Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3160: Invincible under the king

Distorted time and space, time flies extremely fast.

However, Ji Tianxing's dedicated cultivation, intensive deduction and comprehension of the God Judgment Jue, completely forgot the passage of time.

Every day passes, he will make hundreds of deductions and attempts on Zhutian Shen Jue.

As day after day passed, Zhutian Divine Art was perfected at a slow speed, and continued to advance to a higher, deeper, and powerful state.

Ji Tianxing's strength also slowly improved, becoming stronger day by day.

Unconsciously, a year passed.

Ji Tianxing perfected 70% of the first level of Zhutian Divine Jue.

His strength also quietly reached the limit of the seventh layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

But he was immersed in the Zhutian Divine Art, tirelessly deducing, exploring, and trying, and he never thought of hitting the eightfold of the gods.

But the practice of this kind of thing is complementary to each other.

Even if he doesn't deliberately hit the bottleneck and concentrates on cultivating the God Judgment Jue, he can still improve his strength and overcome obstacles and bottlenecks.

Just like that, another year has passed!

During this year, Zhu Tian Shen Jue's progress has been slower, only 30% perfected.

However, Ji Tianxing succeeded in deducing the first level of Zhutian Shenjue!

Although, he only cultivated the first level of exercises to the level of just getting started, he was still far from mastery and great achievement, and even farther from consummation.

But he still broke through the bottleneck naturally and reached the eighth layer of the gods!

At the time of the breakthrough, Ji Tianxing was full of colorful divine light, and eight phantom dragons condensed above his head, hovering and dancing for a few days before dissipating.


When the eight dragon shadows dissipated and the colorful divine light converged, Ji Tianxing ended his practice.

He opened his eyes, his eyes were like two thunders, which waved the impact of distorted time and space.

He exudes a domineering and sacred aura, and it takes a while to get into his body.

"The God Judgment Technique I created is indeed a feasible way!"

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, excited and full of expectations.

After a while, he stood up and observed the surroundings and said to himself: "I have been in retreat for two years and successfully broke through the eighth realm. It should be half a month since the outside world.

Presumably, the injuries of Lin Xue, Jin Zuoshi and others should be recovered from their 70s or 80s, right? "

Ji Tianxing looked around and saw Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long and Zhen Hong were all practicing.

Even Ji Wushuang is concentrating on practicing.

At this time, she had successfully broken through the Divine Sovereign Realm and reached the first level of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

She was taught by Yun Yao and Ji Ke since she was a child, and she knows the importance of consolidating the foundation of Shinto.

At this time, she is consolidating the foundation of the gods and accumulating the foundation of strength.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly with satisfaction, and his eyes fell on the real red body again.

Zhen Hong has been cultivating for two years, and his injuries have long since healed.

If it were before, her bloodline power hadn't been stimulated, and her talent and understanding would not be enough.

Even if it hits hundreds of times, it may not be successful.

But now it is different. She has only hit the bottleneck seven times before she will succeed.

Seeing that there was no suspense in her breakthrough this time, Ji Tianxing left the tower in peace.


With a flash of white light, Ji Tianxing returned to the cave.

In the dark and quiet cave, Xue Lin's divine ship was suspended in the air.

Ji Tianxing entered the Shen ship and rushed to the discussion hall.

I saw that Lin Xue had healed from her injuries long ago, finished her practice, and was sitting in the hall with her eyes closed and rested.

Realizing that Ji Tianxing is coming, she opened her eyes and said hello.

"Tianxing, your retreat is over...Huh!

What a hell, it's only half a month, why are you stronger again? "

Lin Xue just wanted to say a few words to him, but was surprised to find that Ji Tianxing's strength had become stronger again.

Although, she couldn't see the details of Ji Tianxing, she just felt unpredictable.

But she could feel that Ji Tianxing's breath was several times stronger than before!

In such a short time, there was such a terrifying improvement, it was terrible!

Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile and waved his hand: "Don't be so surprised, you have known me for so long, haven't you gotten used to it?"

Lin Xue glared at him, and said angrily: "Abnormal!"

"..." Ji Tianxing frowned, and said displeasedly: "Don't scold anyone."

"I didn't scold you, this is complimenting you!" Lin Xue rolled her eyes.

Ji Tianxing was too lazy to chat with her, and asked about the business: "What about the others? How is the recovery from the injury?"

Lin Xue said lazily: "My old lady has asked them, and they are almost recovered.

If there is anything wrong with you, my old lady will ask them to gather immediately. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "You don't need to gather, let them continue to practice.

I'll control the godship, let's continue south. "

After speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, heading to the control room of the Godship.

Xue Lin got up and followed, tilting her head and asked: "It seems that you are determined to go to the royal city and kill Prince Lien and the Emperor of Fury?"

Ji Tianxing kept walking and replied without turning his head back: "Even the prince must be killed. As for the King of Fury... it depends on whether he will seek death."

Xue Lin raised her brows and chuckled: "Hey, my old lady likes your domineering power.

You were already strong enough, but now your strength has improved.

It seems that you can walk sideways in the Great Yan Empire, no one can cure it? "

Ji Tianxing stepped into the control room, waved his palm to activate the divine formation, and began to control the divine ship.

While manipulating the divine ship, he said in a calm tone: "This is not accurate. It cannot be limited to the Great Yan Empire. You should look at the entire Tianbei region.

To be precise, I am invincible under the realm of God King! "

"..." Lin Xue became stiff and rolled her eyes wildly.

"Boy, don't you understand a truth?

If others praise you, you should be humble, so that others will praise you in the future.

Being as straightforward and arrogant as you is, it makes people annoying! "

Ji Tianxing turned his head to look at her, and said with a teasing smile: "You hate it! Just hearing you say that you like me, it shocked me."

"When did my old lady say hi... I like you?" Lin Xue, like a cat with its tail stomped on, jumped up suddenly and exploded.

It looks fierce on the surface~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very angry.

But the reddish cheeks and the stuttering sound seemed a little vain.

"Just as if you hadn't said it." Ji Tianxing retracted his gaze and focused on manipulating the divine ship. After flying out of the cave, he flew high into the sky.

Lin Xue glared at him angrily. Seeing that he didn't react, she stopped struggling with this topic.

There was a silence for a while, when she saw Ji Tianxing not speaking, she was also a little embarrassed, and pretended to say with an icy tone: "The godship is handed over to you, and the old lady continues to practice.

If there is nothing important, I don’t want to see you! "

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing didn't respond, but he just responded, focusing on the various divine formations.

That look, like a divine formation controlling a divine ship, was more attractive than anything else.

Lin Xue was so angry that she gritted her teeth, stomped fiercely, and turned away.

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