Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3159: Zhu Tian Shen Jue

After distributing the trophies, Ji Tianxing entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and practiced in twisted time and space.

He estimated that it would take at least half a month for Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Lord and others to recover from their injuries.

In this way, he can still practice in retreat for another two years in twisted time and space!

"It's just this opportunity to try to sprint into the Eightfold God Sovereign Realm!"

Ji Tianxing made up his mind, entered the twisted time and space, and went straight to the blood flame **** tree.

In a short while, he came under the sacred tree.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Ji Wushuang were all practicing in retreat under the sacred tree, and Ji Wushuang had reached the critical moment of breakthrough.

The white dragon, the thousand moon, the black dragon and the true red are scattered around the sacred tree, and are also healing and practicing.

Ji Tianxing stopped to observe for a moment, and finally his eyes fell on the sacred tree.

He keenly discovered that the sacred tree of blood flames seemed to grow a foot tall, and the burning blood flames became more turbulent.

In addition, many purple buds appeared on the bare branches and treetops.

The entire sacred tree was in a state of vigor and vitality, and its strength was obviously strengthened.

This discovery made Ji Tianxing happy.

"Before in Tianhuolianhu, I killed hundreds of people in Feiyunmen.

As a result, there was no obvious change in the Blood Flame God Tree, and I thought I was thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, when I killed the people of the seven major sects one after another, the blood flame sacred tree grew taller and its strength increased a lot.

From this point of view, my previous speculation is correct, the blood flame tree can indeed draw on the power of the soul and blood, and continue to strengthen itself.

It's just that this sacred tree is a quasi-king-level fetish, and it needs to draw a huge amount of soul and blood power in order to grow significantly.

More than 1,000 people of two or three denominations, the power of soul and blood provided after death is very weak for the tree of God.

Only when the death toll reaches a certain level, for example, thousands of people in the seven major sects, can it be effective. "

When thinking of this, Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, another thought popped into his mind.

"No! How much power the sacred tree can draw is not only the key factor, but also the strength of the dead!

When I wiped out Feiyunmen, I only killed more than 20 gods.

When the seven major sects were destroyed, more than two hundred gods died on the battlefield...

It seems that the more powerful the gods die, the stronger the power drawn by the **** tree! "

After understanding the reason for the growth of the sacred tree, Ji Tianxing was happy and full of expectations.

"The road to revenge in the future will definitely be slaughter and blood.

If the sacred tree of blood flames continues to swallow and grow stronger, one day it will become a king-level fetish! "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself, thinking of Funeral Sky again, and couldn't help but jokingly said: "Funeral Tian, ​​how is your strength restored now?

I'm not far from the Divine King Realm, and even this blood flame divine tree will soon become a king-level god.

On the contrary, it is you, don't be compared with this sacred tree! "

For a long time, the funeral has been unknown, recuperating and accumulating strength in secret.

Now that it heard Ji Tianxing's ridicule, it made a low, calm voice, which sounded in Ji Tianxing's mind.

"You fight all the way, and the blood flame tree has drawn a lot of power.

But I have not been idle, and I am also drawing useful strength, trying to restore my strength.

Now I have returned to the supreme king-level artifact, which is also the shackles of the source stone material, and I have reached the limit.

If you want to restore to a king-level artifact, unless you go to the outer starry sky to collect 108 stars and add a few king-level materials...

Otherwise, I am afraid I will never be able to recover to the God King level. "

After listening to Funeral's words, Ji Tianxing was silent.

Back then, he crossed the God Realm, and while advancing wildly all the way, he also continued to strengthen the Heaven Burial Sword.

In order to make the Heaven Burying Sword become a king-level artifact, he traveled all over the continents, looking for various materials for the king-level refining artifact.

When the Heaven Burial Sword broke through to the Divine King level, he went to the outer starry sky and spent a hundred years refining 108 stars as the material for the promotion of Divine Sword.

Because of this, the Heaven Burial Sword has become a top-notch king-level artifact, sweeping and invincible in the God Realm.

It's a pity that now Ji Tianxing has not even stepped out of the Tianbei Region, let alone all continents.

As for going to the outer starry sky, that is even more wishful thinking.

Without reaching the Divine King Realm, it is impossible to break through the void and enter the universe and stars.

After all, this is the realm of the gods, in a superior plane.

Unlike inferior planes, the space is very weak and it is easy to break the void.

After pondering for a moment, Ji Tianxing spoke to appease the funeral: "Old man, don't worry!

Save your strength with peace of mind. When I find the materials for the refining of the King of Gods, I will definitely help you break through the King of Gods.

As for going to the outer starry sky to refine the stars, that has to wait for me to restore the Divine King Realm. "

The funeral said in a low tone, "I know, you must have planned.

In fact, you have only returned to the God Realm for more than two years, and you have the same strength as you are today.

Compared with the previous life, your speed of improvement has been a hundred times faster!

I believe that within three to five years at most, you will be able to restore the Divine King Realm. "

"Three to five years?" Ji Tianxing frowned, and said with a light smile: "It sounds short and amazing, but I'm still too slow.

After all, Wuhen is still in the Dragon Realm. After the Divine King Realm is restored, I must go to the Dragon Realm to find him as soon as possible. "

Funeral Sword comforted: "Don't worry, Wu Heng Ji people have their own heavens!

Perhaps he was captured into the Dragon Realm, not necessarily a disaster, perhaps because of chance.

In short, you just follow the plan step by step. "

After speaking, the funeral fell into silence.

Ji Tianxing didn't say any more, and began to practice exercises.

He consumes a lot of source stones, sacred stones and resources, and draws on the power of the blood flame sacred tree, and concentrates on practicing a technique.

This exercise is his recent retreat, gradually comprehending and creating it.

He temporarily named it Zhu Tian Shen Jue!

As the name suggests, this Shen Jue technique was comprehended by him observing the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

Mainly based on the Zhutian sword formation, supplemented by his previous life’s various kendo supernatural powers, thousands of magical skills, gradually deduced and figured out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, the current Zhutian Shenju only has a general idea, direction and practice. the way.

It's just a rudiment, not a complete exercise.

But this is a magical skill created by Ji Tianxing, combined with the cultivation experience of the past and this life, plus the mystery of the Zhutian Sword Formation.

On the profoundness and power of divine art, it absolutely surpasses any exercises he practiced in his previous life.

Moreover, if he can deduct this exercise to the extreme, it is very likely that he will develop an unparalleled magic secret!

"At present, the Zhutian Divine Art is only a rudimentary form. I can only be regarded as a beginner, and I am still exploring and deducing.

When I perform the first level and cultivate to perfection, I should be able to restore the Divine King Realm. "

Ji Tianxing thought to himself, full of confidence and expectation for Zhutian Divine Art.


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