Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3148: Seeing God's Punishment Again?

Ji Tianxing and others stood in the night sky, waiting for the wind and waiting for you.

In the night sky just south, Dao Qianqiu and the people of the Shendao League blocked the way, forming a big encirclement.

As for the people in the Overlord Pavilion, seeing that the people on both sides were not moving, they could only stop in the night sky in the southwest, holding a sword and staring fiercely.

Unable to contain the embarrassing atmosphere, Xu Dong came two steps forward, looking at the white beard flying knife Qianqiu, and asked the situation through voice transmission.

"Senior Sword, what's going on?

Upon receiving the call, I immediately rushed to help.

Your League has stopped the Skywalker Dog Thief, why didn't you do it?

Could it be that the little prince has another order? "

Dao Qianqiu glanced at Xu Donglai, and couldn't help but voice transmission and said: "Xu Bawang, you are also an old guy who has lived for thousands of years. Why do you still only grow older and not careless?

Do you still need to ask about this situation now? Even if you want revenge anymore, you can't rush to fight!

Just the person in your Overlord Pavilion, you really want to rush forward, and you will be killed in a moment!

Are the previous lessons not painful enough?

Is the demon Tianxing that any of our sects can deal with? "

Xu Donglai is three feet tall, as strong as an iron tower, with an extremely fierce appearance and a very hot personality.

His natal artifact is two Thor's Hammers, which are very powerful in combat.

Because of this, he won the title of Xu Bawang.

But this also proves from the side that this person is brave and intrepid, and there is nothing in the city to speak of.

After being ridiculed by Dao Qianqiu for a few words, Xu Donglai couldn't hold back his face, but he could only endure it and did not dare to attack.

After all, Dao Qianqiu is the leader of the top power and the predecessor who became famous earlier.

Moreover, everyone is allies in the same trench, and we will fight side by side soon, and we will live and die together.

In any case, we must maintain harmony.

After a moment of silence, Xu Donglai suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said to Dao Qianqiu: "Senior Dao taught that Donglai owed it to him."

Then, Xu Donglai and the people from Bawang Pavilion also waited honestly.

Time continues to pass.

In a short while, more than 300 elite disciples of the Feihong School also galloped in mighty.

Then, the elite main players of Wanliu Sect, Shenyue Sect, Qinglei Sect and Wushuanglou also rushed to the field one after another.

The elite main forces of the seven major sects were gathered, and they were divided into seven directions and surrounded Ji Tianxing and others.

There are more than two thousand five hundred people in total, among which 90% are elite masters in the Celestial Realm.

The number of lower gods has reached more than 260, and there are more than 50 middle gods.

Even the upper gods have more than twenty people.

Such a huge battle can be described as rare in a century.

The people of the Magic Sword League, Bawang Pavilion, and Feihong faction were still afraid of Ji Tianxing, so they didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, so they could only wait patiently.

Today, with so many strong and masters gathered, the people of the three major sects are confident and passionate.

Almost everyone agreed that the decisive battle tonight will undoubtedly be won.

Even if Tianxing had great patience and supernatural powers, he would never leave alive.

More than 2,000 masters of the seven major sects are enough to destroy a radius of 100,000 miles.

Even the gods who besieged the Nine Peaks were more than enough!

Thinking of this, the heads, suzerains, and allies of the seven major sects all became energetic and majestic.

They stood in front of the crowd one after another, shouting and provoking at Ji Tianxing and others.

"Tian Xing! If the Luo Di net has been established today, you have no way to escape. Obediently die!"

"I said before that you have to cut you a thousand knives and frustrate your bones to dispel your hatred. Now it's time to honor it!"

"Boy, haven't you always been arrogant? Are you still mad in this situation? Hahahaha..."

"When you made murder, slaughtered the disciples of various sects, and destroyed the mountain gates of various sects, you should think about the fate of today!"

"Dog thief! I hope you continue to be arrogant, don't surrender, otherwise this seat despise you!"

"Yes! It's useless for you to surrender, you must be broken into pieces to relieve your hatred!"

The seven sect masters and heads are all filled with righteous indignation, murderous, and seem extremely confident.

As a result, the more than 2,000 disciples of the seven major sects are also confident and have a chance to win.

Many people are even talking about the fact that so many people besie Tian Xing, they are afraid that the battle will be resolved in one round.

At that time, Tian Xing was directly bombarded and killed, and he would die too happily.

Never let him die easily!

Hearing the shouts of several heads and the noise of countless gods masters, Ji Tianxing finally spoke.

"After waiting for an hour, it's dawn, you finally assembled.

It's all here!

Dao Qianqiu, before dying, remember to send a message to Prince Lien to wash his neck and wait for him! "

Hearing these words, seeing that Ji Tianxing is still arrogant, the heads, elders and disciples of various sects gritted their teeth with hatred.

Dao Qianqiu also smiled in anger, just about to refute.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing has run out of patience and no longer gives him the opportunity to talk nonsense.

"The sword is coming!"

Ji Tianxing pinched Shen Jue with both hands, screamed in a low voice, and used his trump card.

"Huh! Huh!"

Suddenly, above the distant sky, dazzling stars lit up.

The 20,000 giant swords of stars poured down like a meteor shower, covering this area.

Thousands of miles of heaven and earth have been illuminated, and the already bright heaven and earth are reflected more clearly.

An invisible aura that suppressed the world instantly enveloped everyone.

The violent sword intent that kills everything has also severely suppressed the disciples of the seven major sects.

Seeing the arrival of Wanjian, the disciples of the major sects all changed wildly and exclaimed in panic.

"Gosh! Ten thousand swords are coming again!"

"This is the circumstance of Heaven's Punishment before? It really was done by the Heavenly Xing Dog Thief!"

"Danger! Everyone join forces to resist!"

After everyone reacted, they panicked and displayed their magical powers, forming a battle formation and jointly defending.

After all, everyone knows the power of ‘Heaven’s Punishment’.

Under the blast of thousands of swords, the gates of the various sects were destroyed in just two breaths.

Not only has the world of thousands of miles turned into ruins, thousands of disciples have also been bombarded and killed into scum, the power is extremely terrifying!

However, when the disciples of various sects formed a battlefield and cast a spell to resist, it was already too late.


The Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation covering a radius of two thousand miles was formed in an instant.

Thousands of thousands of sacred giant swords as high as thousands of feet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ carrying unparalleled power, blasted into the crowd of the seven major sects.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

With the deafening loud noise erupting, the world became chaotic.

The towering Langtou Mountain instantly turned into rubble and was razed to the ground.

The battlefields of the major sects were also bombarded, and the elite disciples were crushed.

In just one breath, more than 400 masters of the gods died tragically under the bombardment of ten thousand swords, and turned into blood rain and powder on the spot.

Not to mention the disciples of the gods, even the deacons of the lower gods could not hold the power of the sword.

Such a tragic scene shocked the people of the seven major sects, making everyone cold and frightened.

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