Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3156: Invisible miracle

Sirius County.

Among the vast mountains near the border.

This area is very remote, with mountains surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles.

In the deep mountains, there are few people, and I don't know how many fierce beasts are hidden.

Fortunately, this area is rich in divine power, and it can be considered a resource-rich place, suitable for exploration and cultivation.

When Ji Tianxing and the others were riding on the divine ship and passing this area, they stopped.

Everyone hid in the belly of a thousand-foot high mountain and opened a cave as a temporary training place.

Lin Xue shrank the divine ship to ten feet and placed it in the cave.

She and the Blood Illusory God Lord, Jin Zuo Envoy, Blood Dragon Right Envoy and others entered the Shen ship to recuperate.

Zhenhong's injuries were serious. After all, she went into a frenzied state in every battle, incarnate as the dragon-blooded goddess of war.

The target is too big, it is not easy to avoid, the attacking method is too domineering and tough, of course the injuries are serious.

Ji Tianxing trusted her more, and took her into the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers to practice in twisted time and space.

This was the first time that she had entered the distorted time and space, and she was immediately stunned by the gorgeous scene in front of her.

Especially, when she learned that the flow of time here was fifty times faster than the outside world, she was shocked and shocked.

After the shock, she suddenly realized that she finally understood the reason why Ji Tianxing's strength increased so rapidly.

"No wonder the son retreats for ten and a half months, or three to five days, and his strength increases significantly.

It turned out that he was practicing in retreat here, reaching the outside world for fifty days! "

It's not hard to guess that Ji Tianxing spends fifty times more time to practice than other protoss, and his talents are outstanding.

In addition, his identity and origins are mysterious, he has mastered inexhaustible resources and supernatural skills, and he has such a terrifying strength as it should be.

As Ji Tianxing flew in the twisted time and space, he saw several familiar figures in a short while.

Yunyao, Ji Ke, and Ji Wushuang, as well as Bailong, and Black Dragon and Qianyue.

Everyone had met before, and there was no need for Ji Tianxing to introduce him. Zhen Hong knew that these were the people he was closest to.

At the same time, she knew in her heart that today is the most important day in her life.

From this moment on, the representative Ji Tianxing truly trusted and accepted her.

She also became one of Ji Tianxing's closest people.

In addition to being moved, I am more grateful.

Because she knows that, like Ji Tianxing, the proud son of heaven, the world's strongest, there is no shortage of followers around him.

Being able to follow him can not only be cared for and instructed, but can also create miracles and brilliance with him, and can even witness him rise to the pinnacle of the gods.

For ordinary Protoss, this is an opportunity and blessing that will never be encountered in a lifetime.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang and others are all practicing, and they are about to break through.

Especially Ji Wushuang, who was at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, and was about to break through to the God Sovereign Realm.

Before Bai Long started cultivating, he greeted Zhen Hong and went to heal his injuries.

Ji Tianxing warned Zhenhong: "This distorted time and space is where we recuperate and practice.

You are here, just find a place and heal your injury at ease.

After the injury recovers, retreat and practice for a period of time.

The previous wars have definitely benefited you a lot, and you must not miss this rare opportunity for understanding. "

Zhen Hong nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, son, Zhen Hong knows what to do and won't disturb everyone's cultivation."

Ji Tianxing suddenly chuckled: "Of course I know you and I will definitely not disturb them, just because they will disturb you.

However, you don't have to worry, they have accepted you and have no malicious intent towards you. "

Of course Zhenhong understands this, just smiled and nodded, not to say more.

She bowed to Ji Tianxing and left.

I found a place beyond Wanzhang, took the miraculous medicine, and began to exercise his strength to heal his injuries.

Ji Tianxing didn't delay time, and quickly meditated.

He first sorted out those godhead fragments from the spoils.

On the whole, it can be seen that it is a fragment of the godhead of 136 gods.

But in fact, many fragments of the godhead are incomplete and some are missing.

Fortunately, the missing pieces of the godhead belonged to the lower gods, a few middle gods.

As for the heads and guardians of the seven major sects, they are all high-ranking gods, and their godhead fragments can be pieced together.

In this way, Ji Tianxing did not care.

He used the devouring magical powers and quickly swallowed one piece after another piece of the godhead.

While absorbing a large amount of divine power, filter the available laws of God from the fragments of the godhead.

This process is relatively long and it tests patience.

But after so many years of cultivation, he has long been used to it.

After entering the state of dedicated cultivation, he even forgot the passage of time.

Before I knew it, three months passed.

It took 90 days for Ji Tianxing to swallow and refine more than 130 pieces of the godhead.

At the same time, he also deprived of eighteen divine laws from the fragments of the godhead.

Originally, he had mastered two hundred and ninety-two rules, and with the addition of 18 new rules, he reached as many as three hundred and ten rules!

Such a terrifying number of laws can only be achieved by the strong **** king.

Looking at the Great Yan Empire...no, in the entire Northern Skyland, even in the entire Haotian Continent, there is absolutely no god, who can master three hundred and ten laws like him!

The three hundred laws of the gods are the insurmountable gap between the gods and kings!

And now, Ji Tianxing has done it!

He broke this gap and created a miracle invisibly!

However, he did not speak out, no one knew the existence of this miracle.

In addition to the increase in the number of laws, his strength has also exploded more than three times, reaching the peak of the seventh stage.

It’s not far from the Eightfold God Sovereign Realm!

Ji Tianxing paused his practice and opened his eyes.

With such a gratifying harvest, he was not excited or delighted, but sighed.

"Oh... the more laws of God's way I master, the fewer laws I can refine.

Interesting, powerful, and high-level Shinto laws have been declining.

Moreover, ninety-five percent of the laws of the gods mastered by the gods are similar.

If this continues, even if I refine hundreds of godhead fragments at a time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I will get fewer and fewer laws.

No way, after all, these people are gods.

It is estimated that only by slaying a **** king can a large number of the laws of the gods be obtained. "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself.

After a short break, he started to work on another thing.

Clean up and organize the previous spoils.

The trophies worth more than 100 billion are packed in more than two thousand space rings, and it is a huge project to sort them out.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will not be able to clean up after a hundred years of life.

But Ji Tianxing's soul and consciousness were already unfathomable.

It took only three days to clean up the spoils and divide them into eight.

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