Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3164: Fierce battle

Under the blast of ten thousand swords, the world was in chaos, completely filled with sword light.

The more than 10,000 elite masters were overwhelmed by the sky of sword light before they used magical skills to attack Ji Tianxing.


"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The sharp sound of breaking through the air continued to explode, and under the tens of thousands of swords strangling, blood blossoms in the sky burst out of the crowd, and a large canopy of blood mist burst out.

As long as those who are struck, stabbed, or swept by the sacred great sword, the lighter has stumps and arms, and the heavy one bursts into pieces, splashing blood and rain.

For a time, there were screams in all directions, screams of dying, and angry curses.

In just two breaths, there were hundreds of masters who died tragically under the sword light strangulation, with no corpses.

What's more terrifying is that every giant sword seems to have life, and is dedicated to slash and kill in crowded places.

When dozens of sword lights gather together, they will form a hurricane of sword blades, sweeping the night sky unscrupulously.

Anyone who is touched by the hurricane of sword blades will suffer serious injuries if they die.

The army that was still like a rainbow and confidence just now was immediately beaten up.

All of them were frightened, full of horror, and fleeing and fleeing in panic.

The army's offensive formation was in chaos, gaps appeared in the huge encirclement, and morale plummeted.

Although, many lower and middle-ranked gods tried their best to cast spells to resist the giant sword and help the **** masters to fight for a respite.

But this is also in vain. The power of each giant sword is comparable to the attack of the upper gods.

Those low-ranking and middle-ranking gods couldn't stop the might of the giant sword at all.

In this way, the army of more than 13,000 people gradually collapsed, and the number rapidly decreased.

The formation they can still maintain is that people from the same forces gathered together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to resist the giant sword strangulation together.

More than 10,000 people were divided into more than 30 regiments, each fighting each other without rules.

Seeing this scene, Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye'an frowned, their expressions becoming more and more ugly.

"My most worried problem finally appeared!" Lian Er's face was dark, and he sighed in a low tone: "I had guessed that although these three thousand people are elite, they are from different forces and have not passed through. There is no tacit understanding between training and running-in.

If you are going to win, it's okay to sing all the way.

If there is an emergency, it will be messed up like it is now. "

Liang Jianqing resisted the huge sword strangulation, cursing: "This sword formation covers thousands of miles, and there are tens of thousands of huge swords. Why is each huge sword so powerful?

Even the high-ranking gods of us are in a dangerous situation, and we will be injured by the giant sword if we are not careful.

It is conceivable how those more than 13,000 people can resist the strangulation of the giant sword?

How could that despicable beast of Tianxing master such a terrifying stunt? "

Ye'an shouted worriedly: "Two adults, the war has just started, and the situation is so dangerous, we can't watch it anymore, we must do something!

Only we can stop Tianxing, even if we can't kill him, at least we can suppress him! "

The red-haired boss of the Three Star Breakers grinned gloomily and sneered: "Yedu said it lightly. We can stop ten thousand swords from blasting. We are already doing our best. How can we suppress that beast?"

Another old monster with purple hair and the appearance of a ten-year-old child said in a strange way: "The war has just begun, but only a thousand people have died. You panic like this.

If so distressed about the waste, how about we surrender directly? See if Tianxing's killing embryo will let us go? "

The words of these two people were quite harsh, not only embarrassing Ye'an, but the Four Directions God Generals also showed anger.

Seeing, everyone will have disputes and infighting.

At this time, Lian Er said in a majestic tone: "Stop talking nonsense! Everyone issued a military order for this operation.

Either die in this battle, or return triumphantly, no one can hide.

The momentum of the army is weak, and if this continues, it will definitely fail.

Everyone, all with this seat, try their best to contain Tian Xing! "

After speaking, Lian Er sacrificed two sabers and took the lead to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

Liang Jianqing and Ye'an didn't hesitate, and each offered their swords, and followed Lian Er to launch a charge.

Immediately afterwards, the Four Directions God General braved the sword rain all over the sky and rushed to Ji Tianxing desperately.

Only the three old men of Po Xing stayed in place, stunned for a moment.

The three looked at each other, all showing helpless eyes, and had to bite the bullet and attack.

When the ten commanders rushed to Ji Tianxing, they discovered that in the sword rain, Ji Tianxing and others were fighting with many upper gods.

Of those fifty high-ranking gods, more than thirty were still resisting Jian Yu and assisting the army to attack.

Only a dozen people rushed to the vicinity of Ji Tianxing and launched an offensive from a hundred miles away, creating pressure on Ji Tianxing and others.

Ji Tianxing manipulated the Zhutian Sword Formation and strangled the army while casting spells to resist the siege.

Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Monarch, Zhen Hong and Bai Long stayed in the golden light shield released by Ji Tianxing, fighting with the surrounding high-ranking gods.

Even Yunyao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, Qianyue and Heilong left the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and joined the battle.

They are all beside Ji Tianxing, protected by golden light shields, performing various magical skills and attacking with all strength.

The dozen or so high-ranking gods couldn't break the golden shield at all, and couldn't hurt Ji Tianxing and others.

On the contrary, the counterattack of Ji Tianxing and others ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ caused great pressure on them.

While resisting the bombardment of the giant sword in the sky, while dissolving the magical killing moves of Ji Tianxing and others, they soon showed signs of decadence, and all of them were injured.

Fortunately, Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, and Ye'an arrived in time and joined the battle.

The Sifang Divine General and Poxing Three Elders also launched an attack around Ji Tianxing and others.

The ten commanders all performed supernatural skills, unleashing a variety of powerful killer moves, killing Ji Tianxing and others like a monstrous flood.

Suddenly, the pressure on Ji Tianxing and others increased greatly, and cracks appeared in the golden shield, which was precarious.

As a result, the pressure of the dozen or so high-ranking gods was drastically reduced.

They quickly stepped back a distance, took the opportunity to suppress the injury, and took the miraculous medicine.

Seeing, thirty breath time passed.

The golden shield released by Ji Tianxing finally couldn't support it, and burst open.


The golden shield turned into sky fragments, scattered in the night sky.

Without the protection of the shield, the situation of Lin Xue, Yun Yao and Ji Ke suddenly became extremely dangerous.

Seeing this scene, Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, and Ye'an were all overjoyed, refreshed, and besiege even more crazily.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing made a decisive choice and sacrificed the nine-day tower.


The pagoda instantly expanded to a height of a thousand feet, releasing a mysterious black light that sucked everyone in.

Only Ji Tianxing was left, who remained outside the tower.

The attacks of many high-ranking gods fell on the tower one after another, with deafening loud noises, but no effect.

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