Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3162: Not enough to kill

The night sky was as dark as ink, and there was no starlight.

On the top of Tianlong Mountain, the cold wind screamed, and the world was full of killing.

It seems that even the heavens know that there is a **** battle here tonight, and it is very sad for this.

Long Er, the head of Hetianzong and the commander of the imperial army all waited patiently.

The stern gazes of many powerful men stared at the northern night sky, waiting for the bright light to appear.

The silent waiting is the most tormenting, and time seems to have slowed down.

It was only half an hour, but it was very long for everyone.

at last.

In the dark night sky of the north, that gleam of light appeared!


A thousand-meter-long jet-black divine ship, illuminated with colorful lights, flew across the sky swaggeringly.

When it was thousands of miles away from Tianlong Mountain, the divine ship slowed down.

The divine ship is not invisible, nor does it have a breath of convergence. The appearance of the grandeur has changed the expressions of Long Er, the head of Hetianzong, and many powerful people.

Everyone was angry, frowned, and their eyes became colder and sharper.

"Heaven is here, everyone is ready to set up!" Long Er stared at the divine ship intently, and said in a low tone.

Although, in front of Prince Lian, he was humble and flattering.

But in front of outsiders, he is indifferent and arrogant, high above.

Tonight, he is here to supervise the battle on behalf of Prince Lien, with the most honorable status.

Hearing Long Er's order, dozens of high-ranking gods on the top of the mountain immediately flew into the sky and dispersed, forming a line of defense.

The remaining high-ranking gods, all of whom are distinguished in status and status, all followed Long Er into the night sky to meet the **** ship.

Among these high-ranking gods, the status and status second only to Long Er is the head of the Hetian Sect's Fury Division, Liang Jianqing.

After all, he is the mainstay of Hetianzong and one of the most trusted confidants of the Prince Lien.

The third person is the superintendent of the imperial army directly under the jurisdiction of the monarch, Ye'an.

Among the army, the strength of the three is the strongest, reaching the eighth level of the gods.

As for the four generals wearing golden armor, their status is slightly inferior to the commander of the Forbidden Army.

They are the pillars of the Kingdom of Rage and Flames, fierce generals who have experienced thousands of battles, and are named as four-sided **** generals, and they all command a million soldiers.

There are also three high-ranking gods in weird costumes, strange men and strangers raised by the monarchs, known as the three old men of broken stars.

It is said that these three weird powerhouses came from the southern part of the Tianbei region, and they were once powerful figures in an empire.

But in the great changes thousands of years ago, the empire disappeared, and they fled all the way north.

Many years ago, the Star Breakers came to the Great Yan Empire and took root in the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

For some reason, the King of Fury got acquainted with the three elders of Po Xing, and he accepted them into the palace and enshrined them.

The status of the three elders of the broken star is second only to the commander of the Forbidden Army and the Four Directions God Generals, and is much higher than the status of those who are powerful.

A total of ten gods lined up in the night sky, watching the godship gradually approach.

After a while, the divine ship stopped in the night sky when it was a hundred miles away from everyone.


The white light flashed, and Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, and the Blood Fantasy God Sovereign appeared.

Even Nie Feiyun followed behind Ji Tianxing.

Only the Golden Left ambassador and the Blood Dragon Right ambassador remained in the divine ship and were responsible for controlling the divine ship.

And Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, Qianyue, and Heilong were also prepared for the warped time and space, ready to appear and join the war at any time.

The two parties confronted each other in the night sky.

Long Er and the superintendent of the Forbidden Army are united, with many people and mighty forces.

But beside Ji Tianxing, there were only a few people.

In contrast, it seems weak and very pitiful.

However, no one dares to despise them.

Long Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye'an all looked very solemn, full of vigilance and alert.

Ji Tianxing looked around, glanced over the ten commanders, then looked at the fifty high-ranking gods who had formed the line of defense, and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Why didn't even the prince come? Still hiding in the royal city to recuperate? Afraid of being killed by the monarch in the first sight?"

He stared at Long Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye An with majestic eyes, and asked in a low tone.

Although the sound was not loud, it spread over hundreds of miles, allowing countless people to hear clearly.

Many gods and powerful men felt strong anger and humiliation, and their hearts were fierce and murderous.

Long Er stared at Ji Tianxing, and said blankly: "What a noble status is the prince? How can he make the shot himself?

Just relying on your identity as a villain is not enough!

Moreover, the prince strategizes thousands of miles away, and assigning the servants of us to come will be enough to break your corpse! "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and looked at Long Er carefully before he said, "It looks like you are the leader of this mob.

If I guessed correctly, you should be the most respected confidant next to the Prince, right? "

Standing behind him, Nie Feiyun, after seeing Long Er's face clearly, Transmitter said to Ji Tianxing: "My son, this person is Long Er, he is the personal guard of Prince Lian and his closest confidant.

In the past, most of the orders from the prince were conveyed by Long Er. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

At this time, Long Er sounded like a Hong Zhong, and said in a cold tone: "My identity is not important. Everyone here tonight has only one identity.

That is... a chivalrous man who walks the way for the sky and punishes the evil!

Tianxing, you demon is slaughtering in the kingdom of anger and flames, creating boundless killings.

I come from all corners of the world, and belong to different races and forces, but I want to work together to kill you.

Even the strong men of the Imperial Guard were present in person.

So many of us surrounded you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s a great honor for you to be buried here tonight! "

Long Er obviously did not want to reveal the identity and origin of the people, and put on a high-sounding guise.

Ji Tianxing and the others sneered, but they were too lazy to expose such a low-level lie.

"Ha ha ha... the last time the people who threatened to kill the monarch died in Langtou Mountain.

The scene reappears tonight, I admire your courage very much.

But it's a pity that you are really not enough to kill with just your few people! "

Ji Tianxing sneered, and shook his head as he spoke, with a little regret in his tone.

These words completely angered the Sifang Divine Generals, the Three Elders of Po Xing, and the fifty high-ranking gods.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, gritted their teeth and cursed Ji Tianxing, shouting angrily.

At this time, the head of Hetianzong Liang Jianqing raised both palms to signal everyone to be quiet.

He waved out a few golden sword lights and flew into the sky.

Soon, more than 10,000 elite masters emerged in the night sky in all directions.

Thousands of them, wearing standard armor, were obviously the Imperial Guard.

There are also many people who wear the same gowns and attire, obviously from various forces.

The strength realm of more than 3,000 people is above the eighth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Even, the strength of two thousand people has reached the realm of God!

So many elite masters formed a huge encirclement, sealing a radius of three thousand miles.

Liang Jianqing stared at Ji Tianxing and sneered: "Boy, is it enough to kill you now?"

Ji Tianxing looked calm and shook his head again: "It's still not enough!"

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