Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3155: 1 decisive battle

The King of Fury.

It was still that magnificent palace, in a secret room full of divine power.

Since last night, even the prince has not been able to heal his injuries.

On the surface, he sat in the sacred liquid pool with his eyes closed and rested.

In fact, he was waiting, and there was still some anxiety, anxiety and expectations in his heart.

Although he was far away in the royal city, he was concerned about the battle situation in Sirius City.

For him, the result of last night's decisive battle is very important!

Can the seven major sects with hatred and more than two thousand elite main forces kill Tian Xing?

Not even the prince had any confidence or even a certainty.

He had a foreboding that the elite main force of the seven sects would most likely be killed under the sword of Ji Tianxing.

If this is the case, after the collapse of the seven major sects, Ji Tianxing went all the way south and headed straight for the king's city. How would he respond?

At the same time, he still has a trace of luck and a little hope.

Dao Qianqiu and Luo Liushui are all high-ranking gods who have been famous for many years and have very rich combat experience.

More than a dozen high-ranking gods, plus dozens of middle-ranking gods, and nearly two hundred lower-ranking gods... Such a powerful lineup, should there be hope to kill Tianxing?

Not to mention the peak **** of the Nine Layers, even if it is a half-step god, you have to hate on the spot!

Thinking of this, even the prince couldn't help but pray, hoping that the powerhouses of the seven sects would be able to kill Ji Tianxing and make great contributions.

In such a complicated state of mind, the night passed quickly.

It's early morning.

Even the prince couldn't restrain the expectation in his heart and opened his eyes.

He wanted to summon Lian Er several times to inquire about the situation in Sirius City.

However, in order to maintain calmness and confidence, he still held back.

After about two quarters of an hour, the door of the secret room lit up and made a sound.

Obviously, when Lian Er asked to see him outside the secret room, there must be important news to report.

Even the prince suddenly came to his senses and waved his hand to open the secret room door.


With a soft noise, the door of the secret room opened.

Lian Er walked into the secret room quickly, came to the front of the Shenye Pool, and bowed on one knee to salute.

When he saluted, Prince Lian quietly observed his expression.

Lian Er's expression was solemn, his lips were tight, his eyelids drooped, and his tone was deep and powerful.

Even the prince saw a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Lian Er bluntly reported: "Lord, Sirius sent a message to report the situation of the decisive battle last night.

The situation is as you might expect, the elite main force of the seven sects, lost to Tianxing and others, the whole army is wiped out!

The area around Langtou Mountain outside the city was razed to the ground in a radius of 2,000 miles, and everyone was dead. "

Although, even the prince had anticipated this result a long time ago, and he had made the corresponding psychological preparations.

But when he heard the news with his own ears and confirmed that his guess was correct, his heart fell sharply and his body trembled.

The last glimmer of hope and illusion in my heart was shattered.

He was stunned for a long time before he gradually recovered.

This time, he was not angry or irritable, just grinned a few times.

"Ha ha ha ha... This king has long known that the trash of those big sects are simply unreliable.

The beast Tianxing seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

I really don't know, why did he grow so fast?

If this continues, who else in the Great Yan Empire can subdue him? "

Even Er was silent and did not dare to answer.

After a moment of silence, when Prince Lien stopped speaking, he continued to report.

"Master Qi, apart from this bad news, there is also good news."

"Huh?" Prince Lian raised his brows and asked, "Is there any good news?"

He really couldn't think of where to come from.

Lian Er quickly reported: "Sirius City personally sent a subpoena to report to you.

Last night, he followed your instructions and dispatched the leader of the city guards, ten captains, and led thousands of city guards to encircle Tianxing and others.

As a result, Tianxing and the others fought desperately, and as expected, they killed all the city guards and left.

The matter spread in Sirius City. Sirius City advocated posting notices, expressing anger and condemnation, and going all out to hunt down Tianxing and others.

Moreover, City Lord Sirius reported the matter to Princess Sirius, and even played the role of the monarch.

In the court hall this morning, the monarch announced the matter in public, which aroused the outrage of hundreds of officials.

The monarch was furious and ordered the Guards Corps to chase down and apprehend the evil thief Tianxing as soon as possible at any cost, so as to rectify the country's law and invigorate the country. "

After Lian Er's report, he said to Prince Lian: "My lord, your plan has been implemented smoothly, and Tian Xing and others have become public enemies of the Kingdom of Fury.

The Kingdom of Fury and the royal family also had a justifiable excuse to punish Tianxing with all their strength.

This... should be considered good news. "

When he heard this, Prince Lian was not only not happy, but frowned, revealing a deep worry.

"Only you idiot will think this is good news!"

Even the prince's eyes were cold, and he let out a cold voice.

Lian Er's body was shocked, and he quickly kowtowed his head to apologize, and asked: "The subordinate knows wrong, it is the subordinate's stupidity, please let the prince understand!"

Prince Lian said blankly: "This king instructed City Lord Sirius to send a group of city guards to die, just to make Tianxing arouse public outrage and give Chang Yi a fair excuse to act.

This is just a very simple scheme, not a conspiracy.

This king can think of it, and Tianxing naturally understands it.

But the real purpose of this king is to test how profound his background is!

If he doesn't entangle with the city guards and chooses to flee from Sirius City, it means that he still has some scruples, not daring to be an enemy of the Kingdom of Wrath and Flames.

But he had no scruples, and simply killed the city guards neatly.

What does this show?

He doesn't care about the revenge of the Royal Flame of Fury at all, he has absolute confidence to deal with this king, and he has enough strength to fight against the Kingdom of Fury!

Even, he probably already knew that Chang Yi was loyal to this king! "

Lian Er was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief, "This...how is this possible? The relationship between the prince and the Royal Flame Royal Family is a major secret. How can that **** know?"

Even the prince’s face was gloomy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a gloomy sneer: "Don't forget, Nie Feiyun may not be dead yet!

That old thing is really old and cunning, not to be underestimated.

The king became more and more suspicious that he took refuge in Tianxing to survive and provided Tianxing with many secrets and news.

If not, how can Tianxing find the target so quickly and accurately when dealing with the Seven Great Sects and Spirit Sword Sect? "

Lian Er suddenly realized, and nodded in resentment: "Nie Feiyun, that bastard, turned out to be an insider and betrayed the prince. It's really a crime!"

Even the prince calmed down his anger, waved his hand and said, "Now it's useless to say that, Tian Xing is coming to the city soon.

Immediately send the message, let the people who are divided into the rudder of the angry flame gather, and stand by at any time.

As long as one month, as short as ten days, there is a decisive battle outside the royal city! "

. Wonderful book house

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