Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3161: Decisive Battle at Tianlong Mountain

Ji Tianxing drove the divine ship, flew over the vast mountains, and left Sirius County.

Next, the divine ship entered the Fury County, not far from the royal city.

The news of Ji Tianxing's decisive battle against Sirius City in the Seven Great Sects had long been spread in the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

Regardless of the large and small forces and sects, they all know the annihilation of the seven major sects.

Suddenly, the entire Kingdom of Wrath and Flames shook, and countless sectarian forces were shocked, panicked, and discussed.

At the same time, the news that Ji Tianxing killed more than a thousand Sirius city guards was also widely circulated in the kingdom of God, and everyone knew it.

The King of Fury also issued an edict to send a large number of imperial guards to encircle and suppress Ji Tianxing, and the defense of the counties and cities should also assist.

As a result, the entire Kingdom of Rage Flame entered a state of combat readiness.

Ji Tianxing and others became public enemies, and as long as they appeared in front of the public, they would be besieged.

However, this is only the surface.

In other words, this is just the expectations of the major sectarian forces and the people.

The actual situation is... Ji Tianxing drove the divine ship and flew for three consecutive days and nights without being attacked or intercepted.

There are only some powerhouses in the Divine Sovereign Realm, grouped in groups of three to five, secretly tracking and investigating the traces of the divine ship.

Although there is a certain factor in this, the speed of the Divine Ship is too fast, making it difficult to track.

However, only a few people understand the deeper reasons.

"The Emperor of Rage Flame issued an edict, which is only for the people of the Kingdom of God, and it is equivalent to officially declaring war on me.

But in fact, the King of Fury knew very well that with the defense of the Imperial Guard and the counties and cities, I couldn't kill me at all.

Instead of sending out the Imperial Guard to encircle and suppress me with great fanfare, it is better to send elite and strong men to grasp our movements.

At the same time, gather heavy soldiers and strong generals outside the king's city, and fight with us again! "

In the meeting hall of the Godship.

Facing everyone's questions, Ji Tianxing answered this.

At this moment, the divine ship has arrived in the hinterland of Fury County, and will arrive outside the royal city early tomorrow morning.

Ji Tianxing handed the divine ship to Jin Zuo envoy to control. He summoned Lin Xue, the blood fantasy divine emperor, and Zhen Hong and others for a small meeting.

For the upcoming decisive battle, Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Sovereign and others were a little worried and uneasy.

Although, they all believe that Ji Tianxing's strength is absolutely invincible under the **** king.

But they are still worried and anxious. After all, even the prince and the rage flame monarch can join forces, which can be described as powerful.

Not to mention that the Hetianzong behind the Prince Lien is just the power of the angry flame monarch, which is scary enough.

There are countless imperial guards, as well as great masters, and the number of gods and powerhouses levied by each county and city!

In this decisive battle, they are equivalent to fighting half of the Kingdom of Raging Flames, how can they not worry?

Lin Xue hesitated for a moment before she persuaded him: "Tian Xing, although your strength is very strong, our number is too small.

Even the prince and the prince of rage will surely gather thousands, even tens of thousands, to deal with us.

There are thousands of gods and powerhouses they can mobilize!

No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the end of ants killing elephants. "

The Blood Illusory God Monarch also nodded his head in agreement, and persuaded him: "My son, although we haven't inquired about the movements of Prince Lien and Monarch Fury, the situation is already obvious.

Even the prince and the prince of rage will definitely do their best to intercept us.

Once let us rush into the royal city, the face of the raging monarch will be lost.

In fact, we don’t need to be so aggressive and adventurous, we don’t need to go to the meeting alone and fight them head-on.

The initiative is in our hands, we can guerrilla attack and kill each other one by one..."

Compared to Lin Xue's straightforwardness, the Blood Illusory God Monarch spoke a little more tactfully.

Moreover, his suggestions are more pertinent, and everyone agrees.

At least, Blood Dragon Right Envoy, Zhen Hong and Nie Feiyun all agreed with this suggestion.

Only Bai Long raised an objection.

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, he explained, "Master knows everyone's concerns and worries.

But please believe that Master never fights uncertain battles.

With the several supernatural powers mastered by the master, as well as the sacred tower, he is invincible.

Ten thousand steps back, even if we are trapped in the army, we will be safe and able to retreat smoothly.

But this situation is absolutely impossible.

Not only is Master absolutely safe, each of us will live without worrying about our lives.

In addition, Master has the absolute power, why guerrilla attacks and breaks each?

If you really did that, it would make Prince Lian and the King of Fury look at jokes.

What the master has to do is to crush it all the way with an invincible attitude!

Only in this way can we win heartily! "

After hearing what Bai Long said, Lin Xue and others were silent.

Since everyone's safety is guaranteed, what else can be said?

Moreover, Ji Tianxing's current reputation in the two kingdoms of Blood Flame and Fury Flame is truly thunderous and frightening.

He has become synonymous with'lawlessness','dominant and invincible' and'killing gods'.

If it really hides its heads and reveals its tail, and guerrillas harass, wouldn't it fall into the prestige and defeat the reputation?

Thinking of this, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others stopped persuading them.

Seeing that everyone was no longer speaking, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and exhorted: "Okay, everyone has a rest and recharges.

Tonight, there will be a fierce battle.

Moreover, this battle will surely shock all countries and become famous! "

A few simple words made everyone excited and ready to move.

Especially Lin Xue and Bai Long, who have always been warlike, are full of expectations.

Although the others weren't as excited as the two of them, they were expecting it in their hearts.

After all, as a Protoss who firmly pursues the pinnacle of Shinto, who doesn't want to be famous in the world?

In a short while, everyone returned to their secret rooms, meditating and adjusting their breath.


Half a day passed quickly.

In the early morning, the divine ship flew into a vast mountain range.

This mountain is called Feilong Mountain.

The mountains are not big, they run through things and reach millions of miles.

This is the barrier to the north of the King of Fury.

After crossing Feilong Mountain, crossing over hundreds of thousands of miles of plain, is the City of Rage Flame.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Kingdom of Rage Flame, this was the last line of defense of the Kingdom of Rage Flame during the war of nations.

And tonight ~www.wuxiaspot.com~This has also become the last line of defense for the Prince Lien and the King of Fury.

Among the mountains, the highest peak of Tianlong Mountain, the heads of Long Er, Hetianzong, the commander of the imperial army, and several generals, all stood firm and waited quietly.

These eight powerhouses have the highest status and are the commanders of the army tonight.

On the grass behind them, there were also fifty high-ranking gods lined up, men, women and children, with different appearances and costumes.

Half of them are big inner powerhouses who have lived in the deep palace for a long time and rarely show up, and there are also the guardians and elders of the Hetian Sect's Fury Flame Division Rudder.

The other half of the strong are the high-ranking gods raised by the Prince Lien and the King of Fury.

These people on the top of the mountain are the main force in the decisive battle tonight.

And within three thousand miles, more than ten thousand elite masters were ambushed!

Tonight, blood is destined to flow into a river.

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