Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3166: Quick fix

The initiative is in the hands of Ji Tianxing.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others are in a very passive situation, neither are they advancing nor retreating.

But Ji Tianxing is still slaughtering the army, and it is getting worse.

As time passed, batch after batch of elite masters turned into blood mist in the sword light and hurricane.

Even the second-class people cannot sit idly by, and must find a way to resolve this situation.

It is impossible to suppress and stop Ji Tianxing.

No matter how they attack, they can't affect Ji Tianxing.

The only way is to resist the might of the sword formation and protect the surrounding army.

Lian Er only hesitated for a few breaths before making a decisive decision.

"Protect the army with all your strength and resist the power of the sword formation!"

As his voice fell, the faces and eyes of many upper gods became dimmed.

Everyone thought in their hearts that they had known this result a long time ago, and after all, they had to sacrifice themselves to protect the safety of the army.

But everyone knows in their hearts that this is also the only option.

They took action to protect the army, and joined forces with the army to resist the bombardment of the sword formation. The longer they persist, the greater the chance of winning.

When the power of the sword formation weakened, or Ji Tianxing could not maintain a transparent state, the turning point came.


Lian Er took the lead to retreat, and flew to a group of elites not far away, brandishing two war knives, and splitting the shadows of the divine light and swords, resisting the bombardment of the sword formation.

There are more than 400 elites in that group, ninety-seven are masters of gods, and there are only more than 30 gods.

Six middle-ranked gods and more than 20 lower-ranked gods tried their best to resist the sword light bombardment and protect more than 400 masters.

But the results were minimal, they couldn't stop the sword rain, and all of them were seriously injured.

In just a hundred breaths of time, the deity masters sharply reduced by more than half, the next gods also died ten, and even the middle gods were bombarded and killed three.

This group of people was very desperate, their fighting spirit and fighting spirit disappeared, and the idea of ​​surrendering and fleeing came up.

Fortunately, after Lian Er rushed over, it helped them block most of the sword light, which greatly reduced their pressure.

The casualties of this group of people have obviously slowed down twice.

Only then did they ease their energies, and their minds were much more settled.

Under the leadership of several middle-ranked gods, they joined forces to form a battlefield, working together to gather shields to resist the sword rain.

Liang Jianqing, Ye'an, and dozens of high-ranking gods were relieved to see that Lien Er took the lead in rescuing the army and the effect was remarkable.

Everyone no longer hesitated, and flew in all directions to rescue the desperate army.

Liang Jianqing, Ye'an, Sifang God Generals, and the Three Elders of Po Xing are all high-ranking gods in the eighth realm, with the strongest strength.

They can act alone to protect a team of three to five hundred people.

The other high-ranking gods did not have that ability, so two or three people joined forces to protect a team.

Soon, many upper gods were allocated.

More than 50 high-ranking gods can only protect 26 teams, about 7,000 people.

The remaining eight teams, about two thousand people, are on the edge of the battlefield, far away.

Many high-ranking gods cannot take care of these people, so they can only resign themselves to fate.

Soon, the gap became very obvious and prominent.

More than 2,000 people in those eight teams were slaughtered for only two quarters of an hour in the sword formation.

And those twenty-six teams, protected by many upper gods, had significantly lower casualties.

After two quarters of an hour, only a thousand people were seriously injured or killed.

At this point, the war situation gradually stabilized and eased.

Although, even the prince's army lost more than half, leaving only about 6,000 people.

But everyone stabilized their position, no longer panicked, and their fighting spirit and confidence recovered a lot.

They all have reason to believe that as long as they continue to persevere, the first person who can't support it is definitely Ji Tianxing!

And their army is like a big wave scouring the sand, and the rest are all elites, and true warriors!

Seeing that the power of the Heavenly Jade Sword Array had reached its peak, it was difficult to improve it.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, Ye An and others have other thoughts.

They protected several teams, led everyone to slowly move closer, and gathered in the middle of the sword formation.

Lian Er's thoughts were obvious, he wanted to gather the army to the center of the sword formation and unite to besieged Ji Tianxing.

Other high-ranking gods also understand Lian Er's intentions.

As a result, they tried their best to cover the teams and gradually rushed towards the middle of the sword formation.

Seeing that the twenty-six teams were moving slowly, approaching Ji Tianxing, his situation gradually became dangerous.

According to the speed of each team, the encirclement can be completed after a maximum of a quarter of an hour.

At that time, twenty-six teams joined forces to resist Jian Yu and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing, and he was unable to return to heaven.

Of course, this is just what everyone thinks.

They never thought that Ji Tianxing was invincible under the **** king.

He can display the Promise of Heaven for a long time, always maintain a transparent state, and integrate with the heaven and the earth.

Regardless of three or five hours or one day, this army can't hurt him.

However, he didn't want to do that, delaying time with Lian Er and other people.

Although, after the 26 teams are encircled, it is impossible to hurt him.

However, if the army join forces to resist the bombardment of the sword formation, the effect will be more significant, and the casualty rate will further decrease.

Originally, Ji Tianxing might be able to end this war and massacre the army in just one hour.

If the 26 teams are encircled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it may take two hours, three hours, or even five hours to end the battle.

This place is very close to the King of Fury. The longer the fighting time, the more variables.

Quick decision is the right way.

As a result, Ji Tianxing ended his state of infinity and his body returned to normal.

He no longer manipulates the Heavenly Jade Sword Array, letting the Sword Array operate by itself.

In this case, the power of the sword formation will be doubled, but he does not need to be distracted to control the sword formation, and can deal with the Lian Er class with all his strength.


White light flashed.

Ji Tianxing moved eight hundred li in an instant and appeared behind a team.

He clenched a fist with his left hand, punching out the phantom of a large dragon elephant, and swiping the Sky Burial Sword with his right hand, and he split out a huge open sky sword that was ten thousand feet long.

There were only more than two hundred people left on this team, most of them were injured, bloodied, and looked very embarrassed.

The three high-ranking gods, working together to protect this team, are constantly breaking through the sword light blockade and rushing towards the middle of the sword formation.

They didn't expect that Ji Tianxing would attack suddenly.

When the dragon elephant phantom blasted and the Sky Open Giant Sword came, it was too late for this team to hide.


In the deafening sound, the shadow of the dragon elephant blasted the crowd, blasting the formation into a huge gap on the spot.

At least forty masters were blasted into **** by the Dragon Elephant Fist, exploding blood fog.

Immediately afterwards, the tens of thousands-foot-long Open Sky Great Sword slashed down, dividing the team into two.

Two middle-ranked gods, four lower-ranked gods, and more than fifty **** masters were also smashed into pieces by the giant sword and died on the spot.

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