intention of making a move.

He brought the people from the Bawang Pavilion, rushing over, but was ignored by the two groups of people, which was really embarrassing.

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