Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3163: Why is he?

"Humph! Very arrogant!"

Liang Jianqing frowned fiercely, and snorted coldly.

Ya'an, the commander of the Forbidden Army, laughed furiously.

He pointed to the army in the night sky around him, and sneered at Ji Tianxing: "Boy, we all know that you are very powerful and have great means.

But, keep your eyes open and take a good look at how brilliant and brave this three thousand army is tonight!

These soldiers are by no means comparable to the rabble of the seven major sects.

Plus our sixty high-ranking gods, isn’t it enough to kill you?

Even a single spit can drown you! "

The Sifang God Generals and the three old Po Xing sneers grinned, and the high-ranking gods in the surrounding night sky also agreed.

But Ji Tianxing was unmoved, and said indifferently: "You got it wrong, this monarch is not talking about whether these people can kill the monarch.

It's that these three thousand people are not enough for the Lord to kill!

Give you one more chance, let those who are hiding in the dark and staying behind to join us!

Without taking action now, after the war begins, they will have no chance! "

Although his tone was calm, he did not bluff.

But the self-confidence and dominance in the words made countless gods stunned, and their expressions became exceptionally wonderful.

After everyone was silent for a while, they came back to their senses, and then burst out angry curses, excited shouts of killing, and disdainful sneers.

"God slaying beast, you are so crazy!"

"The old man has lived for 20,000 years and has never seen such an arrogant and shameless person!"

"Boy, do you really think that you are a murderer? You are too self-righteous!"

"Tonight, we are going to put an end to your undefeated legend and leave you dead without a place to be buried!"

"Don't talk nonsense with that bastard, kill everyone!"

"Kill him! At all costs, I will also put him down!"

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye'an were already full of humiliation and grief, and burst into anger and murder.

Seeing that the soldiers were emotional, waving their swords and just wanting to attack, the three of them didn't hesitate anymore and waved their hands on the spot to issue an attack order.

"Kill! Kill him!"

"Soldiers, set the thieves to ashes!"

"Tonight, we will let him pay the debt!"

With the angry shouts of the three people, the more than ten thousand troops who had been ready to move for a long time couldn't restrain the turbulent murderous intent, and launched a rush to kill.


"Brothers, go!"

"Slay the enemy bandit, and smash the corpse!"

"The monarch has an order, if anyone can cut off the head of Tianxing, give the title of earl, and seal the lord of a county!"

"For the glory of the kingdom of God, rush!"

All of a sudden, the night sky in all directions sounded earth-shaking shouts of killing.

With many elite masters rushing to kill, the encirclement of two thousand miles is also rapidly shrinking.

When the encirclement is reduced to five or six hundred miles, that is the real short-handed combat, the fiercest fight.

More than 10,000 elites are still sprinting, but fifty high-ranking gods took the lead in taking the lead, using earth-shattering magical skills.

"The sky is angry and the dragon bursts!"

"Ten Step Sword Sword!"

"Bafang Tushen Fist!"

"Liuli covers the world palm!"

"The waning moon is shaking the sky!"

Fifty high-ranking gods all used their best to use their unique tricks.

Suddenly, the dazzling colorful divine light illuminates the night sky for thousands of miles.

The magical lights and shadows of different shapes and amazing powers, also carrying overwhelming murderous aura, poured down towards Ji Tianxing and others.

The area became chaotic, with fires blazing, thunder and lightning, dark clouds, and hurricanes swept through.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Ji Tianxing and others did not panic and did not change their faces.

After all, everyone has long been psychologically prepared.

No matter how many people the other party had, no matter how strong they were when they launched the rush, they still had enough confidence in Ji Tianxing.

as predicted.

Ji Tianxing also acted decisively.

He held the Divine Jue in both hands, displayed the Heavenly Sword Formation, and instantly communicated with the stars outside the sky.

Suddenly, 25,000 stars appeared in the dark high sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.

That is the power of the extraterritorial stars, condensed into 25,000 sacred giant swords, containing the power and sword intent to suppress everything.

Ji Tianxing waved his hands repeatedly and displayed the laws of God's way, adding dozens of laws and powers to the Heavenly Sword.

Therefore, when the Great Sword of Ten Thousand Paths descended on everyone's head, it became even more powerful and invincible.


After a short breath, 25,000 sacred giant swords shrouded a thousand li, forming a huge sword net.

Thousands of giant swords are flying between the sky and the earth, blooming with the brightest brilliance.

The magical powers displayed by the fifty upper gods were intercepted by the Sky Giant Sword as soon as they hit the top of Ji Tianxing and the others.



"Boom bang bang bang!"

The sky-filled giant sword collided with the magical light and shadow, bursting with a deafening loud noise, echoing endlessly between the heaven and the earth.

Countless magical lights and shadows exploded, but the sky-filled giant sword was intact.

The shock wave produced by the explosion, engulfed in endless fragments of divine light, spread and impact in all directions.

Ji Tianxing and others are the closest, and bear the brunt.

People like Bailong and Zhenhong have low strength and are easily injured by shock waves.

But Ji Tianxing had been prepared for a long time, and his whole body lit up with brilliant golden light, forming a huge shield to protect everyone.

Despite the shock waves repeatedly bombarding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the golden shield is intact, and everyone is safe.

In this way, the first round of the 50 high-ranking gods' attack was easily resolved by Ji Tianxing.

The ten commanders and fifty high-ranking gods were all dumbfounded, shocked and unbelievable.

"This is the supernatural skill he is best at and widely spread, Heaven Punishment?" Lian Er frowned and looked at the situation in the court with a serious expression.

Liang Jianqing nodded, and said with a heavy tone: "He used this trick when dealing with various sects.

Everyone knows that the power of his magical sword formation is terrifying, capable of strangling everything.

However, no one can crack this sword formation, nor can it withstand the sword formation's bombardment. "

Forbidden Army Commander Ye'an frowned for a while, and said solemnly: "This beast has blocked a thousand miles with a sword formation, trapping us all in the sword formation.

Could it be that he wanted to use this Heavenly Punishment Sword Formation to kill more than 13,000 people? "

Lian Er nodded and said nothing.

Ye'an and the Sifang Divine Generals suddenly changed their expressions and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is absolutely impossible! How can there be a monarch-level divine formation in the world that can kill more than 13,000 elite masters?

I am afraid that only the legendary king-level **** array can do it!

That animal is not a **** king, so why should he kill all of us? "

No one answered his question, and everyone felt heavy.

At this time, the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation was completely formed, and its operation accelerated.

Ten thousand giant swords block the world and form a sword net.

The other fifteen thousand giant swords criss-crossed the world, strangling the army.

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